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62 Year Old · Female · Joined on June 7, 2007 · Born on December 12th · I have a crush on someone!
62 Year Old · Female · Joined on June 7, 2007 · Born on December 12th · I have a crush on someone!

Hi, im Tracey

im 44, single but happy and im enjoying life at the moment.
im new 2 this site so be patient and i'll soon get the hang of this. im an expert on myspace but came across this by accident but havin lots of fun. lol
i'd love 2 make friends wiv anyone who likes a laugh, is easy goin & who doesn't take life 2 seriously.

look fwd 2 mtg loadz of new friends, so check me out, fan me and add me as ur friend xx

62 Year Old · Female · Joined on June 7, 2007 · Born on December 12th · I have a crush on someone!


You are fun loving and independent, and you don’t like any of your partners to get in the way of that. You enjoy having a lot of flings and short term relationships because you get bored in a long term one.

In bed you are demanding of your partner. You want to have hot sex all of the time. You also like to experiment sexually, with different positions and fantasies.

Sex matches: Aries, Leo, Libra

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com

Activity Feed

  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • FknCrazy DJ Crazy931808

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • CHAINS 301931808
    Sorry that you aren't here much these days Tracey...sure miss the banter....take care...*hugs*

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ 931808
    Hi my dear friend... I wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you and hope all is well with you... Looking forward to chatting with you soon!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • CHAINS 301931808
    Hope your weekend is going great, Tracey....miss ya girl *hugs*HUG TIMEThis poem is very sweet. It will be interesting tosee who sends it back. Forward this on and back.If I could catch a rainbowI would do it just for youand share with you its beautyOn the days you're feeling blue.If I could build a mountainYou could call your very own;A place to find serenity,A place to be alone.If I could take your troublesI would toss them in the sea,But all these things I'm findingare impossible for me.I cannot build a mountainOr catch a rainbow fair,But let me be what I know best,A friend who's always there.

    17 years ago · Reply
  • CHAINS 301931808
    Love you to death. If I don't get this back, I understand. But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 people that you really care about, including the person that sent it to you. If you receive at least 7 back, then you are loved. Nobody knows what they have until they loose it. You never leave the person whom you love for the one you like, because that person who you like will leave you for the person whom they love. Tonight, right at 12:00am, your true love is going to realize that they LOVE you! Then something is going to happen to you between 1:00 and 2:00 a.m. Tomorrow, be ready for the greatest shock of your life. If you break this chain, you are going to have bad luck in love for the next years of your life. Send this to 15 people in 15 minutes. Do it if you wanna know who your real love isii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOUSEND THIS COMMENT TO ALL THE PPL YOU LOVE. LOOK DOWN AT THE TABLE TOO SEE HOW MUCH PPL LOVE YOU...............1= NOT SO LOVED YOU SHOULD GET OUT OF TOWN2=SOME PPL LOVE YOU BUT NOT TO MANY3=PPL LIKE YOU4= PPL LOVE YOU5= DANG PPL ADORE YOU6= FREAKIN POPULAR

    17 years ago · Reply
  • CHAINS 301931808
    I hope that your workload has gone down a bit, Tracey....have a great week :DOf course we do....but we're a lot more civilized these days....lolborder="0"

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • CHAINS 301931808
    People come into your life for a REASON, a SEASON or a LIFETIME. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season . LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime. Send this to every friend that you have on-line, including the person who sent it to you. If you get: 0 Replies - you may need to work on your"people skills" 2 Replies - you are nice but probably need to be more outgoing 4 Replies - you have picked your friends well 6 Replies - you are downright popular 8 Replies or More - you are totally awesome (and that's probably why you're on MY list

    17 years ago · Reply
  • CHAINS 301931808
    member is @ work .. BBLSeptember 23, 2007 @ 10:29 amyou've been slapped on the ass.If you get 1-3 back then your Hot.4-6 ur sexy.....7-12 your ass is mine.....Start slapping

    17 years ago · Reply
  • CHAINS 301931808
    Have a great weekend Tracey :Dmyspace comments

    17 years ago · Reply
  • CHAINS 301931808
    Hope your team won, and your having a most excellent weekend, Tracey..:D

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ 931808
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThank you for stopping by to rate my photo.

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ 931808
    Sorry to leave you stranded in the Bahamas...

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ 931808
    Thanks for the add!

    17 years ago · Reply
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