Business communication
In the business world, miscommunication, cultural conflict, and nonverbal communication are three things that can happen in the everyday workplace. Our ability to exchange ideas with others, understand others' perspectives, solve problems, and successfully communicate with people in a group of diverse backgrounds, experiences, view points, and personalities to reach a common goal. The unique differences in personality, and work ethic are increased when work styles, work constraints, and stress are added into the situation. The follow are discussions of three skills to improve communication skills.
Organizing the information, and ideas logically and completely with the appropriate message to express the idea, and to present the message to the intended audience. Sending effective messages requires that he or she state their point of view as briefly and succinctly as possible. Dealing with unorganized communications is confusing and discouraging; Try to use specific detail, and information is clear, convincing, accurate, and ethical.
Communicating effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences, messages we send through our posture, gestures, and facial expression can send the wrong message, people respond more positively when they provide the information in a way they will understand. Sometimes using multiple methods of communication can also be confusing, developing a standard way of sending these massages can remove any confusion. If anyone assumes the message based on body language alone incorrect accusations can be embarrassing and damaging. Always verify your interpretation with another type of communication before finalizing your opinion of the message. Learning to complain the right way or listen to others points of view but always be considerate of others ideas. A weak communicator creates problems for himself and for others.
Communicating ethically, even when choices are not crystal clear, some situations contain a dilemma, a problem to which solutions are bad in one way or another. Individuals, regardless of profession, are supposed to honor general human rights. As individuals it is important to understanding business etiquette and be able to identify these different types of ethical differences. Ethical standards are not always defined or easy to decipher, it is easy for information to be distorted or misused at the individual, group. To perform ethically, people cannot follow a particular religion, or culture as these ideals cannot always guide ethical tendencies, in the wide variety of dilemmas we could find ourselves in a typical day. Fact, Value, and Policy makeup the guidelines of the criteria needed to formulate ethical judgment.
Communication is the process of exchange of information from the sender to the receiver and vice versa, whether it is verbal communication, written communication, or one of many other types. With these three communication skills we can be better prepared to correctly communicate the intended massage. Efforts must be made to enhance the quality of communication from time to time with innovative methods and approaches to keep up with the ever changing workplace environment.