well, she's been here a day so far and don't want to strangle myself...yet! I really do like it when she comes to visit, but she'll go for years without a visit, then come here and start paying for everything and buying stuff left and right, she even paid for our groceries yesterday! Sure it all sounds good, but after awhile, it's like "woman, I can pay for my own stuff, I do it all the time!" even tried to go get a few things today and she put money in my pocket to pay for it! I wrote a check anyway and kept the cash, lol, maybe I can buy a snack with it or something!
Tomorrow we're going to the zoo, so we'll see how much junk she manages to buy the kids while we're there, i'm betting a stuffed animal each along with some snacks and a carosel ride!
ok, more later when she drives me more insane, right now, back to my alcohol!