a soulmate to me is this,one wheny ou see them you smile,when you hear them speak you are happy,when you see their face you know they are so beautiful,when you fight you know oyu will make up,when things get rough you know they willbe there to help you,deep down a soulmate knows when your sad,when your heart achs,wheny our mad,they know all of this,a real soulmate always says i love you befor youleave,a real soulmate never lets you think that you are nothing,a real soulmate never tells you what ppl think of you,they always tell you how great you are,how kind your heart is,they never once make oyu feel like your lost,they never make oyu feel like your crap,a real soulmate brings nothing but the best out of each other.
june13,2007 written by LordRipper