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Stats for Mar 28

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49 Year Old · Male · From Washington Court House, OH · Joined on November 30, 2007 · Born on April 17th
49 Year Old · Male · From Washington Court House, OH · Joined on November 30, 2007 · Born on April 17th
49 Year Old · Male · From Washington Court House, OH · Joined on November 30, 2007 · Born on April 17th
I really can't say wether I have any interests or anything like that. I just love life in general. Love to be with my kids, love to be with friends, just love to be ALIVE, even on cold snowy days like today!!!
OMFG!!! I am SUCH a movie buff. I can't even say that I have a prefered type of movie, I just love them ALL!!! But if I would HAVE to pick a FAV, it would HAVE to be Blazing Saddles. You just can NOT make a movie like that now a days, b/c there are too many little BABIES out there that take "OFFENSE" to words and other people's opinions. GET THE FUKK OVER IT!!! Hell, I knew when I was like 7 that "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!!!"
I think the ONLY people that I idol at ALL are people that make a living for them and thier family EVERY day without causing damage to others or bitching too much about it. I mean come the fukk on. Put your big girl panties on or your big boy undies on and get the fukk over it!!!

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