38 Year Old
From Beverly Hills, CA·
Invited by: Donnadoyawannna·
Joined on July 17, 2007
Born on April 14th
1 person has a crush on me!
My name is Kim and I look forward to doing you a sexy camshow for you! I love to do things many won't. I have several packages to choose from. Unfortunately nothing is free! If your looking for previews or pics ...Then I'm not the one. Please feel free to MESSAGE ME urfantasywaiting on YAHOO, AIM, MSN I will be waiting to hear from you!! SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY!!
38 Year Old
From Beverly Hills, CA·
Invited by: Donnadoyawannna·
Joined on July 17, 2007
Born on April 14th
1 person has a crush on me!
One Sentence is Enough to Break a Heart……One Second is Enough to Fallin Love……and One Misunderstanding is Sufficient to Break Friendship.Friendship is the Rainbow Between to Hearts. Sharing 7 CharactersFirst i like u, then i loved u, Now i'm afraid to lose u, If you dontsend this to everyone on ur list, u will lose the person you love.sorry i dont wanna lose the person ilove...................................................................................................if i dont get this back i guess yournot my friend. if u have a lot of love 4 someone... copy and send this2 ur whole buddy list..in 5 min. ur true loveOnline friends are people we may never meet.... We see pictures, wesee cams...It isn't the same.... We grow close...We care and love oneanother.... One day we may not hear from one another.... Our heartswill break... All we see is a name on messenger but the person wedon't see anymore..... We pray....."Please come back".... All I ask isyou remember me in the good times we had..... Keep me close to yourheart....Friends forever... Pass this on to all your friends....If Iget it back.... I know you care...love
thanks for adding me doll. i look forward to being a freind and fan. please take a min to stop by my page rate me or fan me or just say hello. i hope your day was a great one