Hello all!!
AS promised we are starting a daily blog made by me or Rubias.
For those of you that missed last night meeting, several things were talked about.
I an new oc-owner was named...me (Jessica AKA:Shadow). We also name a new Sectary...Candy.
We spoke about helping bomb contests and how the family seems to be dropping the ball in places. So, please be sure do keep up to date in the blogs so that you know where the help is needed. In the pet contest there were a few family members left out when it came to getting help.
Right now Cherry is in a contest and all help is needed...there is 2 weeks left and she is in 4th place right now. We need to get her in 1st place asap. Here is the contest photo link:

We also spoke about the fact that in Sept. Rubias will be holding a bomb feast and we all need to have 2 salutes to be in this contest. We will join with the another family for this contest....so all support is needed....pls get your salutes up as soon as you can.
Our family is growing but it needs to contiue to grow so pls bring people in as much as you can. We all want this family to be a very strong one, and to be there for eachother with contest and anyother issues on CT or even in personal everyday lives.
When it comes to keeping in touch we also spoke about making a mass list of all of the family members phone numbers, email, real names w/ screen names pls, and anyother info you wish to give. We are asking that you email this info here, to this email,so that we can make one huge blog *family ONLY will be able to read it*, that way if need be we can be there for eachother and if some reason a family member goes MIA we can check on them.
Rubias has been pretty ill of late so please show her some love and support and pls understand why she may take a but to get back to you.
We also need to be rating all of eachothers pics and stashes. It will take us all sometime, but this is just a tiny reminder.
there is also a new tag to use when bombing....pls use it ....
overlapping text
If you are part of the family please put it on your page....if possible on you name. here is a pic that you can put on your page for the family....

If you have any questions feel free too email me or Rubias with any questions.
thanks all & I hope to see everyone hitting this blog and at least saying hello.
OF course COMMMENTS are needed and welcome...all feedback is great!
†ŞħãĐØŴ †....{Ink Contest starts July7th 5pm est}
@ CherryTAP
@ CherryTAP