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37 Year Old · Female · Joined on September 17, 2007 · Born on June 17th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
37 Year Old · Female · Joined on September 17, 2007 · Born on June 17th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

my name is Samantha, im 21, have a son named christian jay, he will be 7 months old on wednesday, i have a tattoo on my lower back, left cartilage pierced, brown eyes, brown/blonde hair, irish, i like to hang out with friends, drive around with the windows down n radio up full blast, like to party, have a good time, hang out at the mall, go to high school foot ball games, go to concerts, hang out at the swimming pool with friends n family, gettin another tattoo in memberance of my cousin who died before he turnt 3 years old, if there is anything else u wanna know about me... hit me up on yahoo wolfiegirl2007 or aim lilwiccan1986

1139014557cantyousee.jpgYou scored as Eyes full of Pain, People tend to overlook you, which makes you feel less worthy of their attentions. You sometimes wish you could just disapear from the world around you. You have been hurt very badly in the past and you just wish that someone would understand you, and what their cruelty is doing to you.

Eyes full of Pain






Diamond Eyes




What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)Updated
created with QuizFarm.com

1112561305Ww1.jpgYou scored as WereWolf, WereWolf: Craving rare Meat, feeling caged, aggitated by being around people. Unable to control one's anger or temper. The person will give off symptoms of the shift. They will seem more hostile, blood thirsty, aggitated. They may even growl, bare their teeth or other animal like tendencies. In rare cases, some will physically change. Facial hair will grow thicker or darker, nails will become longer, canine's will seem longer. Embrace your wild side, for you are The Misunderstood WereWolf.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with QuizFarm.com

th_shyanimeangel.jpgYou scored as shy/quiet/caring soul, You are a very sweet soul who cares for others and is kind to animals. You are pretty smart, and you think on a deeper level than most, because you love to read. You avoid talking and ecspecially with the opposite sex, because your self esteem needs some boosting up. You're a 'watching from the background' type of person, and you tend to keep to yourself as much as possible. You should try to open up more, and you'll find that a weight has been lifted from your shoulders and, you'll feel better about yourself, more light and carefree. Even though you can be rather shy at times, once a person gets to know you, you warm up to them, and the true,

37 Year Old · Female · Joined on September 17, 2007 · Born on June 17th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
A koala bear was approached by a prostitute, since he
had never been with one before, he was curious and excited.
They spent the night together in a hotel, and he went
down on her the next morning one last time before departing.
As he was heading for the door, the prostitute yelled,
"Hey, what about my money?" The koala turned, gave
her a puzzled look and shrugged his shoulders. She
said, "Come here", and pulled a dictionary out of her
purse. She pointed to the word "prostitute" and its
definition, "Has sex and gets paid." Finally understanding,
the koala borrowed her dictionary, turned to the word
"koala" and showed her, "Eats bush and leaves"

i am into fairies, dragons, witches, wizards, vampires, all that fantasy stuff... lol... i love to read scifi books... well any kind of books actually... just prefer the scifi ones lol

i will watch any kind of movie... i am into horror movies, scifi movies... ne other kind u can think of i am into it

TV SHOWS: charmed, angel, buffy the vampire slayer, roswell, roar, dark angel, beastmaster, one tree hill, the o.c., home improvement, walker texas ranger, courage the cowardly dog, hercules, xena, csi: miami, house, smallville, *ugh* cant remember any more...

own: one tree hill seasons 1 n 2, roswell seasons 1-3, xena seasons (all), hercules seasons (all), buffy seasons (all), smallville (all), dukes of hazzard (all), charmed 1-7 so far,

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