To my boss's kids: We all know you're slackers. We don't care that your dad owns the store, you don't, and all we have to to is get him to kick your ass, so please, just listen to the people that know what they're talking about.
My corona friend: Dude, seriously. You're cool and stuff, but don't break out that "deeper level" horse crap when you're moving soon. You're cute, though. I'd keep you if not for the whole moving thing. I could see something lasting with you. Damn the luck.
The Mexicans at work: Stay the FUCK out of my warehouse. Don't come in there first and start asking me questions about prices. I don't know how much it costs, I know the nutritional breakdown, where it's at, and how to throw it. Also, please listen to me. I work there; I know what I'm talking about. I can feel you staring at my ass, you know, you're supposed to get in the truck with your friend like I told you guys to drive around, not follow me. And don't ask me my name and call me beautiful when you're a foot shorter than me with about 10 fewer teeth than my grandma.
The people that think I'm their slave: Dude, don't point like that. Seriously. I'm not impressed. I've trained horses that sold for a LOT more than that 2002 Bimmer is worth. I'm sorry for not laying it down gently in -- FUCK THAT, I'm not sorry, it's a car. I dropped a 55lb bag on your truck, and you're pissed about your suspension. Get an effing grip. If you had that much $$ like you pretend, you wouldn't be there in the first place, and you wouldn't get the cheapest brand.
Cute old guys that hit on me: Keep the tips coming! And no, my boyfriend doesn't mess with me. ;)
Somebody from back home: DAMNIT. Why do you have to keep doing that? As soon as I get happy down here, you make me want to be there more than I can stand. God, it's been a year and a half and it still feels like I could turn around and see you looking at me like you do. And I hate when I'm at home and we hang out, you can tell from just how I LOOK exactly how I feel and what's on my mind, but don't push me. And how you make everything seem ok, no matter what's wrong. And how you were always right there for me, no matter what - even ditching work and school because I needed you, even though I could admit it. I KNOW you were laughing inside as you were holding me when I was sobbing on the phone to my daddy about my first ticket.
Somebody down here: Damnit to you, too, but not as big. I finally decide that I *will* ask for help, and you're not there. I know the same thing happened as with somebody else; that I feel a lot different about you than me. You used to say you felt that way. Why can't we just be us and how we feel and let the details come later? You blow some things way out of proportion that I don't think are that big of a deal. The sex may not have been mind-blowing, but the intimacy was. We were naked together in soooo many ways.
Somebody else from back home: God, we were a long time ago. A really long time ago. I have nothing but fond memories if you, and I want you to be happy. Still let me drive the rocerocket, pretty please. You were the most patient teacher, in more ways than one, and that stays with me today.
Somebody else down here: Mind-blowing sex. You. are. amazing. I love you. I think you love me? But we have way, way too much trouble communicating. And our child-raising philosophies are way too far removed from each other. That's the leading cause of divorce ... not willing to risk it. But at least we want the same number. I wish things would have been different, I could see us in it for the long haul. I wanted to make babies and sit in creaky rocking chairs on a front porch with you when our bones got just as creaky as the chairs. I could see it all. But, well, life goes on. I still miss you.
Somebody else down here: We had SUCH good times. We would have been good friends, I like to think, because we had a lot in common. But shit happens.
Got plans, gotta run. prolly add more later.
~What would you attempt if you knew you couldn't fail?