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37 Year Old · Female · From England, UK, United Kingdom · Joined on May 11, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 19th
37 Year Old · Female · From England, UK, United Kingdom · Joined on May 11, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 19th

>BITCHOLOGY>>When I stand up for myself and my beliefs,>they call me a bitch.>When I stand up for those I love, they call me a bitch>When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts>or do things my own way, they call me a bitch.>Being a bitch means I won't compromise>what's in my heart.>It means I live my life MY way.>It means I won't allow anyone to step on me.>When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak>against it, I am defined as a bitch.>The same thing happens when I take time for>myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when>I act a little selfish.>It means I have the courage and strength to allow>myself to be who I truly am and won't become>anyone else's idea of what they think I "should" be.>I am outspoken, opinionated and determined.>I want what I want and there is nothing>wrong with that!>So try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame,>try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me.>You won't succeed.>And if that makes me a bitch, so be it. I embrace the title>and am proud to bear it.>>B = Beautiful>I = Intelligent>T = Talented>C = Charming>H = Hell of a Woman>OR:>B = Beautiful>I = Individual>T = That>C = Can>H = Handle anything>>"If you can't do something right, get a woman to do it.">May you always be aware that you are loved beyond measure,>And may you always be willing to love unconditionally in return.

37 Year Old · Female · From England, UK, United Kingdom · Joined on May 11, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 19th
Fun & adventurous...looking for a fun-loving GUY...I'm a working, I love the beach, good conversation, awesome food & drinks, swimming, hitting the gym, the simple things in life, & I'm affectionate! lol

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