So sorry I havent been in touch.... I just wanted to sorta let my friends on here know what is going on... I am still on "vacation" Still in boston Ma. We will be leaving here on the first to come home. Mike is moving with me. I had a good christmas, Sure hope you guys did too. I got my engagement ring. I also got from Mike a "cladah" ring. I know that is not how you spell it but that is how you pronounce it and I have no ideal how to spell it so we will leave it at that lol. Well, in case you dont know what that is its an Irish symbol and Mike wears one so he got me one like it. You wear it with the point of the heart pointing towards you when you are taken. So he turned his around and got me one. IS that sweet or what???
We visited his daughters and grandchildren and told everyone that he is moving. Everyone is happy for him but they all cry cause he is moving so far away. Sucks that in order for me and him to be happy we make others sad. But we are not going to live in Texas forever. I am just not ready to move yet.
Oh guess what. I spent saturday sunday and monday in the freaking mountains for christmas. Yeah right up there where the ski slopes are. DO you believe that it didnt snow, not even a flurry. Figures, huh? Of course monday night after we left there it snowed. Just my luck.
Ok Ok I am going now. didnt mean to run on so long.