A lot of people and T.V. shows these days like to express their feelings about holidays and the money it takes to make them happen. As my good friend Jeremiah pointed out, "most holiday's have lost their true meaning." Expressing his point that most people get so caught up in gift giving they forgot why they were celebrating the holiday to begin with. He goes on to write that holidays were "invented by card and candy companies to exploit the american public and make a buck." Even though he, nor I, can blame them for that I decided to share my thoughts as he has his about hoildays, relationships and gift giving.
First of all, I don't really share these views. I like giving gifts to people on holidays and wish I could motivate myself to be more thoughtful at ANYTIME of giving thanks to people I love and care about.
Why do people feel the need to wait until those holidays to give their loved ones nice things. Instead of doing it because of something, start doing it because of nothing. Give your significant other or loved one a rose because you thought of them that day not because its Valentines day. That way on the holiday you can still COOK a special dinner or choose another activity and it can be just as nice if you put thought into details. Sometime small details of what may seem insignificant are what shows the person you really care. And if you feel like you are paying holiday prices, then buy a gift a month or two ahead of time. You can buy things for the holidays anytime during the year. If you do that, then you aren't completely broke during the holidays. And yes i do agree that they are great money making schemes but all in all its like giving the economy little shots of red bull to boost its productivity. So it can't be all bad can it? Just remember to make the loving guestures for no reason just as many times or more than you do it for an actual reason. It may give your relationship a boost as well. Maybe then you will look forward to those holidays rather then dread them. YES, that's right I'm the next Dr. Phil. So lets recap:
This year:
1. Give your loved ones cards or gifts just because you felt like it or thought of them that day. Don't wait for the holiday.
2. For the holidays, buy gifts that you know will be perfect as you see them then stores. Don't wait till the last minute. The gifts may not be there. Prices could be jacked up. What you wanted to buy is out of season. Or you can wait till your options are gone and buy a random gift that will probably be taken back.
3. Finding out about and giving a gift that someone loves really makes them think you took time out and thought about them as an individual, not some person you had to buy a gift for because it was a holiday.
4. Buying gifts through out the year for holidays helps you spread out the spending of cash. Therefore, you are not broke during the holidays.
5. Low on cash and an office to buy for? Check out clearance areas through out the year. You never know when you can pick up some small gifts for co-workers you love and those that don't know you have forgotten their name.
6. I typed it before and I will do so again. DO NOT forget your significant other's (or any loved ones) birthday or forget to acknowlege them on holidays that are significant to them. Even if you are fighting and not around each other. Because when you make up or get back together they will always remember that you didn't care enough or didn't think they were important enough for you to put your petty differences aside for that one special day of the year. (Even if they started it)
Last, remember, you can always put your talents to work if you don't or can't spend the money that year. Cook, clean, paint, design, sew, or craft your way through the year and do if for no reason. No talent? Make a card anyway sometimes the big effort on the small mess is enough to make make your loved one smile. Just knowing that someone went out of their way for you or was thinking of you that day and wanting to make it a special day is reason enough to make every day a holiday.