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NikkiRogers's blog: "Typical me"

created on 01/21/2007  |  http://fubar.com/typical-me/b46908
I warn you in advance the following may alter your personal opinion of me and possbly infuriate you. I assure you that is not my intention and I remind you this is simply MY PERSONAL OPINION. Do not take it as fact and if you do not like it be civil. We can simply agree to disagree. If I am eventually proven wrong I will admit my worries were paranoia nothing more. I am only human, I have been wrong before I make mistakes and if I'm wrong so be it. As a parent I honestly feel a deep sense of sympathy for the parents of tragic little Madeleine McCann. I have a son of my own and he is my whole world. Yet life has repeatidly taught me to trust my instincts and be suspecious of others motivations. The parents make my skin crawl and I distrust them simple as that. I distrust their true motivations and find myself questioning how innocent they truly are. They seem so peaceful and unemotinal upon screen that it appears as though they are at ease with the situation not worried or scared in the least. Ambivilant to a point. If I was in their position I would NOT be calm and relaxed when giving interviews period!!! I also find their claim of "for Madeleine's own good" to spark my suspecion. "We need as much media, TV, Newspaper, Internet etc coverage as we can possibly get broadcast in as many international countries as we can possibly get as soon as we can possibly get it. Sounds to me like they are less concerned with their daughter's location and more interested in fame and international noterity. Let me be blunt. They are already arguably A-list level celebraties. What more coverage could they want. Considering they refused to give interviews at first they suddenly decide to give one (in a calm manner) when the hint they could be losing interest is mentioned. Conveient no? They have literally done all in their power to keep this going as long as possible and be as exposed and viewed as possible. Seems like someone seeking fame and noterity NOT a emotionally crippeled parent. Then of course the pleas to donate money to the Madeleine fund that we know already totals millions. Wealth and fame seem their main priority over their daughter's location to me. I believe they may know far more then they say and may possibly have even auchorstrated the entire event themselves for the publicity at times. Though if I am proven wrong I will apologise and retract my statements.

"I have one of those!"

On December the 7th 2007 my son will celebrate his 4th birthday. Despite what you may believe I can personally assure you with complete sincereity that absolutely nothing can compare to the love and joy you will feel as a parent. Recently his innocence and naivety caused me to laugh outloud. As you know children often prefer to be naked to clothed. At the age of 3 I consider it acceptable within certain limitations and circomstances. Whilst enjoying the beach he was quite at ease running around naked. Then to my delight he encountered another boy of his age. "Hey I have one of those things to!" screamed the child in a loud voice. Confused my son could only look at the spade in his left hand, pale in his right and speculate at to what item exactly the other child was refering.

Fire wood

I would like to take this oppertunity to sincerely apologise to all of you that cared enough to miss me during my recent absence. I would give each and every one of you precious people and hug and peck on the cheek where it physically possible. Unfortunately I have been incredibly busy recently. I had a holiday, handeled possibly my most challenging legal case to date and so much more. The title of this blog entary relates to an momentary lapse in judgement upon my behalf. Recently I had the pleasure of camping within Australia for a duration of 14 days. During that time I made the critical mistake of running low on fire wood so utilising what I assumed at the time was resourcefulness I spent two hours searching and retrieving all the speed limits, animal crossing signs, sign posts and even a few of the welcome to/now leaving signs. I then proceeded to use said collection as fire wood only to have a ranger arrive. So there we were all sitting around the camp fire with a pile of speed limits, animal crossing etc signs burning away and a huge pile of other similar signs all in neat piles awaiting burning. To my shock what does the ranger say? "I don't fucking believe this! Its a different group every year!!" Though thanks to my powers of persuation the individual setteled for the safe return of all the unburnt signs to their places of origin and a few drinks with us instead of a punishment of the legal varity. Am I lucky or just consistantly in the right place at the right time?

BMW to the rescue??

No living being or indeed person that has ever lived upon this earth has ever been completely perfect (with the possible debatable exception of Jesus Christ.) We all- me included have our very own unique flaws and weaknesses and these are balanced and compensated for by our desirable attributes. To be perfectly honest I’d actually prefer my friends and family as they are. Imperfect. I am not perfect, I don’t expect anyone else to have lived their entire life without making a single solitary mistake and I believe if we were all perfect this life would be incredibly boring. Life is after all about meeting new challenges and discovering ways to overcome them by learning and evolving. As any of my friends and family will tell you one of my most frequently recurring bad habits is speeding. Recently (earlier today to be perfectly blunt and honest) I was cruising along at 80 MPH and to my deep horror I was actually caught by a police car situated in a hidden location. So accepting the fact I’d been caught I stopped my bike, got off, put my gloves and helmet on the floor neatly and stood looking at my feet attempting to appear as though I was sincerely sorry for what I had done as the policeman approached. As he advanced I became aware of a faint screeching sound that became progressively louder. To my surprise a BMW then appeared taking the corner sideways (literally sideways) before vanishing in to the distance. Still a few feet from me the policeman looked at me, looked at the disappearing BMW, wagged his finger at me (didn’t even utter a single solitary word) then leapt back in to his car and took off after the BMW. Who would have ever suspected a BMW of coming to my rescue?

Nikki VS. Madame Tussauds

Living a mere 33 miles North of London it is only logical that I take the necessary time to occasionally (twice annually at the very least) tour the attractions within the city. The Science Museum is my personal favourite though I am also very partial to the Natural History Museum, London Eye, London Aquarium, Tower of London, Big Ben, Houses of Parliment and formally Madame Tussauds. After yesterday I sincerely doubt I will ever be gracing that attraction with my presence again. I entered the area of the museum nown as The Torture Chamber (I do wish I wasn't so strongly attracted to chains and handcuffs!)and was presented with a new aspect to the museum. I was lined up with other tourists and informed "they actors will come close but they will not touch you so please do not touch the actors!!! I assumed we would be seated in rows and some actors would perform for us on a stage. Yet naturally fate was not going to be so polite. So calmly and curiously I stepped in to a dimly lit walk way. Suddenly an actor dressed in a monster suit pounced from the shadows inches from my face. My reflex action was to raise my right hand to guard my jaw and before I could stop myself I delivered a left hook to the actor's jaw. So there I was standing over an actor laying sparko on the floor with a huge bruise in his chin and a bleeding lip. I was then instantly ejected from the site without a refund and banned from the sight for 6 months. Was I really in the wrong to react in that manner?
I would like to comment on the recent poll taken in foreign countries that reveals anti North American sentiment calling us “obese, arrogant and conceited.” Why don’t you uncultured towel-wearing monkeys kiss my toned three-square-meal-a day-eating North American ass!!! Here I’ll even bend over to make it easier for you. You constantly bitch about the U.S. simply because everything in your own pitiful and primitive back water third world country is so completely fucked but suddenly when you’re mud huts come crashing down around you’re filthy ears you come running to us expecting us to instantly bail you out like we’re the red fucking cross!!! Then after we take the time to prop up your own piss-poor economy and feed and clothe your own children you thank us by burning our flag. You want to impress me? Go to the moon and get our fucking flag!!! That is of course only if you can find a paper airplane that can carry you there you penniless ungrateful monkeys! Don’t fuck with the U.S.A.!!!!


I was born on the 16th January 1979 in Boston, Massachusetts, North America. In the 28 years that have elasped I have had the pleasure of living in and visiting a considerable number of national and international locations. For a period of months I once during my early 20's lived within the city of Los Angeles. During that period I carried an illegal and unregistered Beretta as a form of personal protection. Upon moving from Los Angeles I retired the firearm. For the previous 5 years the firearm remained hidden and neglected within the glove compartment of my old car, safely stored and forgotten within my previous car housed within a friend's shed. Unfortunately recent activity required this friend to finally clear out his shed and so my old unused car was pushed to the curb and left to stand for 24 hours while a contact drove down from out of state to collect it. During the 24 hour period the car vanished. Naturally I assumed the police had towed it and therefore now possessed an illegal Beretta covered in my finger prints that had been discharged on previous occasions acompanied by two full magazines worth of live rounds. For 14 days I was paranoid until today it was discovered that the car had been not only towed because it did not have a tax disc but had also been crushed and melted down in to a cube with the Beretta still in its glove compartment. My only concern was that the car had been melted down with live rounds still inside.

My bitch

As a natural blonde I have never at any point within my 28 year lifespan (born 16/1/1979) either arrogantly and naively implied or claimed to know all of lifes answers or posess the ability to accurately predict the future. One question however continues to constantly and consistantly plauge me. Why does the universe and fate continue to conspire against me? What have I possibly done to deserve it? After today it is clear to me despite my previous belief I am no longer even safe at work from fate's twisted sense of humor. Those of you that have endured a hard day's work will love this one! Upon finishing for the day I accompanied a co worker in to the car park in order for us to leave when we were approached by a young woman and her unleashed dog. She approached with the intention of asking us a legal question yet half way through our answer her dog suddenly lounged and bit my co worker in the forearm. Reacting I struck the dog upon the head causing it to open its jaws and reatreat. I then warned the woman that if she did not leave I would take my anger out on her sorry hide. She stormed off and I took my co worker inside to help her clean and dress her wound. Upon cleaning her injury we attempted to leave a second time only to discover the woman had returned to the car park and was now standing with a large black gentleman. Naturally an argument ensued. Half way through I said something to the effect of "if you kept your useless inbred bitch under control and on a leash we wouldn't have this fucking issue!" to which he replied (word for word) "What you mean my woman?" I had to turn around and walk away I was laughing so hard.

Miss Placid

To my concern it appears the more I reflect upon recent and past behaviour the more I become aware of how sarcastic, negative, blunt and savage I truly am as well as how polite, honest and playful. I am starting to wonder which side of the "Force" I am truly on. Tonight is a typical example of how much of a bitch I am capable of being. I was sitting on my bike outside my home with my son completely peaceful only to have a drunken a**wipe stagger up to us and glare at us. In calm and polite tone I warned him to move on and leave us in peace. Of course naturally fate decides as usual it will make the best attempt it can to screw me over instead of going smoothly. This manifests in the form of said pi** head kicking my bike and scaring my son. As usual I ended up reverting to my typical behaviour and snapped. Gripping the wanker by the throat I lifted him off the floor until I was certain his feet were suspended in the air put my nose to his and snarled "that is my son that is my bike f**k off or your gonna get hurt!" before dropping him. Was what I did aceptable or unacceptable?

Follow that blonde!

Saturday 2/2/2006 It appears nothing is able to prevent me from either causing mass mayhem or simply performing strange acts. Not even my wounded hand. Rarely do I travel in a car. I passed my direct access years ago (my third and final bike liscence that allows me to ride bikes of ANY C.C.) purchased my bike (a 1340 C.C. Dyna Wide glide Harley Davidson) and hav never looked back since. The ONLY time I ever drive a car of my own free will to to transport my son due to his young age. This saturday we were traveling with a number of bikes to a small rally and despite our best efforts the bikes began to fall behind, get seperated in traffic and lose sight of us. So naturally I took it upon myself to offer a solution to the situation. At 6 feet 1 inch (185 cm's or 1.85 meters) in height (in bare feet) I'm easy to identify and spot so after asking the driver to open the sunroof I then stood on the back seats and standing with my waist upwards out above the sun roof began to use my hands to single the next direction we were taking. So there we were cruising at 70 mph with me waist upwards out the sun roof waving my arms and hands in the air hoping we neither hit any speed bumps nor had to make an emergancy stop. Am I becoming more or less sane?
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