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36 Year Old · Male · From Fresno, CA · Joined on May 14, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 8th · I have a crush on someone!
36 Year Old · Male · From Fresno, CA · Joined on May 14, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 8th · I have a crush on someone!

The name is Xenokrates Nossalucard Oskuraz AKA Juggalo Thanatos. Born on May 8th 1988 in Indiana. I stand 6'1" weighing in at 190 lbs. Im a mix race of Irish, Scottish, German, Greek, Romanian, Jamaican, Native American Black Foot, Japanese, and possibly Norweigen & Spanish. However, I am caucasian at first glance. I only have one tattoo but wish for more in the near future. I rap Horrocore/Goth/Rock/Metal style music. My lyrics and belief's will usher in a new era of mankind. The moral's and ideal's of others are becoming polluting to the world. Its time for a revolution it is time for a change and I believe my music can do that for mankind with a larger benefit in the long run.
As for the rest. I am the biting type, most do it for pleasure and others blood. I however do it for both pleasure and the taste. The deliciousness of your teeth touching someone else's flesh. The sensitivity of warm breath upon the skin. Hair picking up vapor molecules from each breath that touches that persons cold cold skin. You wanna learn Elysium without sex? Let me bite on your neck and I can show you heaven without the need to repent. I don't need to use my dick to satisfy any woman. I have spent my time using other assets to bring a woman to her knee's, to her climax, to her peak of heavenly (or hellish) pleasure. If your use to whining, I can make you moan...if your use to moaning then I can make you scream...
Im like Edward off of Twilight, except I don't glitter like a 8 year old at elementary school. My body is decently built, my eyes change color but always hold this sexual prowess with a deep sensation as if you could stare into my eyes and be lost forever.

I wanna learn more? Curiousity killed the cat...but satisfaction brought it back. Whatever curiousity your mind is harboring, I can satisfy it, all you got to do is ask!

36 Year Old · Male · From Fresno, CA · Joined on May 14, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 8th · I have a crush on someone!

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Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Dark Lotus
The Legendary Esham
Tech N9ne
Kottonmouth Kings
Triple 6 Mafia
Kid Crusher
Five Finger Death Punch
Slow Roosevelt
Slaves on Dope
Black Sabbath
Black Label Society
Anarchy Club
Dragon Force
Rage Against the Machine
Pink Floyd
Led Zepplin
Avenged Sevenfold
Alice in Chains
Rob Zombie
Powerman 5000
Linkin Park
Mushroom Head
Sound Garden
The Wall Flowers
Bury Your Dead
Crown of Horns
Hopes A Fallacy
Christina Ricci
Liz Vicious
Gia Paloma
Vanessa Lane
Video Games
This right here is a list of games that I love

Dragon Ball Z Budakai Series
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy 10-2
Final Fantasy 12
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy Anthologies
Persona: Revelations
Persona 3 FES
Persona 4
RPG Maker
RPG Maker 2
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 3 ODST
Halo Reach
Halo 4
Dead Space
Dead Space 2
Dark Sector
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 3 Dante's Awakening
Devil May Cry 4
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3 Nemesis
Resident Evil Zero
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
Rainbow Six Vegas
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty World at War
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
End War
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Marvel VS Capcom 3
Front Mission 3
Armored Core 4answer
Saints Row
Saints Row 2
Saints Row the Third
Kings Field
Kings Field 2
Super Mario World
Pokemon Series
Digimon Digital World
Digimon Digital World 2
Digimon Digital World 3
Doom 2
Final Doom
Doom 64
Doom 3
Castlevania Curse of Darkness
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Castlevania Lords of Shadows
Bulder's Gate Dark Alliance
Batman Arkam Asylum
Batman Arkam City
Ninja Blade
Guitar Hero series
Rock Band series
Shadows of the Damned
Gears of War
Gears of War 2
Gears of War 3
Soul Reaver
Soul Reaver 2
Blood Omen
Blood Omen 2
The Secret of Evermore
The Secret of Mana
The Legend of Mana
The Legacy of Mana
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kingdom Hearts Chain Link of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom of Fire: Circle of Doom
Blue Dragon
The Legend of Dragoon
Diablo 2
Diablo 3
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
Super Street Fighter IV
Mortal Kombat
WWE 2012
Fable 2
Fable 3
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto San Andres
Grand Theft Auto 4
Fallout 3
Dead Island
Dead Rising
Dead Rising 2
Dead Rising 2 Off the Record
Dino Crisis
Dino Crisis 2
Sim City 2000

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