i have posted these before,but im doing it again for those who havn't seen yet.
www.winmxworld.com has a nice forum for the p2p network. if you're interested in chat and filesharing winmx is the place to be. the new patch can be found here. http://patch.winmxconex.com if you have problems getting connected paste this channel/room name into the channelbar next to filter button then click the join button on right
WinMXWorld.com Help_6444D04ABABE
entering this room will send you to live help. sometime you have to wait or check back depending on your time zone some people may be sleeping or at work. some cool rooms are the real source code,acid lounge,the hot tub,sexy chat around the world,vampire vixen,the morgue and dark metal. just a few examples of many.
www.filetopia.com is another cool and reliable p2p where u can chat and share files. if you try filetopia visit the candyshop,vampire kingdom,winmxcrew and people's choice power station.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/dcplusplus/ DC++ which is another p2p application. you can chat and share files. there are different versions of it so you might want to look around and read up on it. all the information is on sourceforge. if you try DC++ look up the hub/room ladies of pain and pleasure .
http://www.zpoc.com/ is another p2p application. zpoc allows you to chat and share files. i don't know if it's the same or similar coding,but reminds me of DC++ a lil bit. it's primarily a christian based p2p.
i use all of these,but some more than others. it's a cool way to meet other peeps all over the world and safely share your personal files. these p2p are the best that i know of compared to some others. you always have a chance of getting a virus no matter who or what so always use antivirus on anything you download from someone even if it's a friend. one of the best ways to help reduce getting a virus is share with people within the rooms directly,not random people you find in searches. well i hope these help some people. i hope you enjoy them if you try them.
another place that's kinda cool that i've been avoiding for a while is cherry tap and fubar lol. similar to myspace,but better. there are live lounges within when you login that you can check out. if you like to checkout fubar i have an invite for ya. http://www.fubar.com/join.php?friend=1257598
if you try fubar look for people's choice power station
somewhere i have a cherry tap one too,but havn't logged in since last year lol. maybe one day. i don't have as much free time as some others. checkout fubar,you might like it as well as any of those p2p.
have a great day everyone! hope your friday rocks and your weekend is better!peace