so last wednesday my terrier decided to put 2 fracters on his right back leg... how? who knows!
so thought to myself maybe he strained it cause of the limping and such... so thursday came around and it only got worst he really could not get up with out yelping so i had to help him up... so fuck i called the animal hospital and made an apointment for friday morning (poor dog going two days with out nothing)... its actully kind of deppressing cause before hand he is really hyper and sometimes that got anoying but now he just lays there with a sad look on his face and now ill do anything for the hyperness to come back.... so friday (yesterday) rolled around got up, looked at his leg and it got really swollen... i took bully in about 8:00 a.m. i was really nervouse cause i did not know what to exspect, how much it would cost, what was going to happen... so some nurse girl took him into the back and told me ill get a call around 2:00 to pick him up... i got the call to get him, the doctor guy was weird making it sound like i was lieing about not knowing what happen to his leg i was starting to get really pissed but then michelle boo called me and mademe feel a hell of alot better then i finally got out of there
so now my dog has a splint on it-it looks like a big red x-mas stocking (what it says on his splint "get well soon bully" mandy wrote it)...