Ralphie Parker - Age 9 from "The Christmas Story"
Tracey Russell (me) - Age 9 (1992) from Petersburg, IN
Alright, I was looking through my old pictures today and I came across an older school picture from November 14, 1992 and guess what immediately came to mind? RALPHIE PARKER from "The Christmas Story"! Did I not look EXACTLY like him with the GLASSES AND ALL?! The sad part is I always wanted a Red Rider BB Gun for Christmas just as Ralphie AND I was always picked on at that time...just as little Ralphie was. I just HAD to scan this picture and bring out the 'ol Photoshop to show you guys...it's amazing at how much I resembled him and how much we were alike (even in character!).
I MUST get some comments on this...it's too crazy to pass up guys!!!! Come on...you know you wanna....it's even the Holiday Season for goodness sakes!!