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40 Year Old · Male · Joined on January 5, 2009 · Born on October 12th · 2 referrals joined!
40 Year Old · Male · Joined on January 5, 2009 · Born on October 12th · 2 referrals joined!

I'm pedantic. Look it up, idiots or don't. I should think you have better things to do anyway. I'm irritable, condescending, and mediocrity is my goal. You can judge me but no more harshly than I judge myself. To quote an old friend of mine, I am a "...fat judgmental bastid." Agreed excluding the fat part. And I am actually a bastard. 16_winksmile.gif Maybe I'll continue this at a later date.

Four or five years later and I'm back to "continue this at a later date."

I've learned much in my time away. I'm still judgmental. My friend hit the nail on the head there. Sorta. I judge myself. Lots. I try to keep all the judging aimed toward myself. I'm not that bitch Judy after all. Look her up. Real asshole, that one. I am still living in 'Merica as my uber patriotic, idiot friends call it. That is unlikely to ever change. I still have an Australian friend out there somewhere. Probably in Australia. That makes the most sense. Moving on.

This site, while very colorful and flashy, is still not epileptic friendly. I ran some tests on some "friends" of mine. Just kidding. I wouldn't do that to people. Knowingly. I'll come back to this at a later date. The more I put here, the more I may find interest in this site for more than a single reason. Here's hoping, I suppose.

40 Year Old · Male · Joined on January 5, 2009 · Born on October 12th · 2 referrals joined!
More stuff than before generally speaking. Or typing, I guess. I am working with race horses as I was the last five years I've been away. And the five years prior to that. I guess if it wasn't fun some times that I wouldn't continue to do it. Maybe I'm stupid though. That's a real possibility.

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  • myvillagesidiot Nobody likes an asshole. That's what I'm told anyway. So I guess my question is why do people continue to insist that I just be myself? Contradictory bastards.
    7 years ago · Comment

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