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39 Year Old · Male · From Midland, TX · Joined on December 5, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on October 21st · 13 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
39 Year Old · Male · From Midland, TX · Joined on December 5, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on October 21st · 13 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Hey everyone... my name is Vincent or Vinny... I'm 24 y/o... I was born in Passaic, New Jersey[ oct/21/1985] And i was raised in Puerto Rico for 20 years. Now i live in Midland, Tx. I dont have kids... i love it but no for now. I like all kinda music but more electronic, industrial and all kinda like that. I have 3 bro and 3 sisters. I have 1 nephew and 1 niece, both are 2 y/o. If u want to know more about me plz message me or IM.

39 Year Old · Male · From Midland, TX · Joined on December 5, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on October 21st · 13 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

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Ink, Internet, Movies, Reading, Karaoke, Language, Culture, History of Communism, Philosophy, Singing/Writing Music, Running, Finding New Food, Hiking, Travel, Building alternate communities.

Bands: Beatles, Superdrag, Jackson 5, Weezer, Sex Pistols, The Carpenters, Vain, Radiohead, Teenage Fanclub, Rocket from the Crypt, Pitchfork, Oasis, Rialto, Supergrass, Travis, The Doors, Cheap Trick, Simple Plan, Alice Cooper, KISS, A*TEENS, The Beach Boys, The Velvet Underground, Journey

Solo Artists: Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, Elvis, Brendan Benson, David Bowie, Rick Springfield, Barry Manilow, Paul Stanley Solo Album, Bob Dylan, Rod Stewart

Singers: Michael Jackson (age 14 & under), Karen Carpenter, Whitney Houston (particularly The Bodyguard soundtrack), George Michael, Louie Louie, Robin Zander, Frank Sinatra, Steve Perry, Gerard Way, Kelly Clarkson

Albums: Appetite for Destruction - Guns & Roses; Life - The Cardigans; A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles; Dookie - Green Day; Blue - Weezer; One Missisipi - Brendan Benson; Two Steps from the Move - Hanoi Rocks; Led Zeppelin I, The Doors, In The Valley of Dying Stars - SuperDrag; Survivor When Seconds Count - Rick Springfield, Working Class Dog - Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here - The Shore

Instruments: The Er Hu, Piano, certain guitar tones (Rocket from the Crypt, Sex Pistols, Rolling Stones)

MySpace Artists: Limbeck, Butch Walker, The Fictions, The Ettes, Feable Weiner, Billionaire Boys Club, Halfway Home, The Pacific, The Honorary Title, Stranded Alone, Kill Hannah, FallOutBoy, Melee, The Shore, The Summer Obsession, Kino, Cary Brothers, The Volunteers, The Howl, Head Automatica, Seel Fresh, Jupiter Sunrise, Keane, Say Anything. Tsar, Much The Same, Plain White T's!
rush Hour 1 2 3, riddick, love actually, oceans 1 2 3, the beach, superman 1 2 3 4 5, superman return, romeo and Juliet, The Crow, Van Wilder 1 & 2, Superbad, jumper 40 days and 40 night, Jay and silent bob, dogma, mr woodcock, balls of fury, clerk 2, fantastic 4 1 & 2, XXX 1 & 2, Blade 1 2 & 3, orange county, aeonflux, superstar. drumline, national lampoon, all american pie, ghost rider, lord of the ring, star wars, star trek, perfect scrore, unleashed, evolution, ect.
Films: Lawrence of Arabia, Ben Hur, Patton, Spartacus, Gandhi, The 10 Commandments, Apocalypse Now, Beauty & The Beast (the cartoon), Thin Red Line, Titanic, Gladiator, The Patriot, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Un Coeur en Hiver, The Empire of the Sun, Gone With the Wind, The Godfather, 2001, Clockwork Orange, Blade Runner, Deer Hunter, Mean Streets, Grease, Urban Cowboy, Saturday Night Fever, The Sound of Music, Copland, Dances With Wolves, Good Will Hunting, To Live, Red Sorghum, The Story of Qiu Ju, The Road Home, Not One Less, Happy Times

Directors: Kubrick, Francis Copolla, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Zhang Yimou

Superman, Wonder women, Batman, Spider man, robin, Wolverine, Super boy, Super Women, Cat women, Flash, Hulk, Iron man. Captain America

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  • XxSatanic DragonxX I hate you, you hate me, lets tie Bieber to a tree. with an ax, water bottle and a 2x4, no more Bieber any-more =D
    13 years ago · Comment

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