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35 Year Old · Female · From Attica, IN · Invited by: 895713 · Joined on May 25, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 13th
35 Year Old · Female · From Attica, IN · Invited by: 895713 · Joined on May 25, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 13th

I'm a 22 year old female. I like to go mudding, fishing, camping, hunting (i gut my own deer), hiking, and ultimate sledding. I like to work on cars and be around old cars. My dream car is a 1968 chevy camaro z28, orange with white racing stripes. I am also a very dark and morbid person. I like the things that go bump in the night. If you haven't noticed yet, I'm not like most girls, I don't mind getting a little dirty or covered from head to toe in mud. My favorite dress and heels are my favorite jeans and boots. I'd rather hang out and have fun with a guy than him buy me stuff, I'm not a materialistic person. I don't have a lot of friends that are girls because they giggle too much and talk about everyone behind their backs and I'm not like that. When I hang out with the guys, I'm treated like one of the guys, that's how it's always been and always will be and I wouldn't have it any other way. My attitude is that if you don't like me, then stay away from me. I hate people that judge me before they get to know me, I'm a really nice and down to earth person If you give me a chance to show it. If you're a dick to me or one of my friends or family then I'll come off as a bitch, but if you're cool, I don't have a problem with you. Any man that wants to get to know me better understand one thing. I have two little girls and they come first in my life. Anyone that wants to know me has to respect that. I talk about them all the time because I love them so much.

I don't mind being invited to lounges but if you are going to send me an invite to your lounge and don't show me some hospitality by actually talking to me when I get there, then I'm gonna let you know about it and I ain't gonna be nice. YOU invited me, and if no one else talks to me that's fine but I at least expect YOU to talk to me. I will Not join a lounge unless I am being talked to. If you send me a lounge invite and don't talk to me then I will know that you didn't read this.

I am tired of people sending me friend requests and then not talking to me or asking me sexual questions I just don't want to answer! So this is how I am going to fix this: If you send me a friend request send me a message with it... it must say 'Belladonna' and nothing else. If you don't then I will know that you didn't read this and you really don't care if you actually talk to me or not.

If you want to talk that's cool with me but I don't want to struggle to read what you are saying. so that means you need to actually use you're mind and spell out the words. I understand if you really can't spell or you don't know how to spell a word but when you are just being lazy that's what pisses me off. The only time I will accept abbreviations is the following...you > u, are > r, because > cuz, and ain't. I don't care about punctuation. I just want to feel as if I am having a conversation with an intelligent human being.

35 Year Old · Female · From Attica, IN · Invited by: 895713 · Joined on May 25, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 13th
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