Well, I'm just sittin' in training waiting for the day to be over so I can go home and spend some quality time with my wife. Well, I don't entirely hate my job, I do work for Microsoft Xbox, which is kind of cool. I'm at the bottom of the pole though, I'm just Tier 1 Agent for Xbox Customer Support, but you always have to start at the bottom. There's a lot of perks with this job, we get tons of free crap, like Xbox 360 notebooks and Halo 3 merchandise. The only problem is the fuckin' schedule, I hate it. I have to get up at 4:30 in the mornin' and be in Kansas City by 7...and I don't even start work until after 10. I'm tryin' to switch departments so my schedule won't be so fucked up...but if I switch departments than I won't be workin' for Microsoft anymore, I would be doin' Data Entry for some pharmacutical crap. Well, I have to go shadow some other Agents...we will continue this later.