I just commented on a mumm about a girl that was abused in her last relationship and has been single for a year and a half. She is afraid to get back out there and trust men again.
I have been single since November 06' and there is still no sign of things getting any easier. Things have changed drastically since I used to date many years ago.
I am very sweet and reserved and it comes off as shy, which may be true also, but I am just trying to let you show me who you are and develop some sort of trust and connection before I open up.
But nowadays it seems as if women only want the assholes anymore. Ones that will treat them like shit, ignore them, cheat, leave them at home and go have fun hitting on other women.
I have NEVER cheated, NEVER had a one night stand, No booty calls, and NEVER played a girl to get something I wanted. But where does it get me??? No where.....
I am beginning to feel as though there is no one out there for me anymore. I mean I have had deep feelings of attraction from a few women in other states via these websites. But it's just not practical because I NEED that closeness that comes with being together. The cuddling, the holding hands, me getting the door for her as she walks in feeling good about herself. The hugs, kissing, massages, conversations about nothing and everything all at the same time. Sex is great--don't get me wrong~~I love it, it's the closest you can get to someone-that total connection into one feeling of bliss...but like I said---I don't have meaningless sex. There has to be a connection. There has to be substance.
I just miss being...wow, I can't think of how to describe this. I just want to feel loved and accepted for who I am and make the one I want completely happy everyday of her waking moments.
But after responding to that mumm, I just feel like I will end up being single for the rest of my life. With all that has happened I am at total peace with myself--but I need to find my OneAndOnly.
~~~~TiMe SpEeDs oN By~~~~
AnD iT's LeAviNg Me BeHiNd