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Captain America's blog: "Worst Person"

created on 01/14/2007  |  http://fubar.com/worst-person/b44541

Lieberman, Cheney, Bush

Monday, January 15, 2007 Current mood: cold First up, Senator Lieberman - What a difference a few months make. He is already backing away from a campaign promise to investigate what the government did wrong from Hurricane Katrina. Who does Lieberman work for? Not us. He is also providing President Bush political cover by openly supporting the President's plan to send more troops. Next, Vice-President Cheney - Opening ridiculing Democrats and anyone else who opposes the President's plan to add more troops to Iraq by saying that they (Democrats) don't have any better ideas. A bad idea is still a bad idea. Going forward because noone else can come up with something better is just plain retarded. Finally, President Bush - Just days after his "course changing" speech, President Bush is defiant and arrogant. He so strongly believes what he is doing is right that he is literally willing to go it alone. Against the wishes of a strong majority of the American people and a majority of Congress. If the President of the United States is unwilling to listen to the people he represents then it is up to Congress to stop him. President Bush, Today's Worst Person in the World!

Bush - A Two Time Loser

Friday, January 12, 2007 Current mood: annoyed Bronze: President Bush - Removed the ban blocking oil companies from drilling in Alaska and now we have Exxon biding to drill there. Silver: Tony Blair - So we are going to send 20000 more troops to Iraq and Great Britian is pulling 3000 troops out. Makes since. The United Stated has been doing most of the heavy lifting in this war anyway. Gold: President Bush - Well, it's official. President Bush wants to send in more than 20000 troops to Iraq. Too bad more than 60% of the American public think that is a bad idea and won't help. Oh look, Bush's approval rating is 32%. Ha Ha! President Bush, Today's Worst Person in the World!

Stupid, Sad, Idiotic

Wednesday, January 10, 2007 Current mood: annoyed At the Bronze, the U.S. Military - Has been monitoring peaceful demonstration group, Veterans for Peace, that sets up crosses to honor the Iraq war dead. The military claims that this group is a threat to military installations. New documents also show that Quakers and some church groups have also been labeled threats. I have several problems with this. The first, why are they spying on U.S. citizens, and second, how could these very peaceful groups be, in any way, a threat to anybody? At the Silver, President Bush - A photo finally surfaced Monday showing President Bush and Jack Abramoff looking very friendly and standing next to each other. The Whitehouse's response, "Jack who?" Seriously, this guy is a criminal who extorted money from Indian casinos and then funneled that money to mostly Republican candidates including President Bush. That is why Jack Abramoff is now in prison. The Bush Administration has tried so hard to bury this photo and distance themselves from this guy. Nice try. The Winner, the U.S. Army - Intentionally blocking an anti-RPG weapons system called Trophy that is currently being deployed by Isreal from being used by U.S. Army personel. The U.S. Army staff are making bogus claims that the weapon system is not ready, has no autoloader, and is not reliable. That is interesting since the last 30 tests performed on Trophy, it had an over 98% effectiveness of shooting down RPGs and it does have an autoloader and it must be ready enough if the Isrealies are using it. The Army is developing their own system with Raytheon. It will be ready by 2011, maybe. The U.S. Army, Todays Worse Persons in the World!

Bush, Bush, Bush...

Saturday, January 06, 2007 Current mood: aggravated Bronze: Bush Administration - The administration acknowledged a few days ago that global warming is a problem in a rather backhanded fashion. They recently put the polar bears on the endangered species list because of the sudden, large drop in their population due to global warming. Now how about the Kyoto Treaty? Hmm? Silver: President Bush - It was recently leaked to the media that President Bush is planning on going forward with a troop increase of 20000 for Iraq. He is pursuing this even though most of the generals and the troops oppose this plan. This temporary increase was also opposed by the Iraq Study Group, and a majority of the American People. Gold: President Bush - Recently signed into law Postal Legislation that includes a signing statement that allows the President to interprete mail searches to their broadest extent. This basically means that the government can search your mail, without oversight, a court order, or just cause. President Bush, Today's Worst Person In the World!!

Rummy, Bush, & FEMA

Sunday, December 24, 2006 Current mood: Disgusted The Bronze, Ex-Sect. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld - When asked if he had read the Iraq Study Group report, he mentioned that he only skimmed it. And there is the reason for him to go. The Silver, President Bush - Ignores the Iraq study group and wants to keep making it up as he goes along. Then decides not to make any sort of decision on Iraq until next year. Seems to me that there was a lack of thought on what to do with Iraq prior to the invasion. The Winner, FEMA - They are currently challenging a court ruling that would force them to continue to house Katrina refuges. That's right, they don't want to pay for it anymore. They want to evict these people right before Christmas. They did win a suspension of the ruling which means they can go ahead and do it anyway. Bah Humbug! FEMA, Today's Worst Person In The World!!!

Worst Person

Saturday, December 16, 2006 Current mood: blah At the bronze, we start with the Bush Administration - A new report just released out of London shows that 2006 will go down as the 6th warmest on record. The Central England Temperature has been keeping records since 1659. Another report was also released showing that the Bush Administration has been using their political clout to stifle scientists researching global warming and also requiring them to submit their information to politically financed scientists to confirm. Next at the silver, the Dept of Homeland Security - MSNBC.com recently sought out some information under the freedom of information act about a database the FCC has been keeping about cell phone companies. The FCC has been collecting outage reports for years from the cell phone companies but it seems that the Dept of Homeland Security thinks that terrorists could somehow use this information to hurt us. The only people this info will hurt, are the cell phone companies with lousy service and coverage. And the winner, Secretary of State Rice - Recently said in an interview that any communication with Iran or Syria is unwarranted and that the price is too high. What I find interesting is that she is one of the people who said that the price for freedom is never too high. Our price to get out of Iraq it seems is just more American soldiers blood. Make a deal with Iran and Syria, we can clean that up later. Secretary of State Rice, Today's Worst Person In The World!
Friday, December 08, 2006 Current mood: annoyed We start with Spain - The Hilarion Gimeno school in Zaragoza has canceled Christmas over worries that it would offend non-catholic students. It's Christmas, how is that offensive? You get presents, Santa, a Christmas tree, and Christmas related school plays. That is about as harmless as you can get. And then Russia - There is something strange going on in Russia. First a prominent Russian journalist, Anna Politkovskaya, is murdered for investigating government corruption, then an ex-KGB spy, Alexander Litvinenko, was fatally poisened, now former Russian Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar has been poisened. It sounds like to me that the FSB and Vladmir Putin are cleaning house and ridding themselves of political annoyances. Finally, we have President Bush - The Iraq Study group released a report today with a whole list of recommendations on what the United States can do to fix the situation in Iraq and get ourselves out of that mess. The report flat out says that the options need to be all utilized and not picked apart piecemeal. Well, it seems that is exactly what they are doing. One of the main parts of the report state that the United States needs to talk with Iran and Syria to get their cooperation with Iraq. President Bush said again today that there is no way the U.S. will speak with either country. President Bush, Today's Worst Person In The World!

Worst Person

Tuesday, December 05, 2006 Current mood: annoyed At the bronze, President Bush - He did a recess appointment of John Bolton as Ambassador to the United Nations. He did this appointment because he knew that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee would not approve of Mr. Bolton. John Bolton was a very vocal critic that called the U.N. an outdated governing body. Just the person to be our ambassador to them. John Bolton resigned today knowing that he would have no chance of keeping the job under the new Democratic Congress. What's worse is President Bush was trying to appoint him as assistant ambassador to the U.N., which does not require Congressional approval. At the Silver, Kofi Annan - The outgoing U.N. Secretary General said today that the violence in Iraq is worse than Lebanon's Civil War. When asked directly if Iraq was in a civil war, he said "Almost." I'm sorry but if the violence is worse than a country that is already at civil war, what does that make Iraq? The Winner, the Outgoing Republican majority Congress - As a last little fuck you to the American People, the outgoing Congress is planning on passing a bill legalizing offshore drilling in Alaska, removing an over 20 year old ban on it. They are also not going to bother passing the budget but instead file an extension for it until February. Talk about passing the buck... The outgoing Republican majority Congress, Today's Worst Persons in the World!

Worst Person

Friday, December 01, 2006 Current mood: annoyed We start with the Bush Administration - It was officially announced by major news outlets on Monday that Iraq has now decended into civil war. But the Bush Administration seems to disagree. They say that Iraq has just reached another level of sectarian violence and is not a civil war. They also claim that it's Al-Qaeda's fault. Then at the silver, President Bush - Obviously this man has a hearing and reading problem. Or he just doesn't get it. Shortly after the meeting between President Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Maliki, it was announced that the United States will not be pulling out of Iraq and will not consider dividing Iraq into several autonomous zones at the request of PM Maliki. What the President forgets is that he works for the citizens of the United States, not Maliki. Finally, the winner, Newt Gingrich - He wants to restrict free speech in the media and on the internet. What worse, he said this during a First Amendment dinner. That's right, the amendment giving us the freedom of speech. He claims that restrictions are needed to stop terrorists. I'm sorry but when you start restricting one group's freedoms, even if they are dangerous and you disagree with them, it just snowballs from there. Newt Gingrich, Today's Worst Person in the World!

Worst Person

Thursday, November 30, 2006 Current mood: annoyed For the Bronze: Bob Kearns - President of the Loma Linda Homeowners Association in Colorado. He wants a homeowner to remove a Christmas Wreath in the shape of a peace sign because he says that it is an Anti-War protest and possibly satanic. If that wasn't bad enough, he fired the entire hownowners association board when they refused to comply with his order. It's a peace sign, as in peace on Earth. Somewhere in hell, Satan is laughing his ass off. And the Silver: President Bush - There are reports out now that Mr Bush will accept Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's resignation on December 29th so that he will become the longest serving Secretary of Defense beating out Secretary Robert McNamara of President Kennedy and Johnson's administrations. Brilliant... Finally, the Gold: President Bush - Now that the mid-terms are over, the President thinks that it is a good time to raise $500 million dollars for his Presidental Library and think-tank. Come-on, who are you kidding? President Bush, Today's Worst Person in the World!
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