Get more @ CherryTagz.comI idolize a few people starting with.....

He has made me see that my true passion is to help little kids with disabilities.. He used to be the one person even at his young age that taught me the meaning of living.. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN BUBBLE GUM LEVI!! MISS YOU!!

My Grandma and Grandpa Alvies:
I MISS YOU GRANDMA!! These two people are the ones that were always there for me growing up! The ones i could count on through thick and thin!! I love you both!! I wouldn't be here if it were for you both!

Shot with
For always being there through thick and thin! The one who stuck beside me! For being my best buddy!! I will never be able to thank you enough for everything you have done for me. We have only been friends for about a year now but it seems like we have been best buddies forever!!

Shot at 2007-07-10
The Fucker... Ms.Chiclets...aka Luz:
For being a great friend throughout the years and listening to all my drama!! hahaha For being a person i can lean on and look up to for a great deal of things!!
To all of you and all my friends that i didn't mention.. I love you all!!
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
~Wishful thinking~ If your gonna wish....wish big :)
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m