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Ms Bubbles's blog: "Updates on me"

created on 12/16/2006  |  http://fubar.com/updates-on-me/b34928

Happy As Hell

Last night my then boyfriend Jesse propsed... I am sooooooooo HAPPY!!!! I am officially ENGAGED!!!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and if I dont speak to you soon HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!

Another Update

Well I am slowly getting better. I have had to go to the doctor twice within a week. I have had trouble breathing, it hurt to breathe, cough, sneeze, laugh, hiccup, sit, stand, anything and everything you can think of. Thank god for antibiotics. Thank god for my family because I couldn’t take care of my kids so I’ve been staying at my sister Kim’s house all week. My mom has taken care of my babies such as cooking for them and helping me when they’ve acted up. My mom let me sleep of a morning even after my kids got up. She would fix me breakfast. They’re not the only ones whom have looked after me, my boyfriend Jesse has called while I’ve been sick asking and making sure I was ok. He called after my doctors appointments and asked if I had taken my medicine yet. When I would cough he would ask if I was ok. Today (Saturday April 14, 2007) was an amazing day because I finally was able to see Jesse since last week. We actually got to spend some sort of quality time together. It was amazing, we almost took a nap together but we didn’t because I had my kids there with me but if I didn’t we would’ve. We talked a lot about what we couldn’t when we are on the phone and some of what we have talked about on the phone. It was an amazing day. I had a wonderful time as always when I am with him. I cannot wait until I move to Henderson. He can come see me any time he wants then and he won’t get into trouble and it won’t kill his nor his parents’ gas. Oh speaking of his parents, they are sooooooooo sweet. They got my kids some candy for Easter. Aren’t they the sweetest? They must like me or something. I can’t wait for them to meet my kids. Ok here is some more good news, my brother Timmy whom was locked up on bullshyt charges is now out. We are so happy to have him back home. He got his old job back and is now trying to live life right. He got saved while in jail, which I think is awesome. He deserves a fresh start. He has been put through enough especially by Casey (the crack addict ho that put him in jail). The only thing is, is he misses his son that him and her had together. He wants Kim and me to go get him tomorrow which is cool because I haven’t seen him in awhile so it will do me some good. I will also get to see E-man and Beth again. I really want to beat Casey’s’ ass for making those false accusations as well as pressing false charges against him. She knew better and she’s’ an open door when it comes to guys. She will fuck anyone who will fuck her. Well the kids are doing well; they’re still a little sick but getting better as each day passes. No I haven’t heard anything from Shawn even though I did call him last week asking him for some money so I could get me and the kids some medicine and yeah he did (pretty much) refuse to give me any even though most of it would be for the kids. Besides it was the money he owed me for that transmission in his car, it’s not like its money coming out of his pocket that he doesn’t owe. Shawn has also told me through myspace messages that he’s giving up all of his rights to the kids, we will see April 27th 2007 when I go to court for child support. In two more weeks and I can’t wait to see if he actually does give up all rights. I doubt he will though. He will change his mind and in court he will say that I am a sorry unfit mother who doesn’t let him spend any time with his kids and who won’t let him talk to his kids. I will have proof when I go to court that I am not an unfit mother as well as he doesn’t call to talk to the kids.

The latest update on me

Well it’s been a while since my last entry and so much has come into play. My children and I have been doing more things together. They started going to church and enjoy it very much. They go with my niece Chantal. It is a good church and I really like the woman who picks the kids up. I have heard nothing but good things about her. I have been teaching them a bedtime prayer and trying to get them to say it every night. Lexis loves saying her night time prayer with me and her brother, Caleb only likes saying his when it is just me and him. I’m thinking of maybe going to church every Sunday. Maybe it will help me get through some of things I’ve been going through and thinking about. I am almost done with my job. I have until the second week of April to find another which is going to be hard considering jobs are few and far between in this area. Everyone whom matters knows that I have been thinking of moving to Henderson to be closer to my boyfriend whom is the GREATEST EVER!!! I Love My Baby SOOOOOOO MUUUUUUUUUUUCHHH!!!! I have had to deal with a lot of things here lately some in which I should not be dealing with and to those whom know me and have known me for a while know whom and what I am talking about and if you don’t know it is Shawn. Yes, I said Shawn. It seems as though he does not like the idea of paying child support nor wanting to sign all of his rights over. Of course when he got the papers Friday in the mail he came to my house infuriated. No, I did not answer the door. I seen him when he was walking through the breezeway of my apartment complex and I knew that if I had opened that door I would end up calling the police for him either showing his tail by tearing things up or trying to get my kids or other things. He supposedly wrecked his car again two weeks ago so I knew he was not alone. I didn’t see whom he was with and sure as hell didn’t want to find out with me and the kids being here by ourselves in case something was to have happened I wanted someone (another adult preferably with a vehicle) here with us. I however did answer my phone when he walkie-talkie me. Thankfully I recorded most of the conversation so nothing could be said. I ran out of tapes so I am not answering anymore phone calls from him until I get more. He left a message on my voicemail stating he had me a money order for the transmission. It was $50. I called him back only to find out that it was not about a money order it was indeed about the child support papers he had received in the mail. The conversation was only about money, he never once asked about the kids, how they were doing, or anything remotely pertaining to their welfare. It did however pertain only about him not wanting to go to court about paying child support; this is how I look at it. It has taken him almost 7 months to pay me $90 that he owes me out of over $700 that he still owes me for that transmission why on earth would I trust him to pay any child support voluntarily without it being taken out of his check. That is the only way I received child support before. I eventually told him to mail me the money order. I have yet to receive it. I received another bunch of papers Saturday but it was the same as the ones I received Friday. So 10 to 1 he received another copy as well which will only infuriate him even more. I am going to lay low with my kids for awhile so nothing will happen to any of us. He doesn’t know where they go to church and the church knows that only me and my sister is allowed to come pick them up if they need picking up. They know what I and my sister look like and they also will ask for a picture I.D. This is why I like Lexis daycare because only certain people as to whom I have hand picked to be on the list can pick her up or drop her off. They too have to provide a valid I.D. or Lexis goes nowhere and I am notified. So I am not worried too much when she and they are at daycare or at church. I do have some good news along with of course some more bad news. Shawn’s’ soon to be ex sister-in-law is now moving into the apartments over here. I got to see my nieces and nephew Saturday (as to which I have not seen in years). They have grown up so fast and gotten so big, unfortunately Brad and the others know that she lives here and I know there will be trouble as soon as they come over here (she lives right across the parking lot). Oh and let me not forget that I finally got to see my Sissi Liz and my other niece and nephew Saturday as well. We had a blast. I have missed them terribly considering it has been almost 7 months since I seen them last. I saw her new truck, it is awesome. Oh how we have missed them. We used to hang out twice a month but considering how much has changed we have not had the time nor financial resources to see one another. The kids played at the apartment for awhile, and then we went to the park for a few then we went to McDonalds to eat and let them play in the playhouse. The kids had a ball. Afterwards Liz took me back to Kim’s’ house so I could finish doing laundry. I miss the old days and can’t wait for the summer. We are supposed to go to Liz’s’ house and have a cookout and swim (like we normally did when we went to her house). I have not heard from Shawn since Friday. I called him from Kim’s’ house today to see if he would bring me the money order so I could go get my prescriptions filled as well as my kids some medicine because Lexis has a really bad cough and Caleb is starting to get one. I left a message on his voicemail stating that I needed the money just for that. It is Thursday April 5, 2007 and I have been out of work since yesterday. I finally went to the doctor today. She said it is just a virus and to keep doing what I’ve been doing and to make sure I take my prescriptions. Jesse (my boyfriend) has been sick longer than I have. I feel bad because every time I turn around he is sick. It is the weird weather we have been having. It needs to either stay cool or stay hot not one day hot and the next cold. This is why some many people are sick. It is now Sunday April 8, 2007 and it is Easter. This weekend has been okay. Last night I went to wrestling and I was so happy to see my man. Sadly I was sick and the night had to end. I wished I could’ve spent more time with him. Today hasn’t been all that bad. My babies had a good Easter and we can’t wait to go back home. All I am waiting on is my clothes to get done and then we’re going to go get me a phone card and a pack of cigs and then we’re going home. Well this is all for now but I will post again sometime next weekend. I hope everyone has a Happy and Safe Easter.
Congrats to you and Amanda getting married. I am very happy for you. Got a ? for you though and this just outta curiousity, why were you on my page? did u need something? no im not trying to be sarcastic either, i am truly being sincere. well gtg have 2 kids that r sick as well as myself being sick so ttyl. byez
Stay off my profile. I dont visit urs so stay off mine. There is no reason why u should be coming on my page. If you do not stop I will be forced to not only inform the owners of cherrytap but also call the proper authorities for you people stalking me. Get it. I am a single working mother of 2 whom have better things to do than stalk you or anyone esles' page. I have a life so please stay out of it and off my profile. Youre not invited nor wanted on my page. This is me being nice for the time being. I do not like you people as stalkers. I have my wrestling stalk buddies and thats all i could ever ask for. SO LEAVE ME AND MY PAGE ALONE AND KEEP OFF MY PAGE!!!!!!!! Sgt. Steve Groves kepp ur girl off my page, we are no longer together so u nor her have any business on my page. I know you havent been and I thank you for thatt but as you told my sister Liz if u dont stop then I will contact the police and take legal action against those whom do not comply to my wishes. After all it is considered harassment and stalking and thats against the law. Thank you and Have a Good Day and Weekend.
I have currently found employment. Its not full-time nor is it for very long. I work in a tax office and somewhat like it. Its diff and its a job. I am now curretly single again. Yes everyone I am a bitch and atleast I admit it. I dont sugar coat who I really am. I am 99% over my ex-fiancee. I hope he has a great life and wish him well and a safe return from Iraq. I have no hard feelings toward him just his stalker of a gf. neways, my beautiful babies are growing like weeds. I am now working towards getting my phone and internet cut back on which should be every soon. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! I am enjoying the time me and children have and not have to worry about stupid drama or immature bs from immature people. I rarely stay single for long nemore, which is nice in a way but there is a disadvantage to it especially if theyre young and immature. I think this is why i would prefer an older gentleman between the ages of 25-35. And yes I still like my men whom are in the military. My friend is helping look for me a potential (bf) now. Neways so my goals and dreams are slowly becoming less distant than before which is great. This is all for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend and stays safe.
->~*DJ*PRINC...: ty so much ~*DJ*PRINC...: i came back on it to block u bitch ->~*DJ*PRINC...: goodbye ~*DJ*PRINC...: ha ha ok sure.. hes actually great! ->~*DJ*PRINC...: lol and quit visiting my page and stay on ure friends ->~*DJ*PRINC...: its called remembering whom not to date ~*DJ*PRINC...: lol if u didnt want him still u would of took his pics off ur page lmao later ->~*DJ*PRINC...: actually hes in the past i have a b now whom treatys me good and like i said ty for proving that ure immature, goodbye ~*DJ*PRINC...: good get to it .. he he im not immature ur the one that was acting it thank you! dont be mad cuz i got what u want still ... ->~*DJ*PRINC...: iam a bitch and have no time for immature bs gamnes so excuse me i have 2 children to raise and a job to do ~*DJ*PRINC...: ill reblock u then if ur gonna be hateful ~*DJ*PRINC...: i know better than you being a virgin ~*DJ*PRINC...: lmao dang be a bitch then i really didnt mean to i was trying to go to someone elses i hit back right away cuz i didnt want you bitching ->~*DJ*PRINC...: yeah right wte, if u think i believe that then im a virgin ~*DJ*PRINC...: sorry i didnt mean to come to ur page


OK so I went to my doctor and my therapist yesterday and now Im on meds. The docotr told me that the meds he prescribed would also help give me energy since here lately I have none. I also seen Shawns car there. The people who know me over there were starting to panic. lol. They seen his car and was like omg, this is not good. lol. No I wasnt going to do anything stupid bc I dont feel like being locked up right now. I wanna make sure I have legal documentation stating that if anything happens to me either my Sissi Liz or Cassie would get my kids. Probably Cassie bc me and her have already been talking and I dont think it woiuld be fair to my Sissi to have 2 extra kids on her and Cassie was planning on being their second mommy neway. Long story. Well I am currently dating a semi-sweet guy. He is 20, I need an older guy. These young ones are getting on my nerves. lol. Neways I am currently running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to hurry up and get a job so I can go ahead and get my internet and phone cut back on. I miss talking to everyone everyday. I feel like I am all alone. I know that sounded off the wall but its true. I have always had a phone and now I dont. Normally my stress level goes down bc I always talk to my Sissi Liz and Cassie but since I dont have anything its hard. With all that has happened to me within the last year. It seems like all of my dremas that I was working my azz off to come true have now became dreams in which I have to work harder to mak come true bc now i have to start from the beginning again and work my way to the top. The only thing is Im not getting married. I had already planned on the person I wanted to spend the rest of ymn life with and since it is no more then I want no part of marriage or thinking of it. Im so exhausted from all the strss Ive been under and to tell u the truth no one knows all, hell even my own Sissi and Jynx doesnt know all of it. Tonight I am suposed to be getting a break from both of my babies. One of my friends is taking them both for the night so I can get down and dirty on house so to speak. My bedroom has been neglected. Well Im gonna run, gotta get their stuff ready but I will write again soon.
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