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47 Year Old · Male · Invited by: Cromos · Joined on January 6, 2008 · Born on December 23rd
47 Year Old · Male · Invited by: Cromos · Joined on January 6, 2008 · Born on December 23rd

hmmmm... what haven't i covered yet? well, i have a black lab whose name is xodex. he's my good buddy and he goes with me everywhere, even to work and church. he makes friends with everyone, except annoying little kids that try to climb on him. then he just says "leave me alone!" with a stern bark.
i am a woodworker and a am good with my hands and skilled with hand tools and power tools. i work in a cabinate shop cutting out cabinate parts and putting them together to make custom cabinates out of a veriety of common and exotic wood. my spare time i spend with my girlfriend, on the internet, watching movies, playing vids, or sleeping. i like to spend time with my family 2 or 3 times a month and i play volleyball, bowling, and disc golf. i am also a poet, but i only recently started writing again and it's still kind of hit and miss. i think that's mostly because i'm pretty particular about my writing and i don't like simplicity. well, i guess that's about it. i'll add more as it comes to me.

47 Year Old · Male · Invited by: Cromos · Joined on January 6, 2008 · Born on December 23rd
i am interested in love, God, and my girlfriend, and these three things are all tied together.
man... there's just so much out there that i like. seems like every artist has something worth listening to. i say, try it... you might like it. of course, you must first be an open minded individual for that to be true.
Video Games
hey there. thanks for checkin' me out. still pretty new to this stuff, but have met some interesting personalities and have had some enjoyable conversations. i hope that this place is occupied by more friends than haters. this world need more love and less hate. more integrity and less selfishness. more truth and less deciet. more accountability and less scapegoats. anyway, whatever. i don't mean to stand on a soap box or anything. let's have a good time tonight. spread the love and good cheer. peace out to everyone!

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