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WHICH ONE ARE U? LET ME KNOW! SCORPIO - The Gorgeous One Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in times of need. Best kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. Amazing in bed. A caring person. One of a kind.Gorgeous Smile.Not one to mess with. Are the most attractive people on earth! 15 years of bad luck if you do not repost. CAPRICORN - The Cute One Love to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Predict future. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Always gets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to own Geminis' in sports. Extremely fun. Loves to be owned by Aquarius. Loves to joke. Smart. 24 years of bad luck if you do not repost AQUARIUS - The Slut Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to Have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found. 7 years of bad luck if you do not repost. PISCES - The Addict EXTREMELY adorable. Intelligent. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Energetic. Predict future. GREAT kisser. Always get what they want. Attractive. Easy going. Loves being in long relationship. Talkative. Romantic. Caring. 4 years of bad luck if you do not repost. LEO - The Cool One Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, Fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person u EVER meet! however not the kind of person you wanna mess with... u might end up crying... 9 years of bad luck if you do not repost. GEMINI - The Liar Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny. Excellent kisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, Addictive. Loud. 16 years of bad luck if you do not repost. CANCER - The Smart One. Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind. Loves being In long-term relationships. Extremely energetic. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out. 2 years of bad luck if you do not repost. ARIES- The Irresistible One Nice Love is one of a kind. Great listeners Very Good in bed... Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Trustworthy. Always happy. Loud. Talkative. Outgoing VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE. 9 years of bad luck if you do not repost. Courtesy of MsTags.com
Courtesy of MsTags.com
SAGITTARIUS-The One that Waits Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always Wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Beautiful. Goofy. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only. 7 Years of bad luck if you do not repost. *TAURUS- The Aggresive One MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. Love is one of a kind. Very romantic. Most caring person you will ever meet! Entirely creative. Extremely random and proud of it. Freak. Spontaneous. Great at telling Stories. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to. 12 years of bad luck if you do not repost. LIBRA - The Partner for Life Caring and kind. Smart. Center of attention. High appeal. Has the last word. Good to find, hard to keep. Fun to be around. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good Sense of Humor!!! Thoughtful. Always gets what he or she wants.AMAZING IN BED! did i say amazing?? not the 1 the F*** around with for you'll be left crying. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet. 5 years of bad luck if you do not repost. VIRGO- The Promiscuous One Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Very Smart. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in the you know where..!!! Not the kind of person you wanna mess with- you might end up crying. 4 years of bad luck if you do not
Daily Sagittarius Forecast: Courtesy of MsTags.com
Courtesy of MsTags.com
Quickie: Don't focus on what makes you happy. Focus on what makes you unhappy -- and fix it. Overview: Yes, every emotion is valid and should be acknowledged, but that doesn't mean you have to take action on them. Learn to ride out your feelings and you'll see which ones deserve a reaction and which don't. Daily work (by Astrology.com) You'll bound out of bed today, ready to tackle the world like a linebacker taking down an opponent. You've got a burly attitude, and the back-slappy, enthusiastic laugh that will help your ideas go over like gangbusters. - Horoscopes by Email - Co-Worker Compatibility - Yahoo! Astrology home Daily couples love (by Astrology.com) The two of you have a lot of territory still unexplored, and you're feeling frisky enough to check more of it out today. Your good energy makes it easy to find new ways to love each other. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Daily extended (by Astrology.com) Instead of focusing so much on what would make you happier, spend some time thinking about what makes you unhappy -- whether it's the way a certain person treats you, your love handles or those dishes in the sink. Once you identify those targets, you can fix them -- and make yourself happier! So talk to that person, beef up your exercise routine and start cleaning up. Your happiness is in your hands. - Horoscopes by Email - Celebrity Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Weekly romance (by Astrology.com) Your imagination is entertaining you Monday through Wednesday -- much more so than the actual world is entertaining you -- and it makes sense that you'd want not to be distracted. Maybe a nap with you-know-who is in order. Is there anything sweeter in the world than taking a nap with someone? There is not. Thursday and Friday, you two go on some kind of adventure together -- not a real adventure, no jungles or anything. Maybe just a walk across town. Everything you do with them feels like an adventure. This weekend, go for more walks. They're so romantic. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts
Last Quarter Moon, June 8, 7:44 AM EST Dear Tammy, One of the reasons I have made astrology my life's work is that it allows me to help clients gain new understandings about the challenges life puts before us. By looking at a client's natal chart, I can easily see what is causing tension, and I can also see if more positive planetary aspects lie ahead. I have found time and time again that challenging astrological periods are often accompanied by an unexpected positive planetary aspect. Let me give you an example. Not too long ago, a client of mine whom I'll call Chloe was concerned about her job. Her company's new management was out to "streamline" their work force and Chloe knew she was in a vulnerable position. Her chart showed me that indeed a job change was in the stars, but it also revealed a positive development ahead. I knew Chloe had been miserable and stagnant in her position for a while, so we explored all the possible alternatives and options for her. Ultimately, Chloe was made redundant. However, she negotiated a great severance package, which helped to finance a career change as a chiropractor. This new career direction was perfect for her. At times like these, I find it so interesting that the stars do indeed guide us. Chloe would never have attempted such a career change had she not been forced into a career crisis! While I can't take any credit for her success or the initial event itself, I do feel that my perspective as an experienced astrologer helped her to fulfill her true potential. And perhaps gave her the encouragement to take that new step. I wanted to share this story with you because it reveals an attitude toward life that I find very important: The glass of life is always half full, you just have to know how to look at it! Life is constantly putting opportunities before us. It is up to you to make the most of them. I am here to remind you to believe in yourself and not to give up for any reason until you are living the life you want! Tammy, this is what we are going to be working on together. Until next time, P.S. Tammy, we hope that you are enjoying your Biorhythm readings. Remember that you can check them daily to monitor your emotional, intellectual and physical rhythms. They can come in handy. Tammy June 4 - June 10 Venus moves into Leo on June 5th and it's a great time to reward yourself, my dear. Give yourself permission to dress up, treat yourself and even be a little bit flirty. This is certainly not the time to turn down gifts or offers of support, Tammy – get ready to receive! On the 7th the Moon and Mercury combine, encouraging the sharing of confidences. The last Quarter Moon on the 8th links up with unruly Uranus – expect a breakthrough or unexpected release of some kind. The week ends on an upbeat note. June 4th for Tammy You may need to give some thought to winning at whatever game life offers you today. It's a little like the way winning at chess requires discovering the strategy of the other side. If you're in the mood for a change of pace and just want to have a good time, your stars wish it for you, my dear. I hope you'll be inventive in expressing yourself today. Don't try to second guess your loved ones today, my friend, and especially, don't take a romantic partner for granted now. Your creative ideas are good, but need further development and thought. June 5th for Tammy Progress comes in creative ways if you allow your heart to tell you what you want and with whom you want to spend leisure time. Expressing your preferences can be most liberating. Plan something different or unusual to do today, and do it with a close friend or family member. You can really have some quality time now, so make extraordinary plans. If you've been wanting to market a creative product or idea, now is the time to approach the appropriate person. You may be experiencing impulses of originality and can process unique thoughts productively. June 6th for Tammy I see little to worry about today, my dear, since the stars are shining brightly on you for pleasure and love connections. Young children can add a special brightness, too. Do you feel that you are particularly appealing today? My friend, you are likely to have romance on your mind now. You enjoy spending time with others and may enjoy participating in children's events. Excessive talking in a romantic relationship today, my friend, could be in avoidance of the obvious. Tackle difficult situations up front. Try not to procrastinate when it comes to your commitments now. Good planning is what you can do today to help make some dream become real. You'll possess the enthusiasm necessary to see things through; now you just have to put it all into action. The more creative side of you comes out now and you can impress everyone with the things that you come up with. Let the spirit of adventure overtake you and create to your heart's delight. June 7th for Tammy The amount of time it takes you to do something is not as important today as the way it makes you feel to be doing it, especially if you have had to make a sacrifice in order to do it. I feel that this is a good time for improving your diet or beginning a new exercise routine. Make sure your health care regimen is approved by your trusted health professional. You'll be busy today. June 8th for Tammy Your stars show that stress and anxiety can have an impact on your health today. Please attend to any serious health concerns and have faith in your body's own healing powers. I sense everything is harmonious for you today. Your bills are paid, your accounts in order, all your business and intimate relationships are peaceful, and you feel serenely secure. Your conscious and subconscious minds interact with each other more today. If you are working with a health care professional now, use meditation as a means to cooperate with the healing process, my friend. Changing your work routine around could make you feel more productive. It's important to climb out of a rut when you're feeling bored and distracted. You can do it. June 9th for Tammy There's a chance that whatever you are doing can seem to be a lot harder than it really is. If this is the case, I suggest asking for help from someone you feel you can trust. Negotiating with others for something you want may involve a little psychology. By knowing what their wants are, you can be in the best position to strike a really good deal. Don't rely too much on anyone else now, especially if it's not someone you usually turn to. Some days we have to be independent. Keep all your tasks modest so that you can finish them by yourself. This can be a very creative time for you in your partnerships and joint endeavors. You may want a leadership role, but none will be offered because you are so gracious. Make prudent money choices. Perhaps you are feeling today that certain childhood conditionings are preventing you from making a full intimate commitment on several levels. This is a time for breaking free from bonds. June 10th for Tammy Your most secret wishes are not secrets to you, my friend, and you may not want to reveal them just now. It depends upon how much you want to get another's reaction. You may find yourself feeling quite intense β€” very serious about almost everything. If it’s important, speak your mind sincerely. If not, try to lighten up and see the humor in the situation. Go straight to the top for answers to questions concerning your joint or partnership affairs. Review your current tax structure, personal wills and insurance policies. Legal consultations work in your favor. You and your partner are more likely to take action on important matters today. This can be a time of high motivation and you will have the energy to follow through on certain family or joint projects. Anything that is new or untried in the area of partnerships and alliances is interesting to you now, dear one. Investigate new opportunities to invest joint monies and encourage new growth. Looking to an agency or institution for added security can be a good bet now. Shop around and compare what's being offered. Don't jump at the first offering, so you can choose the best. With a New Moon coming up next week, Tammy, it would be a good time to start planning for your next big idea. Best Regards,


EVERYONES HOROSCOPE; Cancer Daily work (by Astrology.com) On a big project, you may feel hesitant about committing to one option or another. Set up a team to research and return with brief memos to help you decide. Getting in the trenches will give you real-life experience too. - Horoscopes by Email - Co-Worker Compatibility - Yahoo! Astrology home Daily couples love (by Astrology.com) It's not the best time to get wrapped up in any long-term arrangements, but try to make sure that Sweetie doesn't take that as a sign that you're trying to get out of the relationship. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Daily extended (by Astrology.com) A new professional relationship is starting off swimmingly, and it's only going to get more rewarding as the days go by. You're finally getting a realistic idea of how capable and admired you are, and you should relish this feeling. You can say farewell to emotional turmoil in this area of your life -- you've moved past all of that negative energy, for once and for all. By making tough choices and being true to what you want, you're growing in the right direction. - Horoscopes by Email - Celebrity Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Weekly romance (by Astrology.com) The sky above you may be clear and sunny, but you're all clouds and confusion inside. You're on the verge of making some big decisions and the stress is taking its toll. Monday through Wednesday, someone is trying to get you involved in something, but you're not sure you have the time. (If you're not sure, you don't.) Thursday and Friday, you have almost no energy -- not even any energy for seeing you-know-who. That's completely unlike you. On Saturday, consider staying home, taking a bath and spending time with your special someone. That's about as social as your weekend gets. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Leo Daily work (by Astrology.com) Don't rush yourself when you're making decisions on behalf of the company. You have a knack for getting to the center of a knotty issue with just a few terse questions, so make full use of your talents. - Horoscopes by Email - Co-Worker Compatibility - Yahoo! Astrology home Daily couples love (by Astrology.com) There may be some discomfort between the two of you when Sweetie says or does something that doesn't quite sit right with you. Try not to let your ego set the tone of your relationship, though. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Daily extended (by Astrology.com) The stakes are getting higher in your life, which is not only exciting but also a good sign that you're getting closer to the success you want. However, you have a little bit more to lose right now. Therefore, you should keep an eye out for people who might not have your best interests at heart. Someone could be devising a scheme to put you at a disadvantage. Someone might be saying things about you that aren't true. Sunshine is a great disinfectant, so get any suspicions out into the open. - Horoscopes by Email - Celebrity Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Weekly romance (by Astrology.com) Monday through Wednesday you're totally self-centered, but not in an annoying way. You're self-centered in a curious, probing way. You're trying to figure something out. You're looking at your relationship with you-know-who deeply. Then, Thursday and Friday, all that goes out the window and you two have a fantastic couple of days together. If you haven't already committed to being with this person for life, well, the idea will float across your mind -- somewhere in between laughing so hard it hurts and passionately embracing. If you can't be around each other this weekend, call them a lot. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Virgo Daily work (by Astrology.com) You're eager to see a project from different angles today, but you may have a hard time trusting people from unfamiliar disciplines when they point out problems with your design. Try to maintain an open mind. - Horoscopes by Email - Co-Worker Compatibility - Yahoo! Astrology home Daily couples love (by Astrology.com) Your natural skepticism is out in full force today, and that might cause some strife between you and your partner. Make sure they know you care deeply, even when you reserve judgment. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Daily extended (by Astrology.com) Today you'll get the sinking feeling that someone is keeping something from you -- some information, his or her honest feelings, or perhaps the fact that a cutie asked for your phone number. Whether you're right or not, this restless feeling is not going to go away until you get to the bottom of it. Ask this person if there is anything you need to be told, and make it clear that you won't be mad if this information is late. You just want to know the truth. - Horoscopes by Email - Celebrity Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Weekly romance (by Astrology.com) Show this person how much you like them Monday through Wednesday by taking an interest in what they want to talk about -- even if it's wonky or work-related or simply just not something you care about. Find a reason to care. Besides, it's cute to see someone talk and talk about something they're so passionate about. Thursday and Friday, take some sort of risk. Buy them a random gift. Or say yes -- without hesitation -- to their spontaneous idea for a date. Saturday and Sunday happen to be two of the most romantic days you've had in ages. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Libra Daily work (by Astrology.com) You're a machine designed for speed and accuracy. Faces and personalities will remain a blur as you concentrate on the task at hand. You have an amazing ability to concentrate today, but coworkers may feel shut out. - Horoscopes by Email - Co-Worker Compatibility - Yahoo! Astrology home Daily couples love (by Astrology.com) You need to make a choice between Honey's needs and your own -- for once, they can't be met simultaneously. The easy answer is to do what you think they would do in your situation. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Daily extended (by Astrology.com) You're used to being creative with your clothes, work, socializing and writing -- but when was the last time you got creative with your money? Well, it's time you did. Extend your creativity into your financial world, and you will see some amazing results. If you can start to see saving your money as a challenge, then you can have a lot of fun finding creative ways to do so. Cutting corners with style could be your new trademark, and it could help you become a lot more materially comfortable. - Horoscopes by Email - Celebrity Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Weekly romance (by Astrology.com) Change is in the air Monday through Wednesday, and while you're excited about it, you're also feeling slightly anxious about money. Or else you're feeling excited about money but anxious about change. Either way, you're doing this with your special someone -- whatever happens, at least you'll have each other. Thursday and Friday, you two have a conversation that wanders into all kinds of territory. It's terrific to just sit and talk and not give a thought to the rest of the world. This weekend you end up talking a lot about the past. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Sagittarius Daily work (by Astrology.com) You have a tremendous imagination today, but you'll speak in a quiet voice so no one can share it. Hang back for a while and give yourself the chance to create a stunning presentation that will demand attention. - Horoscopes by Email - Co-Worker Compatibility - Yahoo! Astrology home Daily couples love (by Astrology.com) You can see what your sweetie needs in a new way, and might want to use that imagination you're so famous for to bring it about. Surprise them with something big and showy! - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Daily extended (by Astrology.com) Today your ideas and daydreams will be much more interesting than anything that anyone around you is going to say or do. Enjoy the entertainment and escape that your mind provides. Feel free to move into your internal world when a dull person drones on and on, or if you're stuck in a boring situation. If you can spend a good amount of time alone today, do so. You will really enjoy being by yourself. - Horoscopes by Email - Celebrity Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Weekly romance (by Astrology.com) Your imagination is entertaining you Monday through Wednesday -- much more so than the actual world is entertaining you -- and it makes sense that you'd want not to be distracted. Maybe a nap with you-know-who is in order. Is there anything sweeter in the world than taking a nap with someone? There is not. Thursday and Friday, you two go on some kind of adventure together -- not a real adventure, no jungles or anything. Maybe just a walk across town. Everything you do with them feels like an adventure. This weekend, go for more walks. They're so romantic. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Capricorn Daily work (by Astrology.com) Your hopes for your career will be nurtured today. Friends you didn't know you had will emerge from their cubicles to give you advice and offer to take you out to lunch. You'll make use of all the help you can get. - Horoscopes by Email - Co-Worker Compatibility - Yahoo! Astrology home Daily couples love (by Astrology.com) Try not to worry too much about where things are headed -- the big picture isn't as important as it used to be. Right now you need to focus on the details; they'll make all kinds of sense to you. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Daily extended (by Astrology.com) Are you losing your patience with someone who just can't be reasoned with? Don't chastise yourself -- your forbearance has been admirable, and you need to know when to say that enough is enough. Take a step back, and see whether someone else (someone whose patience hasn't been completely tapped out yet) steps forward to take on the burden of dealing with this intractable person. This will probably happen very quickly. - Horoscopes by Email - Celebrity Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Weekly romance (by Astrology.com) If you need advice in the love realm, ask a friend who has success in the love realm. (The people who are most eager to give advice about love are often the people who have the least success with it. No one knows why.) Your friends are pretty brilliant. You have a great talk with someone and, on Thursday and Friday, you wake up utterly buoyed by idealism. You really want this relationship to stay great, and all signs are pointing in that direction. This weekend, you say or do something that makes your special someone refer to you as a rock star. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Pisces Daily work (by Astrology.com) Squabbles over who gets to put their name on the final product will disrupt the flow of work today. You really couldn't care less, objectively speaking, but personal loyalties may induce you to take sides. - Horoscopes by Email - Co-Worker Compatibility - Yahoo! Astrology home Daily couples love (by Astrology.com) You need to be a little more careful than usual when dealing with your partner, especially if you're having a tricky emotional discussion. Things will lighten up soon, though. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Daily extended (by Astrology.com) You'll be getting lots of attention today -- which will be both a blessing and a curse. New invitations will be coming fast and furious, but do you have time to accept them all? Probably not. You can immediately decline any that involve travel -- you don't have time for long journeys right now. And then say 'no thanks' to anything you're not sure about. Focus your time on the people you already know, and the activities you know you enjoy. - Horoscopes by Email - Celebrity Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Weekly romance (by Astrology.com) Things are pretty confusing Monday through Wednesday. You'd be wise to avoid shady characters and anything that seems too good to be true. Romance doesn't figure very strongly into your week, although it's possible that the uncertainty you're feeling can be traced back to your love life. Thursday and Friday, the skies clear and you can finally see where you're going. Your boss may be driving you crazy, but at least you have someone to tell about it later. The weekend is a pleasure. You're constantly surrounded by friends. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts The new Yahoo Astrology, Horoscopes by Email, Celebrity Compatibility, Romantic Compatibility image.php?u=538241&i=1801002008&tn=1


Daily work (by Astrology.com) You have a tremendous imagination today, but you'll speak in a quiet voice so no one can share it. Hang back for a while and give yourself the chance to create a stunning presentation that will demand attention. - Horoscopes by Email - Co-Worker Compatibility - Yahoo! Astrology home Daily couples love (by Astrology.com) You can see what your sweetie needs in a new way, and might want to use that imagination you're so famous for to bring it about. Surprise them with something big and showy! - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Daily extended (by Astrology.com) Today your ideas and daydreams will be much more interesting than anything that anyone around you is going to say or do. Enjoy the entertainment and escape that your mind provides. Feel free to move into your internal world when a dull person drones on and on, or if you're stuck in a boring situation. If you can spend a good amount of time alone today, do so. You will really enjoy being by yourself. - Horoscopes by Email - Celebrity Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts Weekly romance (by Astrology.com) Your imagination is entertaining you Monday through Wednesday -- much more so than the actual world is entertaining you -- and it makes sense that you'd want not to be distracted. Maybe a nap with you-know-who is in order. Is there anything sweeter in the world than taking a nap with someone? There is not. Thursday and Friday, you two go on some kind of adventure together -- not a real adventure, no jungles or anything. Maybe just a walk across town. Everything you do with them feels like an adventure. This weekend, go for more walks. They're so romantic. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts
Dear Tammy, I have some really great news for you. November 28, 1966 was an even better day to be born in Bellvue than you could ever imagine. (And I'm not talking about the weather.) On November 28, 1966 at 047N36 latitude and 122W11 longitude a truly unique set of circumstances was put in motion that not only endowed you with a really unique combination of talents and abilities, but most importantly it bestowed upon you some incredible spiritual energy that will make it easy for you to connect with angels. I'm sure you realized a long, long time ago that you were special in some way, didn't you? I'm also sure you noticed that people treat you a little differently, and maybe just a little better than other people also, right? Well, Tammy, that's because of where and when you were born. If I'm as right about your ability to connect with angels as I think I am, you're going to be in for some great surprises. First of all, even before I started doing your forecast 2 weeks ago, I knew the importance of your time and place of birth. I also knew that when the attributes of your birth were combined with your unique talents and abilities, together they had the power to turn your life and luck completely around. It is the kind of thing that gives certain people, like you, the ability to really improve the quality of your life and ultimately realize your dreams. Now I think I know how you can use this incredible potential you were given at birth, to do this for yourself. The other day Bernard told me about a "special angelic key" he had made for someone who was also born at a special time and special place. He said "angelic keys" like these were created to enable people with unique birth circumstances like yours, to focus their enormous spiritual energy to open portals to The Archangel Michael, the angel of miracles. He went on to say, he had heard that people who had these keys have received three or more miracles from Michael. And as you can imagine, this helped these people turn their lives around. This is why I have rushed this email to you. Please just listen to what Bernard has to say, he knows more about "Portals" and "Keys" then almost anyone I know. He can also show you how to use this "Key" to open a "Portal" to the Archangel Michael yourself, so Michael can give you the help you need to improve your life and realize your dreams. I think you'll find what he has to say fascinating, as well as rewarding. All my best, Rochelle Gordon P.S. I just want to remind you of how much I value our relationship and tell you that I believe by working together, using all the tools at our disposal we can improve, enrich and enhance every aspect of your life. Dear Tammy, I often get chills down my spine when someone tells me about a birth coincidence like yours. This is because when I learned you were born in Bellvue on November 28, 1966, I realized you are one of the people who could use the amazing "Angelic Key" I discovered (a medallion with mysterious ancient symbols and incredible power) made of pure 24 karat Gold and pure Sterling Silver, to open a "Portal" to The Archangel Michael. My friend, this is a truly rare and magnificent piece that is as beautiful as it is mysterious and magical. It is a medallion that is directly linked to the bible itself...a magical object without peer, and one that until recently has been nearly impossible to obtain. Now let me tell you why this medallion and Archangel Michael, the most powerful of angels, can deliver the miracles, protection, guidance and love you need to change your life so you can live your dreams. (Not many people can ever hope to be given a chance like this, so please listen carefully.) First, your medallion will create a "Portal" (a connection) to the Archangel Michael, who is considered the greatest, most powerful of all angels by each of the world's 3 great religions... Judaism, Christianity and Islam. His power is so great that it is stated in the scriptures in each of these 3 great religions, "that those lucky enough to have Archangel Michael in their lives will receive the blessings and miracles they need to enjoy a better, happier, richer life." This is why, for example, since ancient times the Archangel Michael was renowned all over Europe and Russia for his ability to produce miracles. In fact, there was not a city in Russia, where there is not a church or chapel dedicated to the Archangel Michael for this very reason. A piece with extraordinary powers crafted in Pure 24 karat Gold and Pure Sterling Silver! As I hope you can now see, this is no ordinary Medallion. And as you can imagine the materials from which it is made are befitting a piece of this magnitude... Pure 24 karat Gold and Pure Sterling Silver! The 2 most magically powerful and pure metals in the world! First, 24 karat Gold is considered the purest and most magically potent of all metals and has been since the dawn of man. In fact, it has been known throughout history that when priests, shamans or magi wear pure gold, it greatly enhances their magical and spiritual powers. Additionally it is thought of as the most protective, since pure 24 karat Gold is one of the basic elements and cannot be corroded or corrupted in any way. It is for these reasons, as well for its incredible beauty, that through the ages Gold was the material of choice for crafting sacred objects, such as chalices and crosses as well as jewelry. This is why it has been, and continues to be, worn and used in religious ceremonies to this day. But perhaps the greatest reason for acquiring Gold over the last four thousand years is that people wear Gold to increase their own personal power, courage, confidence and will power. It also has the power to attract wealth. (Ever heard the expression, "money attracts money?" Well before there was money it was believed that Gold attracted Gold. This is the reason it has been so sought after and hoarded.) For all these reasons Solid 24 karat Gold was essential for this incredible piece. Second, Pure Sterling Silver was used because it is the most powerfully mysterious and spiritually absorbing material on Earth. It is also the second most protective metal. In fact, because of Silver's amazing ability to protect and heal, hospital dressings containing silver are used on burns to prevent infections. But that is only the tip of the iceberg, because Pure Sterling Silver also enhances and empowers psychic abilities and intuitive perception. What's more, Silver's relaxed, reflective energy magnifies the powers of the Pure 24 karat Gold. This means your Medallion of the Archangel Michael, which was cast in pure Sterling Silver, will magnify the Pure 24 karat Gold's magical properties many times over! (Can you now begin to see how truly wonderful, beautiful and powerful this piece is?) But there's more! A lot more, because this exquisite piece contains some of the most powerful symbols ever created for a Medallion or any other religious or magical piece... The Power behind your Archangel Michael Medallion First, if you look at the medallion you will see the secret angelic prayer inscribed in 24 karat Gold around its perimeter. It is written in Enochian, the language of angels, so no one but you will be able to use it. I will send you this secret prayer with your medallion. You must recite it three times. This will charge your medallion and open a "Portal" to the angels. (Please keep this a secret.) Second, notice Archangel Michael's flaming swords. These are symbols of righteousness, which he will use to protect you from all forms of negative entities. There is one in each quadrant of your Medallion. These quadrants represent the 4 points on a compass. This will protect you from harm from any direction as well as attract good fortune and opportunity from any direction. Third, in the very center of this incredible piece is the Sun. The Sun represents the power of the Archangel Michael to lead the souls of his believers into the Eternal Light of love and good fortune. Next, you'll notice the interlacing patterns at the top of each quadrant. These are ancient keltoi knot patterns taken from "The book of Kells". They have been used for 1000's of years to trap powerful energies and when grouped with the other elements, they make it possible to "magically" summon spiritual entities, such as the Archangel Michael, for help, direction, companionship and miracles. (Which is why I want you to keep your Medallion with you at all times.) Lastly, you will notice the Gold "Ley" lines. ("Ley" is the old Saxon word for "cleared path.") These are "lines of power," as we call them today. They are identical to the lines found on Neolithic monuments in England. These lines have been used for 1000's of years to guide ancient man to the invisible pathways of energy that connect spiritual powers (like angels) to human beings. Note: Right after "charging" your medallion with the secret invocation, you could experience a tingling sensation, and notice light glistening and glancing off the surface of this amazing talisman. What's more, if you're like others, you will get an incredible feeling of security and warmth. Additionally, after the initial "charging" when you feel the need to open a "Portal" to the angels or to Michael himself, just "power-up" your Medallion by reciting the secret Enochian prayer again. For example, if you ever find yourself feeling threatened or uneasy, or if you feel you are lacking the proper commitment, motivation or direction, or you are at a place where you truly need a miracle to solve a problem, or overcome an obstacle that is standing between you and your dreams, just grasp your medallion in your hand and recite the prayer. Similarly, should you need to call on the medallion's amazing powers for luck, courage, direction, energy, vitality or if you need to attract money, just recite the prayer. Most importantly, you should keep your medallion with you at all times. And so you know you are acquiring a genuine Archangel Michael Medallion, made from Pure 24 karat Gold and Pure Sterling Silver, yours will arrive with it's own Certificate of Authenticity. And since I want you to do this so you'll have the ability to benefit from this connection and your incredible happenstance, anywhere, any place, any time, I believe it would be best if you could keep the power of Archangel Michael as close to you at all times, so I would like you to have... Your First FREE Gift! A 22" 18 karat Gold plated Rope Chain This is an extraordinary FREE Gift. Exquisitely crafted in 18-karat Gold, this shimmering, liquid gold like 22" long, rope chain necklace is the perfect complement to your medallion. For security, this magnificent chain proudly features a large, easy to use "lobster claw" clasp. Unquestionably displaying your magnificent and extremely powerful medallion on a chain of this caliber is not only the best way to keep it close to you at all times, but also the best way for you to display it as the piece of fine jewelry that it is. But that is not all... Your Second Free Gift! A Black Crocodile Embossed Presentation Case This startling handsome, crocodile embossed, presentation case is satin lined and features a precisely angled, felt covered "display stand" that has been custom fitted to your Medallion. This feature allows you to dramatically show off this finely crafted work of art, when you are not wearing it. In addition, it has a spring-loaded hinge that instantly snaps shut with a distinctive muffled click, so you can keep this masterpiece safe and totally secure. But there's more... Your Third Free Gift! The Secrets, History and Uses of The Archangel Michael Medallion First, this richly detailed guide will give you a full understanding and appreciation of Archangel Michael. For example, you will learn that the first Angel created was Michael and that he is the leader of all the Archangels as well as all the guardian angels and is responsible for the protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity of all the people who are able to contact him. Additionally, you'll hear how Archangel Michael's involvement with mankind is also seen in other ways, including his protection of Jacob from the wrath of his brother Esau over a matter of inheritance. The Scriptures also tell us that it was Michael who battled the Devil for the soul of Moses following the death of the founder of the Israeli nation. Second, it shows you how lucky you are to be able to contact him and other angels. But most importantly, your guide will give you examples of how the Archangel has helped others and explain the secrets of using your medallion effectively to get the guidance, direction, energy and miracles you need to make every area of your life better. A Rare Opportunity To Turn Your Life Completely Around There is an awesome power in this unique piece, which is fueled by ancient symbolism -- and magnified by the Pure Sterling Silver and Pure 24K gold. The "Medallion of the Archangel Michael" is truly a rare and remarkable work of art, as well as a magical object without peer, and one that will be revered and appreciated by all those who cast their eyes upon it. Moreover, because you were born at 047N36 latitude and 122W11 longitude on November 28, 1966 I am sure as it has for others, it will help bring you the opportunities, guidance and miracles you need to turn your life completely around. However, because you are a friend of Rochelle, Tammy and because I know you are one of the people who can really take advantage of the Medallion's incredible power, I will make it almost impossible for you to say no, with my forever guarantee... Sincerely, Bernard de Buhem Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Bethea@myhealthwealthandhappiness.com Add to your address book. First Quarter Moon, May 23, 5:04 AM EST Dear Tammy, I'm so happy to have this opportunity to prepare this forecast for you. I am a firm believer in the knowledge and richness that astrology can bring to our lives, and I hope you'll find my forecast contributions useful and rewarding. I am so excited to introduce you to Rochelle Gordon, a renowned astrologer who is working with me to prepare your weekly forecast. This very talented and well-respected astrologer is extremely knowledgeable in astrology and esoteric topics. In fact, she has authored and edited numerous books and articles in the astrological and new age fields. I know that she will bring a unique dimension to the weekly interpretation of your horoscope, and I have full confidence that you will enjoy and benefit from her perspectives too. One of the things I'm especially excited about is sharing the wisdom of the Tarot with you. What I personally like about the Tarot is that it gives us a window into the more mysterious and psychic energies surrounding us. Every so often, Tammy, you will find a tarot card reading in your forecast, especially when I feel that it would provide you with additional insights into the energies around you at that time. There are several ways to read the Tarot. In my experience, I have found the "one-card" reading to be intense, clear, and highly significant. So, as you'll see below, I've drawn a tarot card for you and described its meaning. I'd like to suggest that you print it out, jot down the date it was sent to you, and keep it on hand, to remind you of the energies working around you now. My greatest wish is that our work together will aid you in creating your life exactly the way you want it to be. I am also working on a biorhythm for you and will have it ready in an upcoming forecast. I want to give you every means possible to help you confront the challenges you are currently facing and help you realize your dreams. You deserve every happiness, Tammy, and I hope my expertise can help you achieve that. Now I hope you will spend some time with your Forecast, seeing what the upcoming week has in store for you. Until next week, P.S. Just a reminder to add the email address Bethea@myhealthwealthandhappiness.com to your address book to ensure that you receive your forecasts on time. The Judgment for Tammy This week I drew a Tarot Card concerning something that you were worried about. The card I drew for you, Judgment, bodes quite well for you. This potent card suggests that you have been caught up in something important lately, thinking and working hard in a particular area of your life. The card of Judgment tells me that you are being offered a clean slate right now -- that all of your worries are apt to melt away. You are ready for a new beginning. It is a time for rejoicing and renewal, and letting go of the past. A change that you expected, maybe one that you alternately doubted and hoped for, has come about. There is no reason for you to think about it anymore. Looking forward into the promising future is all you should spend your time doing now, because looking backwards will not serve you at all. A cycle has come to a turning point, and an even better one is about to begin. Let yourself take your first steps! Tammy May 21 - May 27 This week begins with a real burst of energy and ideas. The Sun enters Gemini, joining Mercury, which in turn is linking up with both expansive Jupiter and unpredictable Uranus. Expect the phone to ring off the hook, Tammy, and to bump into folks who just love to chat each time you leave your home. This is a time for planning rather than doing, as there's little practical help from the planets, because none of them are occupying earth signs. But the Moon passing through Virgo on Thursday and Friday helps you get urgent chores done. Tammy, I want you to take maximum advantage of the luck coming your way this week. From my calculations, Sunday is going to be your lucky day for this period. And your Lucky Numbers are 12, 23, 40, 22, 39, 51. I hope you'll make the best of them. May 21st for Tammy This is a good time for some goal setting. You'll enjoy making a lovely long list of what you want to accomplish in the next few months. Be sure to put your list in order of importance. There are days when you feel like being alone. This could be one of those times. There's nothing wrong with taking the day off. Curl up with your favorite book, movie, or TV shows. You could get divine inspiration about changing your look today. Leaf through magazines for ideas, my friend. Others will respond favorably to your transformation. Have fun. Your sense of responsibility wins points with an important figure. If you're given additional tasks, take it as a compliment. You could get more privileges, too. Bravo. My friend, take the initiative. Do push ahead confidently with every important consideration. And try to assert your best interests regarding solutions to pending situations. May 22nd for Tammy This is a good time for you to do some research concerning your family ties and roots. A book on genealogy should get you started. Ask around and see if any of your friends can help. Renewed courage and self-confidence will allow you to get out of any rut you've been in recently. This is a good time to promote your own interests. Use common sense and caution in all you do. Your ability to say the right thing at the right time could easily win someone over. Seize this opportunity to ask for a favor of some sort. This person may be more than willing to grant it. May 23rd for Tammy Now is a time when your intuition will run high. Pay attention to your feelings. Listen to that inner voice. You might feel more comfortable at home, or out in natural surroundings. You may feel impatient with people today. Don't be surprised if you even feel that way about yourself. Work off this excess energy by taking a long walk and counting your blessings. Difficulties you encounter in your finances today will likely involve your family or domestic scene. Try to find ways to cooperate and elicit compromises from others. Don't allow outside interference. May 24th for Tammy Your love of fun and excitement is contagious. Don't be surprised if people want to be around you because they enjoy your energy level. Your enthusiasm is at its height, enjoy yourself. Money and success may not be all its cracked up to be. Make sure that you have enough time on your own to really reflect on whether or not your direction is the way you want to go. May 25th for Tammy An addition to your finances is possible. Your energy is so inspiring to others that you'll find it easy to get funding for projects or purchases. Be sure to stay within your budget. Challenges in business and finance are likely to pop up today. You are right to strive for family security now. Keep a watchful eye on your personal spending and savings habits. You are probably displaying one of your more generous moods today. My dear, you are sympathetic to the needs of others now and will also want to purchase little "extras" for family. No matter what you're asked for your opinion on, whoever does the asking has best be truly interested - and prepared - for getting the answer. You won't hesitate to be totally honest. You could feel torn between the desire to pamper yourself and the need to put some money into savings. Splurge on some small item, then put the rest of your cash in the bank. May 26th for Tammy Now is an excellent time to work on your personal records. You'll be in the mood to track down any errors that have come up in the past. The bankers should beware of you today. Telephone conversations you have with relatives, neighbors, friends or loved ones will revolve around subjects such as money, investments and earning potentials. Family security issues are favored. Running a business from your home could be a real possibility. Think about providing a service that you'd like to have done for yourself. The money may come rolling in. You'll know instinctively how to get the attention that you want now. People will notice you and react positively to what they see. Your charm can win people over and open doors. May 27th for Tammy Opportunities abound if you're wise enough to watch for them. A workshop or class may help you manage finances better. Consult professionals if you have questions. Impulsive spending habits need to be kept in check. Try to understand the emotions behind your choices today, my dear. When you find you do have to make purchases, examine items for their quality. A sudden expense may force you to delay a luxury purchase. Don't fret -- you'll be able to pamper yourself at a later date. For now, it's important to take care of this minor emergency. Frivolous expenditures made today, could cause you some concerns tomorrow. Take charge of your financial responsibilities and gain the support of family and loved ones. Consider new ways to earn money. I picture you today intensely wishing to express your compassionate feelings to friends or the world at large. The difficulty is how to do so in a way that is practical and realistic. Next week will be a good time to reach out to friends and family, Tammy. And with the fiery energy provided by a Sagittarian Full Moon, it could be time to party! Best Regards,
HERE'S THE 3 TAROT CARDS,THAT WAS DEALT FOR ME; Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I've done this card analysis very precisely which means that I've only used 22 major arcanes and have read them only in one way. I then asked an open question about your near future and I came across a very revealing reading. Remember that the arcanes in Tarot are like letters of the alphabet and that each individual arcane has it's own 'sound'. Once all the arcanes and their 'sounds' are grouped together the whole acts as a word and we can distinguish meaning and incidently, the cards are even more like letters and words because we read them from left to right. So here is your Tarot card reading and it's interpretation. The Chariot Card The number 7 on the card represents the 7 colours of the rainbow, this is a succesful number and also represents material gain. This card is very revealing about your professional future Tammy. The number is odd not even and seems to associates action with triumph. The name of the Chariot indicates a physical vehicule and a movement, a direction which has been selected and taken. This marks the start of a move towards somethinf different and new. The Chariot represents continuous movement and a journey towards a new place and also suggests victory and sucess. The person which is shown on this card (this is an asexual being Tammy and in fact represents you) wears a golden crown and this symbolizes richness, power and triumph. This card shows pure sucess. The person's face is radiant and happy with himself and self-confident, this is one of the most fortunate cards of the whole Tarot deck. This figure is ardent and follows his burning ambitions with joy and I read clearly that a new challenge will soon be available to you Tammy, through the notion of races which does seem to be associated with this card. The driver does not seem to directly control his steeds, he holds no reins yet the horses obey him and he seems to completely control his destiny and all the elements which are associated with this destiny. You will soon experience a similar feeling Tammy and it is important to note that this person has already triumphed and is at the very height of his sucess (in your case this sucess will occur professionally). We can also see that he is not really enclosed in his vehicule, the sides of his Chariot are open and the roof which protects him from the Sun can be easily lifted to allow him to leave whenever he likes and in just the same way Tammy, you will not be constrained by your enterprises and you will be able to leave at which ever moment seems best to you. The Chariot announces the incessant activty which this card foresees. The figure is part of his activity and lives the moment with pure passion and joy yet he is in full control of the situation, of it's direction and of it's events. The roof is light, it can easily be thrown off and the Chariots sides offer no real boundary for the figure who incidently seems to be passive and content however the Chariots furious movement means he has little time for reflexion he must simply react and win. This is a very spontaneous card and reveals many important secrets. The Chariot also represents movement and travel and these journeys will be very obviously sucessful and beneficial. Finally let me say that the horses are lifting their hooves as if they were trotting and even though each horse appears to look take a different direction their eyes are fixed on the same place as the drivers as they race of the green grass which is a symbol of hope and fortune. The soil on this card is fertile and looks ready to offer ripe fruits, the card clearly promises satisfaction and riches. This is a very favorable card Tammy. The Wheel of Fortune Card The Wheel of Fortune evokes a return to the basics. The number on this card is the number 10, which is 1 accompanied by a 0 and this indicates the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The name os the card itself indicates a movement, a good evolution and this is also the Wheel of Destiny and Chance. This wheel controls cycles and changes and clearly suggess a favorable financial development. If we look closely at this card we can see that there is a lottery ball and so games, the stock market, casinos, roulettes and luck are all suggested by this card. The wheel can turn and this shows a certain speed, whatever the fortune is that the card promises it is set to occur very soon indeed Tammy. The wheels center is in the middle of the card and this card gets quickly to the heart of matters and shows us that you will have certain choices to make and different strategic options will be open to you and the 6 rays of light coming from this wheel offer the different directions you can take. You will be entirely free to make your choice as the wheel's movement seems to depend on it being started by a lever which indicates that human action is very important and you are going to have to make an important choice at just the right moment. This is why I want to help and support you Tammy. This is a card which moves quickly and it's intense activity reflects the nature of the work which you must undertake; you cannot remain passive during this time of fortune and chance Tammy. The animals on the card form a trinity and indicate three things, three facts and three seperate occasions and they also represent the aspects of our life which can often escape us like chance, or good or bad fortune. The way these animals are placed indicates the essential law of life, that life is born in order to cumulate before finally disappearing. This is the law of evolution. Their position also indicates the highs and lows of the path of destiny and a certain animalistic instinct emanates from this card. The wheel, once started, will continue to turn and turn and I want to help you Tammy to understand when and how you must act in order to seize the right moment of chance before it is too late and the wheels turns round even further. The animals also seem to change as the wheel turns and this tells me that their evolution in this manner reflects the way in which your current situation will also change and evolve, moving away from the difficulties of past events which are still very apparent for you today but which will move aside to offer you a different outlook on your future. The animal on the right-hand side lifts itself up toward the light and it's movement reinforces this theme of change; the animal is shaking off it's collar and lead and freeing itself from it's lead and in this I read that you will soon free yourself from a sort of servitude which you've experienced in the past and you will liberate yourself from a weight which has crushed and hindered you for a while now. The animal reaches a glorious summet and this represents the new cycle you will find yourself in, a cycle during which you will be at the height of your glory and crowned with sucess and the Spinx on this card is also crowned, reflecting your victory. The crown is a symbol of power, money and richness. One last detail is important Tammy; even though the wheel turns quickly and you must seize opportunities as and when they are offered to you, I can see on the card that the platform the Spinx is on is able to touch and slow the wheel according to how much weight is placed on it. This tells me clearly that as your sucess increases so will your ability to shape, control and handle your Future... The World Card This card clearly represents the beginning of a new cycle and marks the start of something new and intense. Something is being set firmly into place. This is one of the most beautiful cards of the deck. Firstly the number 21, which is of course 20 plus 1, represents a new cycle and 21 can also be considered to be 3 times 7 which is a very harmonious set of numbers representing harmony and satisfaction in all areas; sentimental, material and intellectual. The World in the sense of this card is formed by the Earth and all the other astral bodies and demonstrates the harmony, accomplishment and satisfaction which you will soon experience Tammy because of this very intense Transit you will soon be living through. The central personality appears to be someone happy and fulfilled. The laurel leaf crown symbolises the prize awarded by all your efforts, your honor and sucess. This is a very satisfying card and it also symbolises travel. It seems that you will be required to move around during relatively short periods however you will get a great deal out of this travel. This card clearly shows the sucess and acheivement which awaits you.


>---------------NOVEMBER BABY -------------------- Trustworthy and loyal. >Very passionate and >dangerous. Wild at times Knows how to have fun. S#xy and mysterious. >Everyone is drawn towards >your inner and outer beauty and independent >personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional and temperamental >sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and >independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a >crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, the >greatest men are born in this month. If you ever begin a relationship with >someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind. >repost >in 5 mins & you will excel in a major event coming >up sometime this month.
Hello Tammy, I've received all the information you sent through to me on the 4 April 2007, I can see that you've visited my website and I want to thank you very much for that. You may be wondering why I'm writing to you again so soon, well it's because I have just finished your Astrological Reading and I have discovered that your immediate Future is very interesting - the Astral Bodies are very explicit about your Destiny! I can very clearly see that not only you are soon to live through an event of great astrological importance but also that you will be blessed with a period of chance and opportunity. I am very lucky to have powerful psychic skills, which I was born with, and I have worked hard to develop these skills. I've also studied the Stars for over a dozen years now and I have to say that it is VERY RARE that I have such a strong feeling about someone so early on! I felt such a powerful jolt (as I felt for you Tammy) when consulting your details for the first time. I immediately sensed that a strong psychic connection was forged between us when we first entered into contact and I now know why this connection was so strong. You are quite simply on the threashold of a very, very important period in your life and you may have already felt these changes. In any case, I can tell you that these changes appear very clearly both in your Stars and on a Psychic level, your Aura and your Chakra points are shouting out for change and opportunity! This bond we share has an enormous advantage for me as I am able to discern exactly what you are feeling at this time. Then I can compare and contrast this very personal information to your extremely rich astrological configuration. I don't want to draw out the suspense any longer Tammy because you are going to be very surprised about what I am about to tell you. I must insist on the fact that I am absolutely certain of the details which I am about to give you. I never take this kind of thing lightly and I have checked and double checked all of the information I am about to give you. So here is what is is all about: a very important Transit period is on the way and you are perfectly positioned to get the very best out of the opportunities it is set to bring. Indeed, in a very short time you will find yourself in the glare of several powerful astrological influences. These influences will place you in a very rare astrological Transit which will not occur again in your skies before a very long time. This is a period of 72 days during which a great number of opportunities are going to be offered to you. These opportunities are going to have a great impact on your life and here is what comes out of my analysis: First of all I want to tell you that I am aware that you have lived through some difficult moments in the past and that you still have the impression that these difficulties are going to last for a long time to come. You have come accross failures, stumbling blocks and obstacles and you have had to constantly revise your plans, ask yourself difficult questions and you have ended up doubting yourself and your abilities. I can see all this very clearly in your astral configuration and it is due to the unfavorable position of a number of major planets over the past few months (for example Saturn has been going through a transit which has had a very negative affect on your character). Well Tammy, today I have some excellent news for you because this period of 72 will mark a very important turning point for you and this Transit will have a very positive impact on your financial and professional life. You are going to have a job-offer which will correspond perfectly to your expectations and ambitions. This is a major event in your life, you will feel far more satisfied than you do at the moment and you will find that your professional and financial situation will be radically different. During this period you can expect some very positive financial changes in your life. It seems that one very important opportunity will be made to you and this opportunity is linked to an unexpected sum of money. As a matter of fact your astral configuration shows me that this sum of money should allow you to finish a project which you have been thinking about for a long time. 3 main points stand out clearly: - first of all, you must realize why this period is so important for you and this is simply because these 72 days are linked to a large sum of money - it seems that this sum of money will help you with your projects, ambitions and investments - at this stage of my analysis it is difficult to say exactly how you can get hold of this sum of money but it seems that it is linked to a notion of games or lottery. You will certainly gain this sum when you least expect it and this will also be a moment when your natural chance and good luck are boosted to their maximum. This does indicate a win through a game of some sort. Tammy, it is very important that you take into account that this Transit is going to have an enormous influence and a great importance in your life, I can even say that this period will represent a decisive turning point in your life and it is set to be very beneficial indeed. You really must to be ready to seize all of the opportunities which are going to be open to you during this period, this is a vital chance in your life. It is capitally important that you have some complementary information about this moment in your life (where, how, what, when, with who...). This is why I have put a page online especially for you, Tammy, where you can ask me to research this information. However just before you do visit this page, I have some more important information to tell you about. Firstly, it is very important to me that I show you and prove that I have felt some very strong vibrations about you Tammy and these feelings occured from the very first moment that you contacted me and in order to prove that this is true here are some precise details which came to me powerfully and they allowed me to work on a very precise Reading about you. These details also helped me to get to know you even better, so here is what I felt: You are aware that time is going by and that things are moving ahead faster and faster. I know that you often ask yourself questions and that you sometimes doubt your own motives. You are someone with a great deal of character and those around you are a lot younger than you are. Although you don't always consciously admit this, deep down inside, you need the respect and admiration of others. Those closest to you privately, describe you as being a very warm person. While they may not always say this, they feel it in their hearts. You are committed to make everyone's life better, sometimes take on too much responsibilities but you are sensitive to other people's feelings and get personal satisfaction from helping others. You are also perceptive about people and you have an unusually strong intuition. Being in touch with this power may be one of the reason why you are drawn to astrology readings and psychic experiences. Indeed there is a very strong aura around you and an energy that is truly powerful. I am sensing vibrations from you which are much more intense than those I experience with most clients. I am also getting the distinct sense that you are street smart and you value this ability much more than the classroom smart that others have. The experiences you have had in life have made you a bit more perspective than most . You are wise beyond your years in many ways. You were very sensitive as a young girl and may have even kept a diary or journal. As far as your personality is concerned, you are a good judge of character; for example you immediately know when a child is lying to you when someone you know well is not telling the truth. You consider yourself somewhat traditional in your values although you do try to keep yourself open to new ideas as you like to keep growing as a person. You often have strong feelings but keep them inside. I am getting the impression that you have a very strong work ethic and that on occasions you have had a tendency to work too hard. Because of this, when others don't work as hard as you, you do feel taken advantage of. Without a doubt you are your own strongest critic and you are often too hard on yourself. I am getting the distinct impression that you are street smart and you value this ability much more than the classroom smarts that others have. Lets get back to this period Tammy as I should warn you about one particular point. As a matter of fact it is very important that you take into account that if you do not act in a very decisive manner concerning this period then it is extremely likely that all of these important opportunities will simply pass you by. I can even go so far as to say that this is a fundamentally important point because we remain Masters of our own destiny no matter what happens to us. My role in all this is to show you the opportunities, the chances and the important periods which will be available to you and your role is to remain active and positive enough to seize these chances. You can no longer just 'wait for things to happen'. I know that I insist a lot on this point but I must remind you that this Transit is a very rare event which will not come around again for a very long time to come and it will allow you to take a new direction in your career thanks to this new job and earn an unexpected sum of money. To achieve this it is important that you find yourself in the right place and at the right time to take the right decisions and this is what I want to help you to do. I ask you to take things in hand and to remain active because I have seen too many people have the chance for such beneficial periods as yours and simply waiting inactively is the worst thing to do! Indeed, I know through my experience that people who are aware that such a Transit will soon occur yet who sit by and do nothing about it (because they consider that they can guess which actions are needed and when), inevitably miss out on the full impact of the period. Only a professional astrologer can read your Skies correctly to bring you the informations you truly need concerning your Transit of 72.Tammy, You need precise and deep knowledge of all of the implications of this Transit in order to get the very best out of it's chances and opportunities. Tammy, I warn you in this way because the stakes concerning this period are too high. You need a professional to help you through this vitally important time in your life. This Transit is too significant and too important not to try and get all chances over on your side. Of course, I am not the only professional who could help you. You may of course consult with someone a little closer to your home or with an astrologer you are already familiar with. This person should be able to help you in exactly the same manner as I would be able to. However you should understand that you can count 100% on my support and complete loyalty and I am of course 100% ready to help you Tammy, if you would like me to. To be more precise, I have a wealth of important and exciting information to share with and I can give you full details on the following points: More precisely, In terms of your professional career I will tell you: - why there have been certain stumbling blocks in your past and how this is now going to change - when this job proposition will occur - who is going to make it - what this new job is - how you can be sure not to miss out on it - how it will change in the future - how this will change your life financially - what you can expect from your job in the average to long term I will determine for you all of the information which you will need concerning the financial developments which you can expect during this Transit and how this sum of money will change your life. I will tell you: - why this period is more important than any other period - what financial changes you can really expect - how this sum of money will come to you - how you can grab hold and keep it - and I will also give you a lot of other information which will help you to get all the chance over on your side so that you can make the most of this valuable opportunity Here is again the web page where you can request my help, Tammy. As soon as I receive your confirmation that you want me to work on your reading I can get straight to work on your complete analysis. On this same page I have also given you a link to some testimonials from other customers that I have also helped through my clairvoyance and astrology. I am really excited to help you in this new adventure Your friend and astrologer, Jenna
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17 years ago
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