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53 Year Old · Male · Joined on March 23, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on August 25th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
53 Year Old · Male · Joined on March 23, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on August 25th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Well let me see, for starters I am a silly person, I like to laugh, and make others laugh also. Alright so being serious is good but not all the time, dang if I did, that would be a bore. Ho hum, I also like to have some kind of joke or funny thing thrown at me, so yes, if you have some silly thought or want to joke with me go for it, just be prepared if you joke with me I will sure do it right back, and that to me makes a fun person. I am laid back, but fun to hang out with. I have too many interests to mention, pretty much as long as it is not something that causes trouble or hurts someone, it is fine, and oh yes I can be horribly naughty too. Being silly, does not mean things always have to be um, "clean" hehe. I like to meet new people, I have not been on this site long, and alot of you are pretty cool in my book. Oh ya and one day I hit the button in the fun & games, and pushed bored, then it asked me to rate a bunch of photos, hmm, ya i left some comments too, sorry if i offended some i had no idea what that was, but some of those where too funny i must say. Anyway everyone is welcome to be my friend here, ya you, you and you, all welcome!Comment Buddy
MySpace Spam Comments
MySpace Comments
HEHE!!!!!myspace layouts

myspace layouts

YA! that is me myself and I my name, cool now everyone knows my name, hehe!bT*xJmx*PTEyMzgwMTczNTYxNjEmcHQ9MTIzODAxNzM4NjcyMSZwPTM5MDEmZD1ncmFwaGljcyZnPTEmdD1zcGFuayZvPWJmNmU1Y2QyYTllMjRiNTdiOGNkZjQ*ZjMxZDgyODU1.gif

Myspace Layouts


Ah one thing I forgot to mention, I am not afraid to add my myspace graphic

myspace graphic

screenname here. Only family I have chosen and friends may add themself to me. I do not mind using cams just do me a favor KEEP IT CLEAN! I will not undress for you and I sure do not want you to either, weather you like or believe that or not is on you, I dont want it. Besides, I am usually out and about, in a public place, like a coffeeshop or something, uh, if someone comes on a cam wearing nothing, I could get into alot of trouble. I will not come visit you for real, chances are you are too far away from me. however if I ever did visit your city, well who knows. Of course you may make a trip here to Portland, sure I will help you find things, who wants to get lost? Hmm calling, well I do not think so, but if someone is crazy enough to want to call me sure I will give my phonenumber, I just want to see your phonebill after, and the look on your face, if you are that crazy, you need help. Anyway you are all welcome to add yourself to my yahoo, I love to chat and get to know people, it is always fun. Could you just do me one small favor though, when you add yourself, in the message put in your sceenname from here so I know who you are, I really do not want to add loony people you know? COOLNESS!myspace layouts

myspace layouts


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Passion Comments

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@ fubar

53 Year Old · Male · Joined on March 23, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on August 25th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
Video Games
Unreal Tournament 3, wanna join me for one? I will host the tournament, message me if you want to join in, Civilization IV, Heroes of might and magic V, and of course World of Warcraft "Stubbornbrew" is the screenname.
Ya! the coolest singer, song writer ever to exist, sorry this is not Gangstas Paradise, this is the Weird Al Yankovic spoof, Amish Paradise, hahahahaha! Hope you enjoy it thoughSmile2.gif

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  • Rochelles sweet... Want to try something funny...www.imvu.com add me billyadam to your friendlist too, this thing is a hoot!
    15 years ago · Comment

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