...and you can help!
Homeward Bound is a 5k walk to fight homelessness and provide housing. A yearly event across the state of Indiana that raises money through donations from people like us.
We've decided to participate this year and you can help out by making a donation, joining my team, or signing up to walk! All donations are tax deductible of course, it is a charity! You can make donations securely online or you can contact me or any team member about picking up checks or money orders, made out to Homeward Bound- St Joseph County.
We are getting very close to the May 9th walk date and we are very short of our goals. That is Mother's Day weekend, you could think about donating in your Mother's name??? There are so many homeless mothers that will spend Mother's Day with their children and no roof or dinner...reality hurts huh??
Visit my personal donation page to learn more about Homeward Bound and how you can help:
or our team page