55 Year Old
From Kissimmee, FL·
Joined on July 29, 2006
Born on November 14th
·45 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
55 Year Old
From Kissimmee, FL·
Joined on July 29, 2006
Born on November 14th
·45 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I am a happily Married Witch. I have found my soul mate. I am not spolied, just well taken care of by him. He tells me all the time that nobody is more beautiful than me because I am his one and only. I am looking for friends with like minds. I am very open minded and expect all my friends to be open minded.
55 Year Old
From Kissimmee, FL·
Joined on July 29, 2006
Born on November 14th
·45 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
"ThiS Is a ToAsT.... 2 Us... FoR ThE MeN wHo HaVe Us, ThE LoSeRs WhO HaD Us, AnD tHe LuCkY BaSTaRdS WhO WiLL MeeT Us!! SeNd ThiS OnLY To pReTTy LaDiEs iNcLuDiNg ThE OnE WhO SeNt iT To YoU... YoU HaVe BeeN HiT!! YoU HaVe bEeN CoNsiDeReD OnE oF tHe 15 pReTTieSt GiRLs oN mY fRieNdS LiSt. OnCe YoU HaVe BeEN HiT, YoU HaVe tO HiT 15 pReTtY GiRLs. iF YoU GeT HiT aGaiN YoU KnOw YoUr ReaLLy pReTtY. iF YoU bReAk tHe ChAiN YoU'LL HaVe UgLyNeSs FoR 10 YeArS. sO HiT uP 15 pReTtY GiRLs!!
""Send this to all theFRIENDSyou care for !!!....oooO....................(....)......................)../....Oooo..........(_/.....(...)......................(_/..........................................oooO....................(....)......................)../....Oooo..........(_/.....(....)......................)../......................(_/..........................................oooO....................(....)......................)../....Oooo..........(_/.....(....)......................)../......................(_/....................................... I WAS ....................... HERE ........Leaving my .......Footprints in your..............SAND"
A simple bitch will take you where you need to go.*A real bitch throws you her keys and says it needs gas in it!A simple bitch will tell you not to fight, it aint worth it.*A real bitch will say beat her ass and look at the crowd and say"nobody better jump in".A simple bitch will let another bitch know she can back the fuck up or get knocked the fuck out.*A real bitch will just knock her the fuck out!!!A simple bitch tells you, she's had enough to drink.*A real bitch tells you we need another shot, we bout to get fucked up!A simple bitch goes to the club with you and sits down.*A real bitch goes to the club with you and says lets show these simple bitches how we do it.A simple bitch wonders who your new man is.*A real bitch know that mutha fucka's first name, last name , his birthday, where he lives, who he's related to, what kinda car he drive's, where he works, how many babies mama's he has, and how many bitches he is talking to right now!!!A simple bitch thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.*A real bitch lets you know that was fucked up, but I love ya."A simple bitch expects you to always be there for them.*A real bitch knows you will always be there for them, they don't have to expect shit.A simple bitch reads this, realizes that she is a simple bitch and then deletes it.*A real bitch passes this to her real bitches without thinking about it.Pass this to all your real bitches......if you don't get it back that's because you sent it to a simple bitch
A lucky star dropped on earth 1 night, and it asked me"what do u want?a million dollars, or a true friend?". I chose a million dollars.....because i already got you.000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000_00000000000000000000000000000___000000000000000000000000000_____0000000000000000000000000_______00000000000000000000000_________000000000000____________________________00000______*TRUE FRIEND*_____0000000000 __________________ 0000000000000_________________0000000000000_________0_________00000000000_______0000000_______000000000_____0000000000000_____0000000___0000000000000000000___000~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*20 angels are in this world, 10 are sleeping, 9 are playing & 1 is reading this comment.