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New years revolutions.

Every year everyone makes a new year resolution. But my question is, has anyone ever accomplished it? Every year its the same thing with me.. and No I never accomplish it.. not even one.. lol so whats your news years resolution? mine are:- 1) Quit all the bad habits I have. (and I have many) 2) lose a shit load of weight. (I will be down to 100lbs one day) I just hope that day will not be my last. lol 3) To be a better person overall. 4) To laugh again like I use to. 5) To win the lotto 6) To move and give my kids the things they deserve. 7) To feel loved. 8) For someone I care about to know just how much I love him. 9) For him to give up the things that are ruining our relationship. 10) To finally have that loving caring and happy family that I have always dreamed about. leave your resolutions as a comment..

Silence is golden.

how do you explain to someone that you love them and want nothing but the best for them but every day you witness their destruction. You watch them throw their lives away. Its even worse when its your life thats been thrown away also. How do you explain to someone that not only are you afraid for them but you are afraid of them too. You give your everything to someone only to be asked "why can't you be like the girls I talk to on the internet?" It is hard to be like them when your life has been sucked dry by that exact person. How do you tell the person thats taken everything away from you that they are the reason why you cry all the time? How do you tell that person that they are the reason why your sick all the time. How do you tell that person that they are the reason that you feel dead inside. I can not be mary fucking sunshine, I can not make friends with them knowing the fake side of me, for someone to know me they have to know me entirely. You don't know someone until you eat, sleep and live with them. Right now, I just want to waste away, You have already made me into nothing.
Does anyone really give a shit? about anything anymore? My guess is no. But it feels good when theres just a little bit of hope left doesnt it? Even if you dont want to admit it. Something actually feels good when it goes your way. Ive come to the conclusion that just about everyone I know is fucked up.. in one way or another. The sad thing is.. I waste my hope on these people, I waste my hope on people I dont know. Sometimes I wonder to my self why I bother. Other times I wonder what it would be like to have a friend... Its all a big waste of time.. you know why? because people suck. I havent met one person yet who doesnt use people to get ahead in life. Im thinking of creating my own religion.. One that takes a Vow of silence 4 hours a day. In my job you wouldnt have to question why I would request that. Im so sick of people bitching about pitty shit. For example... someone calls me at work.. crying... no wait... Screaming and Crying because they have a bill for a magazine and they are afraid its going to ruin their perfect credit. well you know what people, theres worse things out there that will ruin your lives. Bitch at me when that happens... Other then that fuck you.

To be or not be.

My path was written for me, I didn't follow it. shit I don't care anymore. I know what I am suppose to be. but throw someone into a cage full of lions and they are going to get bitten. All of those that live in PA, get a hold of your senator. I am not joking. Do you know what they have done? do you even care? not you guys, not the ones that it doesnt effect. But it effects my family. ChildCare. Do you know that they cut the state funding for that? Usually if you had help with childcare funding the average price you paid weekly was $15... For a child... Me? I pay $35 a day. why you may ask? because child care state funding got cut. Causing many parents to quit their jobs, causing many parents to go out and get 3 jobs... and not spend any time with their children. I have one job, one job that I would 12 hours a day at, one job that I can spend 15 hours at... but I choose not to... my children need their mother, and I miss them.. Do you know that means a two parent family to survive both parents need to work, with childcare being cut, one parent can only work.. two or three jobs... one is not enough. So I urge you all to protest this bullshit. Before I work myself in a grave.. and many others.

so blog this!

Funny how silence can effect you that much isn't it, what amuses me is what I find important is insufficant to others, In all honesty I do not think it is possible to really know someone. I don't think there is anything called happiness, I don't think there is anything known as truth anymore, There is no meaning behind the words, there is no feeling when they are spoken, and love can be alot of things, but hardly ever true, let alone real. I am not amused by anyone or anything, I've seen to much crap, I've heard to much, and I've felt to many untold secrets. I've pretty much become immuned to lies now, I am starting to see how theres no such thing as honesty anymore. People lie their way through life, feeding on the weak, lying, cheating, and scaming their way through life. I have no friends, or should I say no one I can really count on. I don't talk to anyone in real life or online of great importance. I am not looking to get to know someone. I don't want to hear someone elses sob story and they sure as hell don't need to know mine. If everything you ever wanted is at hands reach why do you need more. Funny how you think you have all you've ever wanted and it turns out to be a lie. I have learnt one thing throughout my life, and that is.. you can give yourself to someone 100% and you can treat someone the same way as to how you would like to be treated, and you can love someone the way you would want to be loved, and you can be the bestest friend you can be and expect the same in return.. but does that mean that you are going to get it back three fold? no sir. That used to be the rule, Good things come to those who wait so to speak?... My theory is, you are fucked from the get go. Human beings are out for themselves, it's a rat race and some times I feel like Im the peice of shit that sitting on the side lines, just waiting to get fucked over, time and time again.

Its been a while.

Here is a thing I have noticed. This website is definately not dial up friendly! so how about it freak! create another link where us losers who use dial up can access the pages here, otherwise send us cash so we can afford cable, or something higher. Do you realize how long I wait for a page to load? or to access chat? I mean its long enough were I can go take a dump and come back and still have to wait, shit. So here I am, Let me voice something real quick. I'm beginning to be dis-satified with my job, and I'm starting to really dis-like people period. It was bound to happen working in customer service and all. But please receiving a bill for a magazine you so carelessly ordered online cause you thought it was for free is not the end of the fucking world! get a grip people! So next time you talk to a rep on the phone be nice, she has access to your personal info and with that I would be very careful with what you say. Just a point I would like to highlight. I'm sick today, I don't feel well. Will the little demon sitting on my chest please move the fuck off so I can breathe? please? oh well nothing much I can do but just sleep. American Health care is on my shitlist. When is it going to be free? I have a suggestion legalise pot sell it like you do ciggarettes, there you go we can have free health care, dont forget before legalising it you can tax the shit out of it, like you do everything else. 3 weeks ago my husband fell 20feet off the balcony it was one of those "doh" moments. I have yet to see the bill for the hospital. But nevertheless no broken bones, no bleeding, and for that I am thankful even though the poor guy is in pain because of it, I would suggest when prescribing pain medicane, please give more then 12 in a case, that lasted like 2 days? whatever happened to frikken refills?! anyways enough of my bitchfest. I'm out.

to Brit or not

ok so I saw the performance on MTV where Brit showed her shit. To all you hateers I just wanna say a big fuck you. Shes the only average sized chick that showed her shit on stage without any embarrassment. I would do her in a heart beat. She looks like every other normal human being out there. like she doesnt look like a shit load of bones... shes like.. "us" yes she was nervous at first... but once she got into into the groove she was alright... she just needs to find her shit again.. I grew up listening to her.. Im no fan.. I really like the crazy brit compared to the old brit. Finally a chick that thinks for herself... I would do her... Brit if you read this you know how to get to me.. :)

Quotes of the day.

"By Hurting Others, You are Hurting The Ones Closest To You." "For Every Action There Is A Reaction" last but not least... "Any Man Can Wreek Revenge, A Real Man Can Forgive and Forget, And Get Over It." I've heard the saying there is plenty of fish in the sea, which makes me think of the old saying from home. "why go for the fish when you can score a shark" meaning fuck the fish, get something better.


I-scratched-your-name-into-my-arm-today just-so-I-don't-forget the-pain-you-caused. when-you-forget-about-me do-not-forget-our-memories the-day-we-kissed the-day-I-gave-myself-to-you -the-day-I-said-I'd-love-you-forever feed-off-me-all-you-like take-my-energy take-my-being take-my-life bleed-me-dry-bleed-me-free bleed-me-like-the-freak-I-am I-scratched-your-name-into-my-arm-today I-wish-you-can-feel-the-pain I-feel-it-every-day It's-when-you-look-at-me it's-when-you-touch-me it-is-when-you-will-hear-me scream-your-name.


My-love-can-last-alife-time But-I-can-not When-I-am-gone I-want-you-to-know-that-I-will-wait, I-will-wait-for-you. I-will-wait-forever, just-for-you. Oh,-how-I-love-you your-purity your-strength. I'd-wait-forever-for-your-touch I'd-wait-eternity for-our-souls-to-connect and-become-one. I'd-wait-forever and-I'd-wait-for-eternity to-be-with-you.
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