I am still fairly new to Cherry Tap, and maybe I am just missing the point, but I am very confused about something. There are a lot of people on here that post photos of themselves, or whatever the hell is in these albums, and they are entitled "Only for me," or "For my eyes only, don't ask," or Only I can see these" and the albums are marked as Private. If the posters of these photos are the only ones who will be able to view the photos in these albums, why bother posting them at all? I may sound like a horny, pathetic man, but that is not the case. I just do not see the point in posting pictures on a friend site where everyone looks at the pics that you post, and then pick some of these photos and decide that nobody else can look. If they were that damned private then maybe you shouldn't post them at all. It's childish Mickey Mouse bullshit. The last time I looked this place wasn't called the House Of Mouse, it was called Cherry Tap.
Just an observation.