Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi
Ok so, I have decided to try to take online courses and I am going for a Bachelors in Organizational Management with a concentration in Education. I know a bit name for a teaching degree but that's what they call it. I have always wanted to be a teacher because I love working with kids and helping them through their problems no matter the subject. I would really like to be a high school teacher. This would count as my third time in trying for school but the second time I actually plan on finishing up for a degree. I already have an Associates Degree in Business Management. The only reason I am having to take my classes online is because my mom lives with me and she has major health problems and I can't afford to be in a class far off somewhere and not be able to get to her in time if something happens. SO wish me luck everyone.. So far I have a perfect score on all of my assignments.