Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Current mood: annoyed
At the Bronze, the U.S. Military - Has been monitoring peaceful demonstration group, Veterans for Peace, that sets up crosses to honor the Iraq war dead. The military claims that this group is a threat to military installations. New documents also show that Quakers and some church groups have also been labeled threats. I have several problems with this. The first, why are they spying on U.S. citizens, and second, how could these very peaceful groups be, in any way, a threat to anybody?
At the Silver, President Bush - A photo finally surfaced Monday showing President Bush and Jack Abramoff looking very friendly and standing next to each other. The Whitehouse's response, "Jack who?" Seriously, this guy is a criminal who extorted money from Indian casinos and then funneled that money to mostly Republican candidates including President Bush. That is why Jack Abramoff is now in prison. The Bush Administration has tried so hard to bury this photo and distance themselves from this guy. Nice try.
The Winner, the U.S. Army - Intentionally blocking an anti-RPG weapons system called Trophy that is currently being deployed by Isreal from being used by U.S. Army personel. The U.S. Army staff are making bogus claims that the weapon system is not ready, has no autoloader, and is not reliable. That is interesting since the last 30 tests performed on Trophy, it had an over 98% effectiveness of shooting down RPGs and it does have an autoloader and it must be ready enough if the Isrealies are using it. The Army is developing their own system with Raytheon. It will be ready by 2011, maybe.
The U.S. Army, Todays Worse Persons in the World!