For the RPM challenge I plan to record some solo acoustic or keyboard based stuff....definitely a mellower approach than what I do in the Window Pain. Lots of harmonies and layers. To get an idea of the stuff I write by myself check out I did everything you hear on those tracks myself so although it's not something I do all that often...I can pull off the singer/songwriter thing pretty good. I have a decent recording program that allows me to overdub till I can "build" the song the way I want to. Hopefully I get my fingers out of my ass and pull this off. My band Window Pain is in the studio right now too so things (although not in the live concert setting) are plenty busy. ~F
Media contact: Ann Bryant - Publicist, RPM Challenge '07
Phone: 603.781.2864
Hundreds of bands sign up to record an album in 28 days
The RPM Challenge is simple: record an album in 28 days, just because you can. That's 10 songs or 35 minutes of original material, recorded during the month of February.
Who would do this? Last year, 165 bands completed the challenge, creating more than 1600 new songs, all of which may still heard on the website at This year, by mid-January more than 200 bands from around the world had already signed up, including groups from New Zealand, Norway, Japan, England, Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, and all across the United States. Projects span the full creative spectrum from electronic to experimental, jazz to jam, folk to freak out. Some groups are established performers, others are first-timers, and still others are special one-offs or experiments being conducted just for RPM (which stand for "Record Production Month").
"We thought we'd get maybe 30 bands to take on this daunting task last year," says Chris Greiner, one of the organizers of RPM. "We were completely blown away by the response! And this year is shaping up to be even more astounding..."
RPM is not a contest, or a commercial venture. It's a creative challenge designed to stir creativity and build community amongst independent musicians.
All entries for the RPM Challenge will be tracked using the main website at, which contains profiles of the participating bands, individual band blogs where artists write about their projects, band photos, a band discussion board and even a world map with pins showing the locations of the participants.
"We're really excited about the website this year," says Dave Karlotski, another RPM organizer. "The site is the hub of the project, but at its heart it's just a tool for the musicians to connect and support each other."
The "RPM Sample Engine" is unique to the project as well, in that it allows artists to directly collaborate through the site by uploading and sharing samples which other participants will then be free to download and incorporate into their own projects, if they so choose.
"The idea is kind of like open-source music," Karlotski says. "What will happen when hundreds and hundreds of musicians are all working together and with each other at the same time? We don't even know what kind of monster we're creating!"
Sounds a bit like the utilitarian and ever-expanding
"It takes some cues from MySpace," says Karlotski. "Now, just by registering for the challenge, bands instantly get their own page, their own blog, a band-only discussion board, and the ability to immediately e-mail and message each other."
"Groups that might never come across each other in the regular world can meet, share ideas and collaborate through the site," Karlotski says.
How many bands will sign up this year?
"Honestly, we're afraid to guess," says Greiner. "We're just trying to be ready!"
"Your option could be to hibernate," says Ann Bryant, another organizer for the Challenge. "Or you can ignore winter and write a fistful of material and put it to tape. The community itself is like a coach, screaming at you when you need it and pushing you ahead."