Someone recently asked me to describe me on the everyday...I guess I am hard to figure I am writing it here so I can see if what I feel inside is what I really am..I can see things better when I can read them (if that makes sense)....
I grew up different than the average "sista"...I went to private school me entire life...uniforms, nuns, boarding school..all that jazz...I never heard of Earth Wind and Fire until college...I thought they were elements of nature to be honest. lol...I enjoyed opera and museums and ballet...
As I grew up and interacted with various people I learned that things dont always go as plan, life it too short and DRAMA is not as much of a rush as you thought.
I have had several "important" loves in my life...(men wise)...all but one is now deceased...alot of loss in my life has made me who I am now...I like calm and peaceful...a nice bottle of cognac and a fire place....over a loud smoke filled club and strangers hitting on me...
Am I I real? I think I am just me, boring to a certain degree..REAL 100% too real...I give too much of myself and really expect nothing in return...
I want to live my life in such a manner that when I am gone from this earth, anyone that I touched will have nothing but nice things to say about me...Miss the loving person that I was and be able to say without so much as hesitation...That was a good lady!!!
WHO I AM...PART 1...