My my my!!!My God I have no clue where to start! First of all do yourself a favor and go see this film ASAP.Second do NOT wait for this to come out on DVD you Will regret it.If nothing else see it in the theater for the sound.Michael Bay had me at hello with The Rock,everyone that knows me knows that is my favorite movie in the entire world well guess what ,Lisa has a new favorite movie now.Michael Bay you are a God.This man desevrves all the $$$$ he will make from this.There are NO crappy special effects ,all the jokes are hilarious,solid story and absolutly the best action packed thrill ride I have ever been on.It is very intense in some scenes,I actually found my heart racing a few times,there is one special effect in particualr that almostmade me want to jump out of my chair and scream! Those dam testosterone levels are all messed up again,me and action movies are like Peanut butter and Jelly.I also believe very strongly that any movie that can make you experience every known emotion to humans is a slam dunk! Shia you are the MAN! Mojo I could kiss you all over!Ladies and Gentlemen listen to me,I predict today that this movie will become the top grossing movie ever,it is defintely going to take the prize for best summer movie.So go see it already take the kids have a great time!Let me know what you think!I have a new hero and his name is Optimus Prime soooo 'Bring the Rain'!!!!!!Oh Oh,I almost forgot get there early to see the "Mystery trailer" this movie that is untitled as of yet as far as I know is going to totally ROCK it comes out 1-18-08 thats all I know,Looks AWESOME!!!!