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Valpurga's blog: "Valpurga"

created on 02/11/2007  |  http://fubar.com/valpurga/b54335


Are You Psychic? How to Evaluate your Own PSI Talents. by Atham Z It is my belief that everyone has some psychic skill, which they choose to develop, ignore or eliminate to the best of their abilities. The following is a short ESP potential test that can be quickly evaluated with only "yes" or "no" answers. Do you sometimes know who is calling before you pick up the telephone? Are there times during conversations when you know ahead of time what someone else is going to say? Do you occasionally experience a sense of "deja vu", the feeling that you have previously experienced something, or have already seen something that is happening to you? Are animals attracted to you, and do you silently communicate well with family pets? Are your dreams sometimes prophetic, or a help with problem solving? Do you ever know ahead of time that the phone is going to ring, or that someone is about to enter your office or knock on your door? Have you ever had a presentiment of an unexpected death or other tragedy before it occurred, or simply had a sense that something was wrong and subsequently discovered that you were correct? Have you ever seen or heard or touched a ghost? Have you ever shared thoughts or emotions with a close relative or friend over a long distance without using traditional methods of communication, such as telephone or mail? . Have you ever "heard" someone else's thoughts in your mind? Do you have periods of heightened sensitivity to noise, lights or crowds? Do you regularly sense the feelings of other people? Do you ever manage to see "things" such as lights or illuminations out of the corner of your eye, usually around other people and animals? Have you ever sensed someone or something around you when you were physically alone? If you have answered all fourteen of the questions affirmatively, your psychic potential is nearly unlimited. A score of between eight and thirteen 'yes' answers, places you in the high range of definitely having some psychic skills. A score of five, six or seven means your ESP powers are lying just under the surface of your consciousness and can be easily called upon to help you achieve your desires and life goals. All is not lost if you scored four or lower, it just means that you will have to work a bit harder to open your psychic channels and realize your full ESP potential.


The Wiccan Calendar Southern Hemisphere. In the Wiccan calendar, there are four main days of power, (Sabbats), all revolving around the Solstices and Equinoxes - the astronomical beginnings of the seasons, and with deep connection to the agricultural year. In the southern hemisphere, the Sabbats don't always align with the traditional understanding of goddess spirituality - for example, Easter is named after the Spring goddess Eostre, whose feast day is celebrated in the northern hemisphere's Spring time (Mar 20 - 23). In the southern hemisphere, Easter lands in Autumn, not an entirely appropriate time to be celebrating "new life"! Nevertheless, we can still celebrate the essence of each Sabbat. Yule (Winter Solstice) The time of the shortest day of the year, the sun begins its path out of winter towards Spring. Yule (around DECEMBER 22nd) also known as: Yuletide, Alban Arthan. Yule is the time of greatest darkness and the longest night of the year. The Winter Solstice had been associated with the birth of a "Divine King" long before the rise of Christianity. Since the Sun is considered to represent the Male Divinity in many Pagan Traditions, this time is celebrated as the "return of the Sun God" where He is reborn of the Goddess. Candlemas Imbolc (Brigid's Day) The light of rebirth grows stronger. It is a time for purification as we continue to emerge from the dark of winter.(February 1st or 2nd) also known as: Candlemas, Imbolg, Imbolgc brigantia, Lupercus, Disting IMBOLC The earliest whisperings of Springtide are heard now as the Goddess nurtures Her Young Son. As a time of the year associated with beginning growth, Imbolc is an initiatory period for many. Here we plant the "seeds" of our hopes and dreams for the coming summer months. Spring Equinox When the day and night are equal length. By now, we are feeling re-energised and are ready to burst forth with renewed energy, (around March 21st)also known as: Vernal Equinox, Ostara, Alban Eiler, Esther SPRING EQUINOX/OSTARA ( on or about March 21) The first true day of Springtide. The days and nights are now equal in length as the Young God continues to mature and grow. We begin to see shoots of new growth and swelling buds on the trees. Energy is building as the days become warmer with promise. Beltane May Day in the northern hemisphere The name is derived from the Celtic god Belenus, and is a time to celebrate fertility and the earth's ripe abundance.also known as: Mayday, Walburga, Galan Mai, Shenn da Boaldyn, Bealtinne, Beltine, Beltain, Beal-tine, Beltan, Bel-tien, Beltein, Bealtuinn and Bealtaine BELTAINE (April 30-May 1 - Western Hemisphere) The Land represented by the Goddess is now ripe and fertile and the Young God expresses His Love for Her. This is a time of joyous reveling as the first flowers of Summer are gathered in Their Honor. Summer Solstice Litha When the sun reaches its zenith, and then turns southward and the days begin to shorten. Make hay while the sun shines!also known as: Litha, Feill-Sheathain, Jani, Alban Hefin, Juhannus, Midsommarafton, Saint John's Eve. "Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." -- Maori proverb Summer Solstice falls at the precise moment when the Sun's power is at its zenith. It is the time of year when the noon sun appears to be farthest north from the celestial equator. "Solstice" is Latin for "sun stands still" (sol "sun" and sistere "to stand"). Summer Solstice is so named because to the naked eye the sun appears stationary in its northern and southern progression. The sun is directly over the tropic of Cancer at the summer solstice, at which time the sun is 23°27' north. The sun travels 23.5 degrees to reach its maximum distance from the celestial equator during both the summer and winter solstice. Lammas Harvest Festival A time of thanksgiving and preparation for the dark, cold winter and the death of nature.on or about August 1stalso known as: Lugnasad, Lammas, Cornucopia, Thingtide, Lammastide, Lughomass, Festival of Light, Latha Lunasdal Falling midway between Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox is the cross-quarter holiday of Lughnasadh, which is the first in the trilogy of harvest festivals, Lughnasadh, Mabon and finally Samhain. It is at the time of Lughnasadh when the days suddenly seem to shorten and the nights grow longer At Lughnasadh, the Wheel of the Year begins to shift from growing time to harvest time. The subtle changes of the waning sun that occurred at Summer Solstice becomes more evident as the balance of day and night seem to shift more dramatically. The slight seasonal changes in weather, and the declining arc of the sun, the southern movement of it rising and setting are other indicators of this shift. "After Lammas, corn ripens as much by night as by day." Although temperatures can still be high, the mood and sensation of the year most decidedly changes. We enter the harvest time. It is the point in time when the first grains are collected and ritualistically sacrificed to ensure the continuance of the cycle of life both physically and spiritually. Autumn Equinox Mabon A time when nature declines, draws back into bounty, readying for winter and its time of rest. also known as: Alban Elfed, Winter Finding(on or about September 21) The Second or Continuing Harvest. Now, as at Ostara, the days and nights are equal once again. gardens are in full bloom and heavy with nature's bounty. There is a slight nip in the air already and preparations begin to prepare for the long cold months which are to come. Samhain Hallowe'en The most sacred holiday celebrated throughout the Wheel of the Year is Samhain (pronounced sow-en), which may mean "summer's end". Samhain is the time to celebrate the Crone, the wise one, the healer. (October 31st -Nov 1st) The Last Harvest. The Earth nods a sad farewell to the God. We know that He will once again be reborn of the Goddess and the cycle will continue. This is the time of reflection, the time to honor the Ancients who have gone on before us and the time of 'Seeing"(divination). As


WITCHES CREED Hear now the words of the witches, The secrets we hid in the night, When dark was our destiny's pathway, That now we bring forth into light. Mysterious water and fire, The earth and the wide-ranging air, By hidden quintessence we know them, and will and keep silent and dare. The birth and rebirth of all nature, The passing of winter and spring, We share with the life universal, Rejoice in the magical ring. Four times in the year the Great Sabbat Returns, and the witches are seen At Lammas and Candlemas dancing, On May Eve and old Hallowe'en. When day-time and night-time are equal, When the sun is at greatest and least, The four Lesser Sabbats are summoned, Again the witches gather in feast. Thirteen silver moons in a year are, Thirteen is the coven's array. Thirteen times at Esbat make merry, For each golden year and day. The power was passed down the ages, Each time between woman and man, Each century unto the other, Ere time and the ages began. When drawn is the magical circle, By sword or athame or power, Its compass between the two worlds lies, In Land of the Shaes for that hour. The world has no right then to know it, And world of beyond will tell naught, The oldest of Gods are invoked there, The Great Work of magic is wrought. For two are the mystical pillars, That stand at the gate of the shrine, And two are the powers of nature, The forms and the forces divine. The dark and the light in succession, The opposites each unto each, Shown forth as a God and a Goddess: Of this did out ancestors teach. By night he's the wild wind's rider, The Horn'd One, the Lord of the Shades. By day he's the King of the Woodland, The dweller in green forest glades, She is youthful or old as she pleases, She sails the torn clouds in her barque, The bright silver lady of midnight, The crone who weaves spells in the dark. The master and mistress of magic, They dwell in the deeps of the mind, Immortal and ever-renewing, With power to free and to bind. So drink the good wine to the Old Gods, And dance and love in their praise, Till Elphame's fair land shall receive us In peace at the end of our days. And Do What You Will be the challenge, So be it in Love that harms none, For this is the only commandment, By Magic of old, be it done! Eight words the Witches' Creed fulfill: If it harms none, do what you will!


~*~Protection Charm~*~ Need: Sea salt (table is fine), water, bowl or cauldron, pentacle or crystal (often jewelry is chosen for everyday wear.) If performed outside, hold the charm in your right hand and the bowl filled with salt water in your left. Pour the saltwater, (or dip the charm into the cauldron filled with saltwater so that it is completely covered; if performed inside) while chanting: "By the powers of Earth and Sea, Return to all by power of 3, Any negativity, That which may be sent to me, Unless I have summoned it be. I am protected from this night, By the Spirits of power and might. As above, so below, As I speak it shall be so! With harm to none- This spell is done! Protected power flow from me, As I will it--SO MOTE IT BE!!"~~ Wear the charm daily for protection, and recharge on the Dark of the Moon. ~~~Blessed Be!!!~~~


*Warning - This is not for beginners..... without experience, you will only hurt yourself! Curse ******* There has been unfairness done to me I summon the elements I invoke them I conjure them to do my bidding The four watchtowers shall lay their eyes and minds there shall be fear and guilt and bad blood there shall be submission and no pity I point the threefold law against thee against thee it shall be pointed threefold, a hundred fold is the cost for my anger and pain Thee shall be blinded by the fear blinded by the pain blinded by me binded by me Cursed by me So mote it be! This curse shall be laid upon the victim while burning am image of the victim (wax sigil, photograph, drawing, anything) in the flame of a consecrated black candle. I have posted this on our site, because as free witches we have the right to free will I can not teach if I can not teach fairly, its up to you if and how you use this curse. hexing is powerful magick and should never be entered in to lightly, remember always the rule of 3 Valpurga

Wiccan Rede

Wiccan Rede ------------------------------------------------- Bide these Wiccan laws ye must, With perfect love and perfect trust; Live ye must and let to live, Fairly take and fairly give. Cast the circle thrice about, To keep unwelcome spirits out. To bind the magick every time, Let the spell be spoke in rhyme. Soft of eye and light of touch, Speak ye little, listen much. Honor the Old Ones in deed and name, Let love and light be our guides again. Deosil go by the waxing Moon, Chanting out the joyful tune. Widdershins go by the waning Moon, Chanting out the baneful rune. When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hands to her, times two. When the moon rides at her peak, then your heart's desire seek. Heed the North wind's mighty gale: Lock the door and trim the sail. When the wind blows from the East, Expect the new and set the feast. When the wind comes from the south, Love will kiss thee on the mouth. When it whispers from the West, Aching hearts find peace and rest. Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow: Birch into the fire goes In sign of what the Lady knows. Oak in the forest towers with might, In the fire brings the Gods in sight. Rowan is a tree of power, Causing life and magic to flower. Willows which by water stand Ease us to the Summerland. Hawthorn is burned to purify, And to draw Faerie to your eye. Hazel, the tree of wisdom and learning, Adds its strength to the bright fire burning. White are the flowers of apple tree, That brings us fruits of fertility. Grapes which grow upon the vine, Give to us both joy and wine. Fir tree bough are evergreen Immortal life in them is seen. Elder wood, the Lady's tree -- burn it not, or cursed be. Four times the Major Sabbats mark, Twice in light and twice in dark. In death the spark of life is born At Samhain when the veil is torn. When the time for Imbolc shows, Watch for flowers through the snows. When the Wheel begins to turn, Soon the Beltaine fires will burn. As the wheel turns to Lugh's night, Power is brought to magic rite. Four times the Minor Sabbats fall, Use the Sun to mark them all. When the Wheel has turned to Yule, Light the log - the Horned One rules. In the Spring, night equals day, Time for Ostara to come our way. When the Sun has reached its height, Time for Oak and Holly to fight. Harvesting comes home for all When the Autumn Equinox does fall. Learning flower, bush, and tree; by the Lady, blessed be. Where the rippling waters go, cast the stone and truth you'll know. When ye have and hold a need, harken not to others' greed. With a fool no seasons spend, Lest ye be counted as his friend. Merry meet and merry part; bright the cheeks and warm the heart. Mind the Threefold Law ye should: Three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is enow, Wear the blue Star on thy brow. True in love thou must ever be, lest thy love prove false to thee. Eight words the Witches' Rede fulfill, An' it harm none, do what thou will.


Witches' Dance By light of Moon, I oft did hear, Their singing in the wood. Bright candle flames, like fireflies, Outside the Circle stood. They say the Witches gathered there, Wherein the dark did dwell, Afraid to meet within the light, The reasons I've heard tell. The Witches' dance, beneath the Moon, I would that I might go, To be so free and light of heart, And let my gladness flow. But the Witches passed beyond the mist, Some scattered, many dead, Their voices stilled, all laughter gone, The forest stained with red. The nights were full of emptiness, No Magick in the air. Much sadder was the world I knew, The forest much less fair. They promised to return some year, When portents would allow. There's changes in the wind these days, Perhaps the time is now. Earth power is awake again, And once more we are free. Our Magick has returned to us, In stream and field and tree. O who will dance the Witches' Dance, Within a forest glade? Come join the dance, as 'round we tread, And do not be afraid. words by Thistle Fire,


Chivalry is a high code of honor, which is of most ancient pagan origin, and must be lived by all who follow thee old ways It must be known that thoughts and intent put forth on this middle-earth will wax strong in otherworlds beyond, and return...bringing into creation, on this world, that which had been sent for. Thus one should exercise discipline, for "As ye do plant, so shall ye harvest It is only by preparing our minds to be as Gods that we can ultimately attain godhead "This above all...to thine own self be trueA Witch's word must have the validity of a signed and witnessed oath. Thus they give word sparingly, but adhere to it like iron Refrain from speaking ill of others, for not all truths of the matter may not be knownPass not unverified words about another, for hearsay is, in a large part, a thing of falsehoods Be thou honest with others, and have them know that honesty is likewise expected of themThe fury of the moment plays folly with the truth; to keep one's head is a virtue Contemplate always the consequences of thine acts upon others. Strive not to harmDiverse covens may well have diverse news on love between members and with others. When a coven, clan, or grove is visited or joined, one should discern quietly their practices and abide thereby Dignity, a gracious manner, and a good humor are much to be admired As a Witch thou hast power, and powers wax strongly as wisdom increases. Therefore exercise discretion in the use thereof Courage and honor endure forever. Their echoes remain when the mountains have crumbled to dustPledge friendship and fealty to those who so warrant. Strengthen other of the brethren and they shall strengthen theeThou shall not reveal secrets of another Witch to another coven. Others have labored long and hard for them and cherish them as treasures Though there may be differences between those of the Old Ways, those who are once-born must see nothing and must bear nothing Those who follow the mysteries should be above reproach in the eyes of the worldThe laws of the land should be obeyed whenever possible and with reason, for in the main they have been chosen with wisdomHave pride in thyself and seek perfection in body and in mind. For the Lady has said, "How can thou honor another unless thou give honor to thyself first"Those who seek the mysteries should consider themselves as select of the Gods, for it is they who lead the race of humans to the highest thrones and beyond the very stars
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