47 Year Old
Invited by: Cherrybomb·
Joined on July 17, 2007
Born on September 11th
·22 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
My name is Jennifer. I am the proud mother of two wonderful boys. They are my Pride and Joy! I am recently Married to my best and oldest friend. I also have two stepchildren.
I am an Independent Business Associate of For Your Pleasure. Yes, That means I do "THOSE" parties! FYP is an in home adult novelty party. Those who hold parties earn FREE products while having a blast with thier friends. We have all types of parties, girls night out, co-ed, bachelorette, birthdays, anniversaries, divorces, anything you want to name it we can do it!
I am able to stay at home and raise my kids and still earn great money thanks to FYP. Take a look around my page and get in touch with me if you would like more information about hosting your own party or becoming a Consultant, LIKE ME!! . Everything is kept confidential. If you are interested in more information, send me a message or email me at Spicyromance4u@yahoo.com
or visit me on the web at
47 Year Old
Invited by: Cherrybomb·
Joined on July 17, 2007
Born on September 11th
·22 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
It's wond'rous what a hug can do. A hug cancheer you when you're blue. A hug can say,"I love you so" or,"Gee I hate to see you go". A hug is,"Welcome back again!" and"Great to see you!" or"Where've you been?"A hug can soothe a small child's pain and bring a rainbow after rain. The hug! There's just no doubt about it, we scarcely could survive without it. No longer do you have to worry, for a hug is the way to say"I'm sorry." A hug delights and warms and charms, it must be why we all have arms.Hugs are great for Fathers andMothers sweet for Sister, swellfor Brothers. Chances are somefavorite Aunts love them morethan potted plants. Kittenscrave them. Puppies love them.Heads of State are not abovethem.A hug can break thelanguage barrier and make thedullest day seem merrier. Noneed to fret about the store of'em. The more you give the morethere are of 'em. So stretchthose arms without delay, andGIVE SOMEONE A HUG TODAY!