I’m a sensual woman.
I am warm, wet and high on passion.
Arousing and seducing my lover.
Sensually teasing and flirting.
I utilize my senses.
Starting foreplay with my eyes, gently touching my man
And his manhood.
I whisper my needs in a
Seductive lusty voice.
I welcome my love between my thighs,
Guiding him to my passion points.
Our warm bodies mold together
With thrust and friction.
I savor the sexually fulfillment
A sensual woman
I mount my lover and slip his manhood deep inside.
Using my womanhood to hold him tight,
As I ride into sexual bliss.
I am a sensual woman.
Making love
Slow and easy, never rushed.
I want to sexually please my lover,
So he in turn can please me.
I’m a sensual woman living daily
With passionate thoughts of how to make the next
Pleasurable moment better than the last.