happy valentines day
since catch 27 works no more i guess i'll start blogging on here. i was going to go with myspace but they blocked some of my words (wtf with the filters blocking my f__ing words??? ) so i thought maybe i'll just find a site where i don't have a "blog mommy" and blog there ..... that sux to filter something out of someone's blog. if they don't want people to go to other sites they should make it so that their site doesn't suck.... n'neway i'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy off topic right now.... ok switching gears......
back to the topic valentines day makes everyone feel special for once out of the year. the only day where everyone seems to be a bit more sappy and sweet.... or bitter and sour dependant on who you are and whether you are getting anything. despite this you all have a virtual hello from me and a hug and kiss virtually as well( if we go any further online std testing may be necessary... so we'd better stop there- for my own good) and if you get nothing else for valentines day just know it's not always because you're ugly you're probably just a sad sorry excuse for a human... or maybe you're having a bad year. whatever the excuse, try to make the most of it. and next year buy yourself a gift. that will make you feel better. 'ne thing's better than killing yourself because you didn't get a gift. unless you're one of those immortals... then go right ahead and try to kill yourself... you'll never make it!! lol