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Stats for Jul 26

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49 Year Old · Male · From Highland, CA · Joined on July 13, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 7th · 18 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
49 Year Old · Male · From Highland, CA · Joined on July 13, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 7th · 18 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

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Well I am a 32 year old who is now attending ITT Tech for now 2 Quarters & starting my 3ed Quarter in March. I am Studing both Multi-Media as an A.A. Degree & Game Entertainment & Game Design as a B.S. Degree. I should Graduate in the Summer of 2010.

I currently am living back in my Mother's appartment as since I am in a Law Battle w/ the Social Security Adminastraion to get my SSI/SSA Reinstated once again after they tried telling me that my Tourette Syndrome was Cured. As since Tourettes is a Genetic Disorder, there is NO Known Cure for it only possable treatments that not always stop all Side-Effects (so to speak of them) of the Tourettes from happening. So I must now go through the Long process of trying to Prove this & Win my Case against a U.S. Government Agency that doesn't care.

I also have 1 son named Sir Jacob Nicholas Xavier Austin. he currently lives w/ his Birth Mother in a Town in Northern California called WEED. Yes I said it was called Weed. It is a real Town located between Yreak & Mt. Shasta City in Siskiyou County in Northern California. I used to live in a Town called Happy Camp 2 hours down River from Yreka & 3 Hours Up River from Eureka!

Before all of this thou I was raised as a U.S. Air Force/Navy Brat & even spent 3 Years over in Iceland!


49 Year Old · Male · From Highland, CA · Joined on July 13, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 7th · 18 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
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I Love just about all types of Music except Gangsta Rap, Punk & Golden Oldies!
Video Games
I play just about anything that comes out of the Doors of Squaresoft & Most of what comes out of the Doors of Electronic Arts. I Love playing R.P.G.'s & Stratagy Games as well as Flight Games.
Here are a few Links to some of the Games I play Online!

My MonsterGame (Vampires vs Werewolves) Link is:
I am Known here as Farphunugian

My Tech Warrior Link is:
I am known here as Farphunugian

Come Join me in Play the Virtual Gaming World of:
I am known on here as GeneralFarphunugian

Come Join me Play a Great R.P.G. Game...
I am known on here as Farphunugian

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