twas the night before christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring,except for that fucking little mouse,while the family is tucked in there beds and one in the chair, visions of pornstars and tits that be bear,our stalkings were hung from the chimminny with care in hopes for the treats wich soon would be there,with mom at the whore house and dad smoking grass, I had just settled down with a nice piece ass, when all of a sudden there rose such a cladder, so I sprung from my piece to see whats the matter, well out on the lawn I saw a huge dick, I knew at that moment it must be saint nick, he crashed down the chimminy like a bat out of hell ,from the swearing and screaming I knew the fucker had fell, he filled our stalkings with pretzells and beer, and a big rubber dildo for my brother the queer,he threw away the cookies,and spilled the milk on the floor,then I herd him gulp and he let out a roar,I knew it was my whisky when his dick hit the floor,he stumbled and fummbled his way in the dark, he swung open the door and yelled "whrr FUCK DID I PARK" when he finally found his sleigh,he leaned over and blew junks just as I looked wis way, as he rode off like a bumb in flight he said merry christmas to all and to all have a fucking good night.