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TwistedBitch's blog: "Whinges"

created on 10/10/2006  |  http://fubar.com/whinges/b12126

BSL - Bullshit legislation

Ok so once again i got my back up about fucking breed-specific legislation, or as most call it, bullshit legislation. How the fuck is banning a breed going to stop dog attack problems? All it does is restrict and destroy dogs based on breed (or looks for those mistaken as) and has NOTHING to do with temperment. The part that shits me the most is that it's always by people that are completely fucking ignorant and know nothing about the breed - all dogs can be dangerous when the wrong fucking person gets hold of them. The media just fucking adds fuel to the fire. I remember when i was 15 and i walked to work one afternoon. A dog ran out and attacked this kid on his bike that was delivering junk mail, the woman was screaming and running out before it even started - she knew wat it was like. Anyway, I helped them out and it was a fucking LABRADOR and guess what, in the paper it said the part blue heeler. If there was blue heeler in that dog, i'm a fucking nun but fuck me. Fucking media. My dog's best mate is a pitbull. My dog beats him up. My ex's parents had ridgebacks, they are beautiful dogs, and bullmastiff's are big cuddly boofheads and now i find out they have restictions on them in QLD and are thinking about it in WA!! Fuck me, why don't we just ban all dogs cuz when one isn't allowed all it does is encourage backyard breeding of the wrong temperment dogs, by the wrong sort of people. Oh yes lets ban pitbulls, then they move to rottis, then sheppards, then mastiffs, even fucking great danes. Fucking BSL. BLAH! BAN THE DEED NOT THE BREED Why the fuck should people lose their pets because of fucked up cunts in the world? Why should the people that do the right thing and have good dogs be punished for them! ARGHHHHH It's the people that make the dogs do this to themselves… all because they want to please Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket AND ITS THE CUNTS THAT MAKE THEM DO THIS THAT SHOULD BE OUTLAWED NOT THE FUCKING DOG!!!
Okay so I’m driving home from work today and passing the usual paddocks with horses in, when I see two people riding horses in an arena next to the road. They are dressage people, you know, where the horses prance around doing pretty movements, “Equnie Ballet”. Dressage is not my thing at the best of times, however I do have a lot of respect for the training and communication between horse and rider to pull of the puncey little moves. It’s not as easy as it looks, and represents the highest level of training a horse can achieve. This blog isn’t on my thoughts on dressage however, but to continue my story I need to give some background information on a few things, then I shall piece it all together with my adventure for today… One specific element that a dressage horse must acquire is the position of head carriage. A horse’s natural balance is its head and neck, and the natural carriage position I will display with one of our horses below. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting The head is extended out which not only balances the horse, but also provides an open and expanded windpipe, and a clear view of were they are going. Dressage horses are taught to carry their heads in a position called ‘on the bit’ where the neck is arched or rounded up, which restricted the windpipe, changes the balance of the horse and restricts its line of vision. There are many ways of teaching a horse to do this however, and if it is a slow and progressive build up, there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing this for the short time the horse is ridden. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting With that knowledge I will now broach the topic of fat people. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute defines overweight as having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 to 29.9 and obese as having a BMI of 30 or greater. Now lets explore that a little further. There are so many excuses out there for people being fat – it’s inherited, they have some other thing wrong that causes it blah blah blah. Honest to god, I do not care what the doctors say about obesity being inherited or w/e… lets face it to get fat u have to shovel copious amounts of shit food in your gob… u don’t see obese fucking people in third world countries now do u… no… they don’t have SUPERSIZE fucking meals. Portion size, it’s really not hard. Oil, grease, fat… hello? Next time some person wants to whinge at me about being fat while they shove a fucking Big Mac or a pie in their gob I’m inclined to knock ‘em the fuck out. Lets face it, people don’t look like this Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting From having a gene in their fucking body that purely codes for fat… o no. THAT is from EATING too much FUCKING FOOD! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting O look, fat kids… eating MacDonald’s… but yeah they are fat for biological reasons… FUCK OFF. However, the point of my story is not to bag out fat people, on the contrary, be fat if u so desire to stuff your face and drive your car to the corner shop 100 meters away… JUST DON’T EXPECT A FUCKING LIVING ANIMAL TO LUG UR FAT FUCKING ASS AROUND!! So now I will get back on topic of my experience today. Like I said at first, I am driving down the road and see 2 people riding their horses around an arena. No biggie. I notice that one of them is large. Well large isn’t the word really, I mean huge. Enormous. Like I don’t know how the fuck the skeletal system in her body supports her weight. And here she is on the back of this poor fucking horse. Which is a thoroughbred no less… not a horse made for carrying large weights. I’m driving along watching her flopping around on this poor horses back thinking how the fuck did u even get up there without a cranes assistance, and how the fuck will u get down without causing the earth to shake and giving yourself compound fractures. I agree that there are certain horses that can carry heavier riders, within reason, however when you see an animal that is quite clearly struggling to carry someone that’s big, I believe that things need to be assessed and something should be said to that person. By now I’m probably sounding like a right cunt, but I don’t care. I am sick of fat peopling whinging about the grief they cop about riding horses. People that have the same opinion as I however are often accused of being ignorant, about unintelligent and malicious attitudes... at what point do you stop believing it is your god given right to own and ride a horse, and realise that it is a privilege? I am damn sure that if you had to go for a run around the block without being given the CHOICE that us humans have, you would damn well rather carry a 20kg bag of bricks than a 50kg one. Is it not ignorant and malicious to EXPECT a horse to do this? I’m off track once again… So I’m looking at this woman riding and thinking to myself y don’t u get your fat ass down from that horses back and run your own fat ass through the boggy sand and loose yourself some fucking kilos, and that’s when I see it, she’s got the things head tied down to its chest. This is where my background information before comes in about head carriage in dressage horses. She has got its head tied down because for dressage that is the position that is required – the horse however is trying to put its head in the air so that it can get its balance and carry her, and is quite obviously in pain as her fat ass and thighs slap around all over its back. It’s a bit like us on all fours and someone heavy sitting on your back, your spine is automatically pushed down, and because of the anatomy of a horse, a heavy rider causes it to ventroflex, pushing his back down and head up. This is why my blood is boiling at this point because it is in pain and distressed at her weight, then she straps its head down. Stupid fat fucking cunt. So I’ve pulled my car over on the shoulder of the road next to this arena, she stops her horse and comes up to me, with a smile. This is the part where I’m going to sound like an absolute cunt, so if you’re already offended, don’t read on! I don’t actually remember the exact words that came out of my mouth, I was fairly diplomatic, like your horse is hurting because you are too heavy for him (that is tactful for me – VERY much so). Naturally she gets offended, her friend tells me to fuck off and mind my own business, I tell them there should be a law against people that weigh half the horse’s weight getting on their backs and why should the horse suffer cuz she has an issue with shovelling food down her face. At about this point the tears start, the friend is memorizing my car number plate, they are going to ‘report me’. LMFAO @ that. I said what for telling you the truth that your fat cunt ass shouldn’t be up there breaking the poor horses back? Then I left, to screaming abuse from them. If her fat ass could get off the horse and fit through the fence, she’d probably have killed me. But fuck that shit. So the point of the story, besides the fact you all now think I really am an evil cunt, is: Because you enjoy the pleasure of riding DOES NOT mean that an animal should have to suffer for you to fulfill a desire. And if ur fat ass insists on riding, get a horse that can carry you… Like a draught horse… to carry ur barrel sized fucking ass!!!
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