Dear Tammy,
I have some really great news for you. November 28, 1966 was an even better day to be born in Bellvue than you could ever imagine. (And I'm not talking about the weather.)
On November 28, 1966 at 047N36 latitude and 122W11 longitude a truly unique set of circumstances was put in motion that not only endowed you with a really unique combination of talents and abilities, but most importantly it bestowed upon you some incredible spiritual energy that will make it easy for you to connect with angels.
I'm sure you realized a long, long time ago that you were special in some way, didn't you? I'm also sure you noticed that people treat you a little differently, and maybe just a little better than other people also, right?
Well, Tammy, that's because of where and when you were born. If I'm as right about your ability to connect with angels as I think I am, you're going to be in for some great surprises.
First of all, even before I started doing your forecast 2 weeks ago, I knew the importance of your time and place of birth. I also knew that when the attributes of your birth were combined with your unique talents and abilities, together they had the power to turn your life and luck completely around.
It is the kind of thing that gives certain people, like you, the ability to really improve the quality of your life and ultimately realize your dreams.
Now I think I know how you can use this incredible potential you were given at birth, to do this for yourself.
The other day Bernard told me about a "special angelic key" he had made for someone who was also born at a special time and special place.
He said "angelic keys" like these were created to enable people with unique birth circumstances like yours, to focus their enormous spiritual energy to open portals to The Archangel Michael, the angel of miracles. He went on to say, he had heard that people who had these keys have received three or more miracles from Michael.
And as you can imagine, this helped these people turn their lives around.
This is why I have rushed this email to you.
Please just listen to what Bernard has to say, he knows more about "Portals" and "Keys" then almost anyone I know. He can also show you how to use this "Key" to open a "Portal" to the Archangel Michael yourself, so Michael can give you the help you need to improve your life and realize your dreams.
I think you'll find what he has to say fascinating, as well as rewarding.
All my best,
Rochelle Gordon
P.S. I just want to remind you of how much I value our relationship and tell you that I believe by working together, using all the tools at our disposal we can improve, enrich and enhance every aspect of your life.
Dear Tammy,
I often get chills down my spine when someone tells me about a birth coincidence like yours.
This is because when I learned you were born in Bellvue on November 28, 1966, I realized you are one of the people who could use the amazing "Angelic Key" I discovered (a medallion with mysterious ancient symbols and incredible power) made of pure 24 karat Gold and pure Sterling Silver, to open a "Portal" to The Archangel Michael.
My friend, this is a truly rare and magnificent piece that is as beautiful as it is mysterious and magical. It is a medallion that is directly linked to the bible itself...a magical object without peer, and one that until recently has been nearly impossible to obtain.
Now let me tell you why this medallion and Archangel Michael, the most powerful of angels, can deliver the miracles, protection, guidance and love you need to change your life so you can live your dreams. (Not many people can ever hope to be given a chance like this, so please listen carefully.)
First, your medallion will create a "Portal" (a connection) to the Archangel Michael, who is considered the greatest, most powerful of all angels by each of the world's 3 great religions... Judaism, Christianity and Islam. His power is so great that it is stated in the scriptures in each of these 3 great religions, "that those lucky enough to have Archangel Michael in their lives will receive the blessings and miracles they need to enjoy a better, happier, richer life."
This is why, for example, since ancient times the Archangel Michael was renowned all over Europe and Russia for his ability to produce miracles. In fact, there was not a city in Russia, where there is not a church or chapel dedicated to the Archangel Michael for this very reason.
A piece with extraordinary powers crafted in
Pure 24 karat Gold and Pure Sterling Silver!
As I hope you can now see, this is no ordinary Medallion. And as you can imagine the materials from which it is made are befitting a piece of this magnitude... Pure 24 karat Gold and Pure Sterling Silver! The 2 most magically powerful and pure metals in the world!
First, 24 karat Gold is considered the purest and most magically potent of all metals and has been since the dawn of man. In fact, it has been known throughout history that when priests, shamans or magi wear pure gold, it greatly enhances their magical and spiritual powers.
Additionally it is thought of as the most protective, since pure 24 karat Gold is one of the basic elements and cannot be corroded or corrupted in any way. It is for these reasons, as well for its incredible beauty, that through the ages Gold was the material of choice for crafting sacred objects, such as chalices and crosses as well as jewelry. This is why it has been, and continues to be, worn and used in religious ceremonies to this day.
But perhaps the greatest reason for acquiring Gold over the last four thousand years is that people wear Gold to increase their own personal power, courage, confidence and will power. It also has the power to attract wealth. (Ever heard the expression, "money attracts money?" Well before there was money it was believed that Gold attracted Gold. This is the reason it has been so sought after and hoarded.)
For all these reasons Solid 24 karat Gold was essential for this incredible piece.
Second, Pure Sterling Silver was used because it is the most powerfully mysterious and spiritually absorbing material on Earth. It is also the second most protective metal. In fact, because of Silver's amazing ability to protect and heal, hospital dressings containing silver are used on burns to prevent infections.
But that is only the tip of the iceberg, because Pure Sterling Silver also enhances and empowers psychic abilities and intuitive perception. What's more, Silver's relaxed, reflective energy magnifies the powers of the Pure 24 karat Gold.
This means your Medallion of the Archangel Michael, which was cast in pure Sterling Silver, will magnify the Pure 24 karat Gold's magical properties many times over! (Can you now begin to see how truly wonderful, beautiful and powerful this piece is?)
But there's more! A lot more, because this exquisite piece contains some of the most powerful symbols ever created for a Medallion or any other religious or magical piece...
The Power behind your Archangel Michael Medallion
First, if you look at the medallion you will see the secret angelic prayer inscribed in 24 karat Gold around its perimeter. It is written in Enochian, the language of angels, so no one but you will be able to use it. I will send you this secret prayer with your medallion. You must recite it three times. This will charge your medallion and open a "Portal" to the angels. (Please keep this a secret.)
Second, notice Archangel Michael's flaming swords. These are symbols of righteousness, which he will use to protect you from all forms of negative entities. There is one in each quadrant of your Medallion. These quadrants represent the 4 points on a compass. This will protect you from harm from any direction as well as attract good fortune and opportunity from any direction.
Third, in the very center of this incredible piece is the Sun. The Sun represents the power of the Archangel Michael to lead the souls of his believers into the Eternal Light of love and good fortune.
Next, you'll notice the interlacing patterns at the top of each quadrant. These are ancient keltoi knot patterns taken from "The book of Kells". They have been used for 1000's of years to trap powerful energies and when grouped with the other elements, they make it possible to "magically" summon spiritual entities, such as the Archangel Michael, for help, direction, companionship and miracles. (Which is why I want you to keep your Medallion with you at all times.)
Lastly, you will notice the Gold "Ley" lines. ("Ley" is the old Saxon word for "cleared path.") These are "lines of power," as we call them today. They are identical to the lines found on Neolithic monuments in England. These lines have been used for 1000's of years to guide ancient man to the invisible pathways of energy that connect spiritual powers (like angels) to human beings.
Note: Right after "charging" your medallion with the secret invocation, you could experience a tingling sensation, and notice light glistening and glancing off the surface of this amazing talisman. What's more, if you're like others, you will get an incredible feeling of security and warmth.
Additionally, after the initial "charging" when you feel the need to open a "Portal" to the angels or to Michael himself, just "power-up" your Medallion by reciting the secret Enochian prayer again.
For example, if you ever find yourself feeling threatened or uneasy, or if you feel you are lacking the proper commitment, motivation or direction, or you are at a place where you truly need a miracle to solve a problem, or overcome an obstacle that is standing between you and your dreams, just grasp your medallion in your hand and recite the prayer.
Similarly, should you need to call on the medallion's amazing powers for luck, courage, direction, energy, vitality or if you need to attract money, just recite the prayer. Most importantly, you should keep your medallion with you at all times.
And so you know you are acquiring a genuine Archangel Michael Medallion, made from Pure 24 karat Gold and Pure Sterling Silver, yours will arrive with it's own Certificate of Authenticity.
And since I want you to do this so you'll have the ability to benefit from this connection and your incredible happenstance, anywhere, any place, any time, I believe it would be best if you could keep the power of Archangel Michael as close to you at all times, so I would like you to have...
Your First FREE Gift!
A 22" 18 karat Gold plated Rope Chain
This is an extraordinary FREE Gift. Exquisitely crafted in 18-karat Gold, this shimmering, liquid gold like 22" long, rope chain necklace is the perfect complement to your medallion. For security, this magnificent chain proudly features a large, easy to use "lobster claw" clasp.
Unquestionably displaying your magnificent and extremely powerful medallion on a chain of this caliber is not only the best way to keep it close to you at all times, but also the best way for you to display it as the piece of fine jewelry that it is.
But that is not all...
Your Second Free Gift!
A Black Crocodile Embossed Presentation Case
This startling handsome, crocodile embossed, presentation case is satin lined and features a precisely angled, felt covered "display stand" that has been custom fitted to your Medallion. This feature allows you to dramatically show off this finely crafted work of art, when you are not wearing it.
In addition, it has a spring-loaded hinge that instantly snaps shut with a distinctive muffled click, so you can keep this masterpiece safe and totally secure.
But there's more...
Your Third Free Gift!
The Secrets, History and Uses of The Archangel Michael Medallion
First, this richly detailed guide will give you a full understanding and appreciation of Archangel Michael. For example, you will learn that the first Angel created was Michael and that he is the leader of all the Archangels as well as all the guardian angels and is responsible for the protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity of all the people who are able to contact him.
Additionally, you'll hear how Archangel Michael's involvement with mankind is also seen in other ways, including his protection of Jacob from the wrath of his brother Esau over a matter of inheritance. The Scriptures also tell us that it was Michael who battled the Devil for the soul of Moses following the death of the founder of the Israeli nation.
Second, it shows you how lucky you are to be able to contact him and other angels.
But most importantly, your guide will give you examples of how the Archangel has helped others and explain the secrets of using your medallion effectively to get the guidance, direction, energy and miracles you need to make every area of your life better.
A Rare Opportunity To Turn Your Life Completely Around
There is an awesome power in this unique piece, which is fueled by ancient symbolism -- and magnified by the Pure Sterling Silver and Pure 24K gold. The "Medallion of the Archangel Michael" is truly a rare and remarkable work of art, as well as a magical object without peer, and one that will be revered and appreciated by all those who cast their eyes upon it.
Moreover, because you were born at 047N36 latitude and 122W11 longitude on November 28, 1966 I am sure as it has for others, it will help bring you the opportunities, guidance and miracles you need to turn your life completely around.
However, because you are a friend of Rochelle, Tammy and because I know you are one of the people who can really take advantage of the Medallion's incredible power, I will make it almost impossible for you to say no, with my forever guarantee...
Bernard de Buhem