47 Year Old
From Albion, MI·
Invited by: Tease·
Joined on July 29, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on October 30th
·6 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
47 Year Old
From Albion, MI·
Invited by: Tease·
Joined on July 29, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on October 30th
·6 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Ok Here we go, As you may have or may not have read I'm born in Oct.. I have a 7 year old daughter and a 6year old step Son.As of june 14th of this year I'll finally tie that knot, but still I like to fun.Anything else you like to know you can ask Winks see ya
47 Year Old
From Albion, MI·
Invited by: Tease·
Joined on July 29, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on October 30th
·6 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
3f u love me (as a friend or more) u'll read the whole thing. What would you do if for every moment you were truly happy there would be 10 moments of sadness? What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life. I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you. Send this to all your friends, no matter how often you talk, or how close you are, and send it to the person who sent it to you. Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, and tell new friends you never will. Remember, everyone needs a friend. dont ever leave the one u love for the one u like, because the one u like will leave u for the one they love.If you wake up in a red room with no windows and doors, DON'T panic.. you're just in my heart!!! Send this to all the friends you want to keep forever...Today is Bestfriend Day. Send this to all of your friends, and me if I am one.If you get 7 back you are LOVED........@.@.@.@..@......@........@..........@...@............@....@@...@..............@@..@....@..............@...@......@...........@..@.........@......@..@..............@..@.I.................@....CARE.........@.........ABOUT....@................YOU...@........@@@......@@@@..@....@..........@...@.............@@@......@@.......@@@.......@..@@.........................@.........................@.........................@.........................@.........................@........................@.......................@send this rose to everyone you care about including me if you care.
THIS IS SOOOOOOO TRUE3f u love me (as a friend or more) u'll read the whole thing. What would you do if for every moment you were truly happy there would be 10 moments of sadness? What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life. I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you. Send this to all your friends, no matter how often you talk, or how close you are, and send it to the person who sent it to you. Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, and tell new friends you never will. Remember, everyone needs a friend. dont ever leave the one u love for the one u like, because the one u like will leave u for the one they love.If you wake up in a red room with no windows and doors, DON'T panic.. you're just in my heart!!! Send this to all the friends you want to keep forever...Today is Bestfriend Day. Send this to all of your friends, and me if I am one.If you get 7 back you are LOVED........@.@.@.@..@......@........@..........@...@............@....@@...@..............@@..@....@..............@...@......@...........@..@.........@......@..@..............@..@.I.................@....CARE.........@.........ABOUT....@................YOU...@........@@@......@@@@..@....@..........@...@.............@@@......@@.......@@@.......@..@@.........................@.........................@.........................@.........................@.........................@........................@.......................@send this rose to everyone you care about including me if you care.
U r sentenced 2 be my friend 4 life. No bail, No parole, Send this 2 all ur friends including me. If u get 3 back ur friendship is worth keepingKnock knock!Hello, you!May I grab your attention?Come a little closer......closer still......closer..x-------------------------xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-------------------------xI GOTCHA!You've just been hit by aGIANTVIRTUALPILLOW!Get in on the fun and hit everyone you know!It's the start of......this years InternetPILLOW FIGHT!The Three Pillow Fight Rules:1. No sleeping on the pillow fight pillows.2. You can't hit anyone who has already hit you.3. There are no more rules.Now.....go out there and hit as manypeople as you can before they get you!!!!!!HAVE AS MUCH FUN AS YOU CAN!CLOBBER ALL YOUR FRIENDS!!!
COURT ORDER!!!You are accused of.... crawling into my HEART...And hijacking my SMILES... With your CUTENESS...HOW DO YOU PLEAD.....GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU are sentenced...TO BE MY FRIEND FOR LIFE!!!!!!NO BAIL...... ;o)Send this to all your friend's... Including ME!!!IF YOU GET 10 BACK......!!!!!!!!YOUR FRiENDSHIP IS WORTH KEEPING