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Ok so in this thrilling installment of my rants I'm going to cover something I feel there isnt enough of anymore R E S P E C T. NO not the song made popular by the queen of R&B. NO the real honest to god true art of have respect for other people. What brings this on you ask? Well thats simple. Some trash talking fool right here on CT had the testicular fortitude step up and slam Whiskey Dust, now before any of you self severing nay sayers get all up in arms.... yes I know everyone is aloud there opinions but there is a limit to that too. If you are going to give your "opinion" on something, using diplomacy and tact is something this person lacks. Here judge for yourself: "this is the band you see playing at that really shitty bar down the street from you, this sounds like it was recorded in a utility closet of a sanitation factory" Now to me that sounds like someone that has nothing better to do with there time than to talk trash. Critic? I doubt it..... if this person works for some printable rag worthy of reading I would be more than shocked this person even can make it to work in the morning much less write insightful hard hitting articles. What do I care what this person has to say when we have so many supporters of the group? I dont.. I'm more amazed at the decline of respect for the fact that sure you may not like what we do, fine... dont listen to it. But dont sit there and bash us for doing something you yourself cant or dont have the balls to do. We do this for ourselves and for people who are true music lovers. Someone that enjoys good music and likes to have a good time. If you are the type that dont.... by all means move along and dont trip over your sour attitude. Simply put.... people life is short so have some respect for the people that have the guts to get out there and do something that you refuse or just cant do....... and if you cant do it ...... try to enjoy the fact there there is someone out there to give a gift like music and entertainment to you. and remember respect is given if you give it!
Ok so if you are reading this you might have read that I'm changing this CT page. If not then you missed out and you'll have to catch up somehow. So here is the DL on the WD switch. I figure that this is just as good a place as any for you all to check out new songs..... see vids of the shows..... and maybe some other little tidbits of WD. not interested? then why the hell you on the friends list? see cant blame me on this one.... you had a warning in the form a bulletins.. 3 to be exact. Why am I bitter? I'm not .... really..... its more just tired of people saying they are friends and then you find they are nothing more than Pic collectors. So if I cant beat them.... I'll join them but for a far better cause than they have. This is for my band.. the band.... all the BAND. Make sence now? good

Useless Part II

Sooooooo there I was minding my own biz getting ready for another fun filled evening with the boys ....... meaning preactice for them slow in the head people out there.. Haaaaaaaa. Anywho... I guess I shoudl rewind a bit and tell anoother story before this one... It was a cool day yesterday... but none the less there was a function we all said we would attend.. Javi's BBQ...... beer, Carne Asada.... and I'm talk the real shit... not the shit them Lions on TV have been pushin for TB.... Anywho ALL of us were to go.. but it seems that one of our Family has been trying to trun on us for some time......ironicly enough the same person to say I get pissed off all the time..... well none the less this person didnt show up to Javi's GT....... sad too.... we had alot of fun. Well this is where my story starts back up again. So if you are working for someone friend of not you try to do your best and be there on time and not take days off right? welll thats what I thought or maybe its just me and I have a bit more respect and loyalty than most.... well none the less the same person to bow out yesterday sends a TEXT....... yeah a fucking TEXT sayin he isnt going to make it to practice...... not a call mind you.... well I knew he wasnt going to show.... them gut feelings I get .... anywho... I replyed back with I didnt figur you were...... I get back a responce that was less than nice... and it kind of snowballed from there..... none the less I wound up ending a friendship of 12 years tonight...... over a woman..... yeah I said it. Thats what it boils down to . Just as I lost a Bassist some months back over the same thing....... now this is what I would like to know. I know that women have powers over us men that half the time they dont know they have..... or if they do they are kind enough to not use it aginst us or our friends.... However.... I find it funny when a man lets himself become so whipped by a woman that he himself turns on there very ones that have been there through thik and thin....... helped out and scacrficed all in the name of brotherhood. It blows my mind that someone man or woman can be ruled as such by another person..... and truly it scares the fuck out of me that people let themselves be taken over by this kind of crap everyday...... and we wonder why this country and our government sucks ass???? Pfft geeee I fucking wonder... grow some nuts and be your own person people.... you have a mind of your own for a reason....... now USE it! but thats just my thoughts

Useless part 1

So this is prolly going to be the first of several installments of simple rambleings from my dumb ass ... however it might inlighten some..... and piss off others.. either way its the way I see it and its mine damnit. So I was told by a friend today some things about another friend that really made me at first mad but then concerned about my self and the way I handle things in my every day normal life. I was told that I had a tendancy to get pissed off if .. well if I didnt get my way... well this may be true to an extent but not without reason due to the fact and nature of what I would be getting pissed about. Now any red blooded american will get a but on the pissed off side if someone is in any way shape of form fuckign wiht there life or well being.... right? Well thats what I would be getting pissed about and I dont think that is me being selfish or anything of the like. I could be wrong........ To further this concern I contacted person one to aleave him from having to "bow unto me" and do as I wished...... turns out that just like that old game you used to play in school where you told the person next to you a story and then they told the next.... well by the time it got back to you.... it wasnt your story after all... yeah thats what happend here as well. Still to this day it amazing how people can screw up the most simple of things as listening and repeating. So I guess the point to all of this psycho babble from me is this: People keep your lives as simple as posable. Listen and learn..... and try your best not to cause any drama. Cause I dont care who you are or where you're at Drama sucks ass and no one wants it...... if we did..... Hey we would all have a #1 show on reality TV!
A father watched his young daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and pure his little girl was. Tears formed in his eyes as he thought about her seeing the wonders of nature through such innocent eyes. Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her to see what work of God had captured her attention. He noticed she was looking at two spiders mating. "Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked. They're mating," her father replied. What do you call the spider on top?" she asked. That's a Daddy Longlegs," her father answered. So, the other one is a Mommy Longlegs?" the little girl asked. As his heart soared with the joy of such a cute and innocent question he replied "No dear. Both of them are Daddy Longlegs." The little girl, looking a little puzzled, thought for a moment,then took her foot and stomped them flat, saying "Well, we're not having any of that brokeback mountain shit in our garden.
Ok so the vid is in my stash ..... go check it out!

Dark in here.......

A woman takes a lover home during the day while her husband is at work. Her 9-year old son comes home unexpectedly, sees them and hides in the bedroom closet to watch. The woman's husband also comes home. She puts her lover in the closet, not realizing that the little boy is in there already. The little boy says, "Dark in here." The man says, "Yes, it is." Boy - "I have a baseball." Man - "That's nice." Boy - "Want to buy it?" Man - "No, thanks." Boy - "My dad's outside." Man - "OK, how much?" Boy - "$250" In the next few weeks, it happens again that the boy and the lover are in the closet together. Boy - "Dark in here." Man - "Yes, it is." Boy - "I have a baseball glove." The lover, remembering the last time, asks the boy, "How much?" Boy - "$750" Man - "Sold." A few days later, the father says to the boy, "Grab your glove, let's go outside and have a game of catch. The boy says, "I can't, I sold my baseball and my glove." The father asks, "How much did you sell them for?" Boy says "$1,000." The father says, "That's terrible to overcharge your friends like that. That is way more than those two things cost. I'm going to take you to church and make you confess." They go to the church and the father makes the little boy sit in the confession booth and he closes the door. The boy says, "Dark in here." The priest says, "Don't start that shit again; you're in my closet now.
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