Finally some good news!!! I am in school full time, I'm goin for my Asscociates Degree in Business Administration in Healthcare Management. I finished my first course this past weekend. Business 105 which I can happily say I passed with a B. WOOHOO
I am also studying to get my license through the state of Arkansas to sell Health and Life Insurnce. Well, I finally got the confirmation from the state of Arkansas that I have passed the background check and all that junk. So I am now scheduled to take my state exams on May 8th!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!!
So finally, I will be able to get my butt to work and start makin some money!!!
And now for the not so good news, my health hasn't been all that great lately. I've had some issues with sever migraines due to stress and some other issues, along with kidney stones. I have been fighting with kidney stones since Christmas last year. Well these past few weeks have been the worst of it. I have pretty much been bedridden for past couple of weeks. Only gettin up when I have too. Anyways, Finally my insurance has approved my doctor to do a procedure to help break up the kidney stones allowing me to pass them easier with less pain. For anyone out there that suffers from kidney stones I'm sure you know what i'm talking about. It's called Lithotripsy. It's when you lay very still (hopefully after being injected thru and I.V. meds to calm and relax you causing you to fall asleep) but unfortunately most people just relax enough to stay still but stay awake during the procedure. Anyways, they send ultrasonic shock waves through your body to break up the kidney stones in to smaller particals, most of the time turns it to dust. but not always. In my case i'm praying and begging that it just turns to dust. I'm so small that even smaller particals are painful. Anyways, I get to go in on Monday April 30th to get this done. The procedure only takes about an hour with about 2-3hr recovery. Then I should be able to come home that day. So keep your fingers crossed that all goes well.
Congratulations for those who actually stayed long enough to read this blog!!! I'm proud of ya, your not only a good person but your not self centered!!! yea for you!!!!
Anyways, Have a great weekend all and take care!