42 Year Old
From Powell, WY·
Joined on September 14, 2006
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 17th
·4 referrals joined!
I'm a military Veteran looking to go back to school to better myself and get a better paying job. Really if you wish to know anything about me ask. I'm outta the military and lost...so help if you can. See told U I was EVIL
You scored as Demon, Demon: Darkness is your sanctuary. Demons are many and are all different in appearence and rank. The most common are the ones that feed off of human souls. They love to make someone fall into their inner darkness. Blood, wrath, murder... You name it they love it. These beings don't care who you are, if they set their sights on you, let's just hope you know a good excorist. They kill any love within you and pull you toward their side. By any means possible. You wish for chaos and hate, you are the Demon.
42 Year Old
From Powell, WY·
Joined on September 14, 2006
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 17th
·4 referrals joined!
Ice Hockey, Mtn. Climbing, NCAA Football, going to the movies, hanging out with friends, playing with my cats or dog, Reading, Tattoos,
You scored as Hot/hard. You love hard sex. You like it hot and fast. You love to scream and to listen to your partner scream. You'll go at it as fast as you can. Just make sure you don't go too hard for your partner, just because you can take it doesn't mean they can.
Please rate and comment and tell me what quiz this is when you do!
People fear this card, but if you want to change your life, this is one of the best indicators for it. Whatever happens, life will be different. Yes, the Death card can signal a death in the right circumstances (a question about a very sick or old relative, for example), but unlike its dramatic presentation in the movies, the Death card is far more likely to signal transformation, passage, change. Scorpio, the sign of this card, has three forms: scorpion, serpent, eagle. The Death card indicates this transition from lower to higher to highest. This is a card of humility, and it may mean you have been brought low, but only so that you can then go higher than ever before. Death "humbles" all, but it also "exults." Always keep in mind that on this card of darkness there is featured a sunrise as well. You could be ready for a change.
You scored as Dracula. You are the smooth sexy cool Dracula. Patient and lustful. If you were any cooler youd be ice. Great style with a way of seducing those around you. And three brides who wouldn't want to be him.
To all who think about joining the military and going Explosive Ordinance Disposal aka EOD. They are the military Bomb Squad. Here are what are men and women are facing in those IEDs.
You scored as Captain Jack Sparrow, Roguish,quick-witted, and incredibly lucky, Jack Sparrow is a pirate who sometimes ends up being a hero, against his better judgement. Captain Jack looks out for #1, but he can be counted on (usually) to do the right thing. He has an incredibly persuasive tongue, a mind that borders on genius or insanity, and an incredible talent for getting into trouble and getting out of it. Maybe its brains, maybe its genius, or maybe its just plain luck. Or maybe a mixture of all three.
You scored as You are a Vampiric Elf!. Congratulations my friend! You are a Vampyric Elf. Your kind are few and far between! Your hobbies include drinking the blood of innocent victims or just draining it and mixing it with herbs and spices. You were once one of the noblest of white magic creatures but you turned against those who you loved, most likely because of lost love, and turn yourself into their greatest fear to punish them all!
I like the SOCOM Games, Need for Speeds, Ace Combats. Pretty much anything that is entertaining that can keep you into the game for hours on end on the days that you are broke and have nothing better to do.
""SEXIEST PEOPLE ON FUBAR....WHEN YOU BEEN HIT YOU GOTTA SEND THIS PLAYBOY BUNNY TO ALL THE SEXY PEOPLE YOU KNOW INCLUDIN DA PERSON THAT SEND IT TO YOU...___$$$$$$$___________$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$_______$$$$$$$$______$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$________$$$$$$$$____$$$$$$$_________$$$$$$$$$__$$$$$$____________$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______________$$$$$$$$$__________$$$$$$$$$$$$$________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______$$$___$$$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$$_$$$$$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$___________$$$$$$$$$$$$$__________$$$$$$$$$$$$$1-3-U MIGHT BE CUTE4-6-U FINE6-8-U SEXXY