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Whiz's blog: "Whiz's Blog"

created on 10/13/2007  |  http://fubar.com/whiz-s-blog/b141009


"ABOUT Whiz" INFO" OFFICIAL Whiz Community, The only place where you'll find any "OFFICAL WHIZ Community" INFO on the web! About Me: Army Retired WHIZ's SUMMARY OF SKILLS - Collects and organizes data and conducts analyses (ATRRS), MSWord, Excel, Access, Fox, Enable, ...). Prepares and submits reports. Utilizes knowledge of PC-based software (spreadsheets, database, wordprocess). Provides technical assistance to staff. Monitor and analyze databases as Project Manager. Provide training and/or computer support. Supervise support staff. Designs, plans and conducts, from concept to completion, projects with significant impact on the unit (Training, Mob, Movement, Safety, Security). Assists with or conducts initial interviews of soldiers to provide training assistance, determine eligibility for training programs. Administer and score basic educational tests. Performs administrative and/or clerical support for an office, unit or program area. Acts as lead worker or supervise other professionals. Utilize telecommunication devices, access Internet in performing or conducting analysis, maintaining, updating databases, conducting briefings and budget analysis. Plan/conduct Company Training. Plan mobilization, funding, operations and deployment for USAR units, (Tng NCO); Supervises duties involving request, receipt, storage, issue, accountability, and preservation of individual, organizational, installation, and expendable supplies and equipment utilizing Unit Level Logistics Computer (ULC). Analyzes statistical data and reports to ascertain trends, conformance to standard and directives, and efficiency of operations. Coordinates logistical activities with other staff elements supply and service, and motor transport units. Conducts assistance visits to subordinate elements, (92Y40); Read/write schematics, block diagrams and blueprints for electrical and hydraulics. Supervise duties involving repair diesel, gas and Turbine engines and transmissions and environmental protection systems (M1A1, Abrams), Request, receipt, store, issue, accountability, and preservation of repair parts and tools (92Y20). Perform arc and acetylene welding on a variety of metals, (63H40); Request, receipt, store, issue, accountability, complete Combat Operational Budget (COB) (92Y40), and preservation of unit Library (Unit Librarian); Supervise, rate, council, train, accountable/responsible for 20 - 35 soldiers welfare and over 12 million dollars of equipment. Advise officers of status, plans, and state of the platoon readiness, (Platoon Sergeant); Use hydraulic and mechanical benders. Renovate and or Install Commercial Electric using a wide variety of hand and power tools (Electrician). Perform Studding, finish and install drywall using a variety of hand and powers tools (Carpenter). AND OTHER DUTIES AS ASSIGNED BY COMMANDER! WHIZ's BRIEF EXPERIENCE and EMPLOYMENT HISTORY - July 2006 to PRESENT: Acting/Modeling, utilizing abilities to portray individuals/characters, conduct on camera re-enactment of said character/story and able to perform under various environs. Web Answer: Yahoo/Blurtit, ask and other sites, utilizing knowledge answer questions, research to ensure accuracy (I also do official surveys which help in answering logistical & statistical questions). Work part time as government courier. Blogger/Webmaster - self explained. October 2000 to July 2006: Building 148, Warner Robins Air Force Base, GA, PHONE: 1-478-926-4174, Servicer(Mechanic): Install, troubleshoot, repair and perform preventive maintence on Ground Support Equipment (GSE). Utilizing the following trades: Logistics, Electrician, Mechanical Maintenance, Mechanical Maintenance, Mechanic (gas/diesel/turbine), Electronics, Air Condition/heating, Carpentry, plumbing servicer. September 1999 to March 2000: P.O. Box 111809, Nashville, TN 37222, PHONE: 1-800-945-9456, Assembly Technician: Assemble products for Service Merchandise for display. From furniture, gasgrills, lawnmowers to bikes, utilizing a wide variety of hand and power tools. Utilizing the following trades: Logistician, Electrician, Mechanical Maintenance, Carpentry, Telecomminications/Electronics. April 1999 to August 1999: Barnett Products Co., 3879 Lake St, Macon, GA 31204, PHONE: 912-745-1663; Mechanical Maintenance Mechanic., Install/Oder/Maintain supplies, repair and perform preventive maintenance on textile machinery and production areas using the following trades: Logistician, Electrician, Mechanical Maintenance, Air Condition/heating, Mechanic, Telecomminications/Electronics, Supply, Carpentry and plumbing. April 1982 to March 1999: Improve the Readiness and Mobilization capabilities of the USAR. Organize, administer, recruit, instruct, or train the Army Reserve. Actively participate in formulation, coordination, administration, and implementation of policies, plans, programs, Project management and regulations pertaining to the USAR within the agency’s area of responsibility. Perform various tasks as assigned from administrative duties to repairing diesel equipment and other duties as directed. AND OTHER DUTIES AS ASSIGNED BY COMMANDER! Training/Operations NCO, Platoon Sergeant (63H4O), Mobilization/Movement NCO, ATTRS Manager, Facility Coordinator, Finance Officer, Unit Historian, Physical Security NCO, Automatated Data Processing and Manager (ADPM), Security NCO; Detachment 1, 360th Chemical Company, PO Box 3415, E. Camden, AR 71711-1515; Ms. Illinois Williams, (870) 574-0661. AND OTHER DUTIES AS ASSIGNED BY COMMANDER! Training/Operations NCO, ATTRS Manager, Platoon Sergeant (63H4O), Projects Manager, Mobilization/Movement NCO, Unit Mail clerk, Unit Security NCO; 323rd Maintenance Company (DS), building 3773 Barnum Road, Ft. Devens, MA 01433; Mr. Ronald Foberg, (508) 796-3728/2347. AND OTHER DUTIES AS ASSIGNED BY COMMANDER! Training/Operations NCO, Mechanical Maintenance Sergeant (63H4O), Battalion Safety NCO, Project Manager for 17 Units, Developing plans, policies and recommendations, collecting data for performance and problems to recommend problem solutions as Project Manager/Mechanical Maintenance Sergeant, Conduct Inspections, Mobilization/Movement NCO, Family Support Coordinator; 352nd Maintenance Battalion(GS), 1690 Riverside Drive, Macon, GA 13201-1399, CPT Steven C. Smith, (706) 444-2251. AND OTHER DUTIES AS ASSIGNED BY COMMANDER! Training/Operations NCO, PLATOON Sergeant (63B4O), Motor Sergeant (63B4O), Mobilization NCO, Training Security Manager, Unit Security NCO, COMSEC NCO, Unit EEO; 993rd Transportation Company (TS), 2144 Lake Shore Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401-7297, 1SG Arnold Schwartz, (919) 763-8263. AND OTHER DUTIES AS ASSIGNED BY COMMANDER! Recovery Sergeant (63F2O) Maintenance Control Sergeant (63H2O), Tank Repairman (63H3O), Supply Sergeant (92Y2O), Tank Turrent Repairman (45K20), Motor Pool Sergeant (63B3O), Parts and Tools Clerk (76C1O) ; 195th Heavy Equipment Maintenance Company; Westminster, MD. AND OTHER DUTIES AS ASSIGNED BY COMMANDER! March 1977 to April 1982: Commercial/Industrial Electrician; TRI-CITY ELEC, Orlando, FL; Fairfield Electric, Fairfield, PA. January 1974 to January 1977: Microwave Repairman (29W10), 268th Signal Company (TROPO), Ft. Lewis, WA; Supervises or performs installation, propagation, operational adjustment, repair, and maintenance of microwave and communication radio, multiplex systems, and related power equipment. September 1973 to January 1974: Carpenter, Self Employed, Read/change blueprints. Perform rough stud, flooring, erect roofing and shingles, install cabinets, windows, doors, and complete interior finish utilizing a wide variety of hand and power tools. March 1973 to September 1973: Synthetic Marble Set-up, mixing and pouring; Enterprise Marble Industries, Orlando, FL. July 1972 to March 1973: Laborer, Mechanics Helper advanced to Evaporator Operator, Plymouth Citrus, Plymouth, FL October 1969 to June 1972: Washington State Public Assistance, Mr. Glasner, Bremerton, WA; Painting Houses, Packing, unpacking and storing Polaris missile parts, Taking Census, Investigating and follow up of Grants. May 1967 to June 1969: Orange Grove Maintenance, Self Employed; Apopka, FL, Zellwood, FL, Orlando, FL; Picking, packing, fertilizing, and setup of smoke pots. WHIZ's BRIEF EDUCATION (other schools listed as specialized training): 12th Grade, West High School, 13th and High Street, Bremerton, Washington English, Electronics 1972 Diploma VULVA UNIVERSITY (Address: http:www.houseochicks.com) NOT a Porn Site: For Educational purposes "ONLY". Understand more about what women go through, the examinations, some of their open feelings. Site is ran, edited by female professional Doctors, from BA to Masters degrees. They welcome men to join as well. Only three men have attended and graduated to date. 2004 Diploma WHIZ's BRIEF SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Common Basic Electronics, 1974; Tact Microwave/Systems Repairer (29W4O), 1974; Track Vehicle Repairer (63H40), 1980; OSHA Construction Safety, 1977; Commercial Electrician, 1981; Basic Non-Commissioned Officer, 1983; Mechanical Maintenance Operations, 1985; Supply Coordinator/SGT (92Y4O), 1988; Maintenance Reporting Management (DAS3), 1986; Computer Based Training (M1), 1987; 2nd US Army Safety Management, 1989; Maintenance Training, 1988; Training Operations, 1989; Advanced Senior Leadership Training (ANCOC), 1990; Logistics (ASI - K), 1995; Mobilization Planner, 1994. WHIZ's BRIEF LICENSES/CERTIFICATES: Military Equipment experience (DD Form 348): Welders Ox/AC (200-225), Steam Cleaners, M88A1/A2 Tank Recovery Vehicle (Track Equip Carriers, Howitzers), HMMWV M998 (5/4T), M1Abrams (90T), M60 Tank, Utility Vehicles (M1008 4x4 3/4, M1009 4x4 5/4T), Jeep M151 A1/A2 4x4(1/2T), M880/M890 4x4(5/4T), Truck Cargo Van 4x4(5/4T), Truck Cargo M35 A1/A2 6x6(2 1/2T), Truck Tractor M275 (2 1/2T), Truck Van Expandable M934 6x6(5T), Truck Tractor w/trailer M52A2 6x6(5T), Truck Tractor w/Trailer M816 (5T), Truck Tractor M818 w/trailer 6x6(5T), Truck Dump M817 6x6(5T), Truck Dump M34A2 6x6(2 1/2T), Truck Tractor M911 (22 1/2T) w/747 trailer (98TGVW), Tractor Warehouse w/trailers (4000lbs), Forklift Gas/Elec (4T), Forklift w/crab (6T),Forklift M10A (5T), Forklift RTCH (50T), Compressor (5-15 CFM), Generator Set Gas/Diesel (1.5-15KW), Lubrication Unit (all), little experience with 120Ton Crane, Bulldozer w/Ripper. WHIZ's BRIEF MILITARY AWARDS: National Defense Svc Medal (w/Bronze Star), 1977; Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, 1981; Drivers Mechanics Badge, 1986; Armed Forces Reserve Medal, 1987; Army Achievement Medal (5th), 1994; NCO Development (3), 1990; Army Commendation Medal, 1988; Meritorious Service Medal. 1995; Humanitarian Service Ribbon, 1995; Good Conduct Medal (6th),1999; WHIZ's OTHER BRIEF INFORMATION: Specific Training on DSETS, X 1100-3B Transmission, AGT 1500 Turbine Engine for the M1/M1A1 Abrams Tank; Tank Turret Repairman (45K20), 1983 - 1985; Motor Sergeant (63B4O), 1985 - 1991; Recovery Sergeant (63F20), 1982 - 1983; Technical Inspector (63H4O), 1982 - 1988; Additional duties: Parts/Tools Clerk (76C20), 1982 - 1988; Unit Librarian/Publications NCO, 1982 - 1988; Unit Historian, 1982 - 1991; EEO, 1982 - 1991; Physical Security NCO, 1982 - 1991; Facility Manager, 1982 - 1995, 1997 - 1999; Unit Training Support Officer (TSO), 1982 - 1999; Mobilization NCO, 1982 - 1999; Movement NCO, 1982 -1999; Safety NCO, 1982 - 1999; Technical Supply Sergeant, 1984 - 1988 (92Y4O); Mail Clerk, 1988 - 1997; Classified Documents Custodian, 1988 - 1991; COMSEC Custodian, 1989 -1995; Training/Operations NCO, 1989 -1999; Army Training Readiness Reporting System (ATRRS) Administrator, 1989 - 1999; Family Support Coordinator, 1989 -1995; Security NCO, 1989 - 1999; Battalion Safety NCO, 1991 -1995; Automated Data Process Manager, 1989 - 1999; Charter Member Westminster Maryland Optimist Club; Knowledgeable Computer Systems: Unit Level Logistic Computer System-General (ULLS-G), Unit Logistic Computer System (ULC), Army Training Readiness Report System (ATRRS), DAS3, Battle Focus Training Management System (BFTMS), Standard Army Training System (SATS), Interactive Educational Data System (IEDS), SARRS, Maintenance Readiness Management (MRM), Department of the Army Readiness Management System DARMS), Personnel Army Readiness Management System (PARMS), SAMS 1-2, SORTS, STE ICE-R, FOCUS, CLAS/RCLAS; Adobe Acrobat, Micro Soft Excel/PowerPoint/Word/Spreadsheet/Advantage, ACCESS, FOX, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Windows 3.11/95/98/NT - XP, Harvard Graphics, ENABLE Ver 3-5, Lotus Ver 3, LapLink/LapPro, WinFax, Delrina Formflow, Quicklink III, QUERTY, WYSIWYG, HTML, etc... (oh and toys like mac/tandy systems) WHIZ's BRIEF OCCUPATION: Talent Scout, Actor/Model, OFFICIAL WHIZ, PLATOON SERGEANT, MOB PLANNER, TRAINING/OPERATIONS, PROPERTY SECURITY/SECURITY SERGEANT, LOGISTICIAN, STATISTICIAN, Master Electrician, Electronics, NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR, Computer Repair, WebMASTER, Plumber, Carpenter, photographer WHIZ's BRIEF INTERESTS: People, culture, Phsycology(2yrs), Health, Technology, Research, massages (giving & learning), Tantra, Sex Magic, Cunnilingus WHIZ's MUST HEAR: I LOVE all music, LOVE to dance (didn't say I could dance, JUST LOVE TO DANCE, OK) MySpace Videos: - Excalibur by - official Southern Fried Chop Suey, Golden Years (Steven King)
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