I know in time everyone has had a friend who they think are ok to hang with. Things go along well until you get into trouble and you find out who your real friends are.
I have a few friends that the only time they get in touch with me is if they want something or need something. . . . and it is not just friends I have family members the say way also. Sometimes I just get tired of always giving to everyone else and not being shown anything in return. Is this a wrong way to approach the world or not?
I really don't know anymore. I know I am naturally a giver and I do all I can to help others out. I am on a very limited income and those who know me in real life know I bend over backwards to help others. I have a friend who has run short financially and cannot afford food and I have gone out and bought groceries or even went as far as emptying my freezer for this person so that they could feed their family. This is the type of person I am.
I am starting to think I need to change who I am to be more like the rest of the world where you take all you can from others and not care about them and not care about paying back anyone.
Maybe it is just me venting again but if you agree let me know.