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36 Year Old · Male · From Orting, WA · Joined on July 15, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 18th · 1 person has a crush on me!
36 Year Old · Male · From Orting, WA · Joined on July 15, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 18th · 1 person has a crush on me!

black cats swerve to avoid him. He once took a bath in a volcano, and complained of being "too cold". A sip of his flask, and the devil couldn't walk straight. There is no blood in his veins... only heavy metal. The dark is afraid of him. When walking through the park he encountered a vampire... and bit him. The apocalypse is preparing survive him. He signed a contract with the devil... and now owns his soul! HE IS... THE MOST EVIL MAN IN THE WORLD! And he only drinks Captain Morgans!

Ok so i'm not THAT evil!

Almost all of my blood is Scandinavian, or descended from them. I'm proud of having viking blood in my veins. I dont pray for guidance, or an easy life. I simply fight for the strength to endure and thrive in the life i live in. I own my business, my house, and my car. I have several hobbies that bring in money. One is a unique form of jewlery. All in all I get along, and right now I am feeling secure enough in my future that I want to have fun.

As far as religion goes i'm a runegaldr and vitki. If you're curious, feel free to ask! I do plan on getting religious symbols tattooed throughout my upper body and legs, along with some special piercings.

Figured i should get it out of the way that i'm a massive flirt, and i'm a real sweetheart. So if i'm flirting with you, don't take it too seriously. I just think flirting is fun and i love making people laugh and smile. So enjoy the ride while it lasts, but don't get all mushy with it or your just gonna freak me out. I've been jerked around a lot in my life, so my heart is on high guard these days.

I'm an adventurer, so I'm always in the woods. I live on a hill close to a mountain, so there are plenty of woods and waterfalls up where I live. Grew up with deer outside my window, living amongst the bears, mountain lions, wolves, cayotes and other wildlife here in the hills. I live around evergreen forests, so it's a lot of cedar trees and thorny bushes. But gorgeous in the summer. I enjoy martial arts of many types, my primary focuses being Kendo, Nintaijutsu, and archery. I'm pretty easy to talk to, and I don't bite (at first), so feel free to say hi Manic.gif

36 Year Old · Male · From Orting, WA · Joined on July 15, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 18th · 1 person has a crush on me!
Tinkering, creating, camping, survival, martial arts, woodworking, metalcrafting/forging, runeology, demonology, religion in general, art, games, good hard alcohol, 420, quads, old cars, industrial stuff, steampunk, oldschool guns.

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  • Aegishjalmer Ha... Avoided this place through most of my 20's, so let's see what's happening these days.
    3 years ago · Comment

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